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Helevos has two moons: Thea, a pink-white disc which passes through phases in the night sky, and Themsa, a bright discus-like moon that spins quickly through the night sky.


Thea is the larger moon, a disc about half the size of Earth's moon, and much less bright. It's surface coloration varies from grey to red ochre, giving Thea a pinkish light in the night sky.

Thea has long been the moon's official name, from the ancient Miyarrain. It also has many regional names, such as the Eye, the Red Moon, the Bloodmoon, or just simply the Moon.


Themsa is a small, silvery, potato-shaped moon that spins through the sky on it's long axis, like the hands of a clock - so much so that one rotation is the basis of an hour in the Hirèrk Moonscale.

The smaller second moon was almost certainly a large asteroid that narrowly avoided striking the surface, and instead was captured in orbit. Themsa has a large crater visible at one end, the result of an impact that set the moon spinning on it's vertical axis.


The small mass of the two moons creates only very small tidal influences on the planet, compared with the semi-annual cycle of storm tides.