
The Sarekéa [sa-ray-KAY-ah] are the “hill people” of the central uplands of Sensatard, the most northerly island of Anrel in the Natorn Archipelago. The Sarekéa are distinct from other Northlanders, with a distinct languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

List of human languages and dialects, contemporary and extinct.



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and rich culture.

Sensatardplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigSensatard (Category)

Articles related to the Kingdom of Sensatard in the Anrel Isles, commonly called Northland.

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This is in a series of articles about the Kingdom of Sensatardplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigKingdom of Sensatard

The Hexactic Kingdom of Sensatard is an island nation, the northernmost of the Anrel Isles and the northern tip of the Natorn Archipelago. Consequently it is colloquially called Northland, particularly by its inhabitants.


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  • Name: The Hexactic Kingdom of Sensatard; Northland
  • Government: Hexactic Kingdomplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHexact Doctrine

    The Hexact Doctrine is a philosophy of government developed in Anrel in the early 3rd century ME, with the aim of creating governments that benefited the health, wealth and wellbeing of its citizens. It is the model for many governments throughout the MEAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel
  • Ruler: King Mikothplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigKing Mikoth of Northland

    King Mikoth (1056 ME - present) is the current ruler of the Kingdom of Sensatard in the Anrel Isles, commonly called Northland.


    This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people.

    He was elected ruler at the age of 52, in 1108 ME. He is considered to be a fair minded, if dour and irascible king.
    of Northland
  • Capital: Trasteplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTraste

    Traste is the capital city of the Kingdom of Sensatard, also called Northland, being the most northerly of the Anrel Isles.


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    This is in a series of articles about the Anrel Isles, a significant archipelago in the Natorn Sea.

    stubs cities sensatard anrel ports capitals
  • Currency: Hexactic Almplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHexactic Alm

    The Hexactic Alm [ARM] is the official currency of the nations of Anrel, accepted throughout the Natorn Archipelago. An alm is worth six pins, and 24 alms are a crown.


    [ ]

    This is in a series of articles about money, currencies and finance.

    The alm originally a food token given to refugees during the Anrel
  • Foundation: 265 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigME

    ME is short for Modern Epoch, the modern method of numbering years.
  • Population: 1.6 million est.

According to oral history they are the descendants of Asokway migrants who first landed on the coast of Anrasard during the Beryl Epoch, circa 2800 BME. Fleeing persecution and fearing the rising sea, they migrated northward through central Anrasard, eventually settling in the safety of their holy mountains around the valley of Saréta.

The Sarekéa maintained an isolated existence for many centuries, continuing their traditions of fishing with small boats in the rivers and on Lake Otaran, trading woven cloth, ovorn skins and fine goods carved from horn and stone. In more recent centuries they have come into conflict with miners after the discovery of gold in the mountains. After a great deal of conflict, the King bestowed formal rights of self determination on the local people, allowing them to control the sale of mining rights to monopoly owners. As a result, the town of Sareta has become much larger and more prosperous.