Strait of Armets

The Strait of Armets or Armess, is a sea channel in the Anrel Isles, between the northerly island of Sensatard and the coast of Trésard. It is an economically important shipping link between the two capital cities of Traste and Por Muel. The strait is approximately 80 km in length and 5 km across at its narrowest point, though this narrows dramatically during storm tide season. Both shores have treacherous wave-cut platforms which are a hazard to shipping, and are littered with the bones of ships and men.

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helevos:anrel.png Hover/tap image to magnify | Go to world atlasplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Anrel Isles

[fmap-anrel_isles.png] * Zoom out * Sensatard * Trésard * Anret

Anrel Isles

Anrel [ANN-rel], or the Anrel Isles, is the most northerly island group in the Natorn Archipelago. It consists of three major islands and numerous smaller ones. The largest, colloquially if infrequently called Mainland, is divided between the kingdoms of

This is in a series of articles about the Anrel Islesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnrel Isles

Alternate name for Anrel.
, a significant archipelago in the Natorn Seaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNatorn Sea

The Natorn Sea is a region of oceanic ridge, separating the Polassirn Ocean and the Redeeming Ocean. Islands in the ridge form the Natorn Archipelago.


The name may be derived from ancient Ahngrit, meaning “near/of our birth”, referring to the legend of the Godmen in which humanity is said to have originated in region now lost beneath the sea. It also relates to the god

During storm tidesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigStorm tides

Storm tides are particularly high tides, often accompanied by storm surges and dangerous flooding, which occur on Helevos every 1.3 solar years when Helevos comes into conjunction with the giant planet Kwato'or. Storm tides are at their peak within a two week period, and at their most severe when accompanied by natural storms.
the channel becomes dangerous not only due to changing sea levels, but due to strong currents which tear through the strait. It is also generally hazardous during the winter months when storms easily drive unwary ships onto rocks.

The strait has three lighthouses for guiding shipping through the channel. For most of the winter, and during particularly dangerous times, the strait is considered “closed” to shipping, with the lighthouses show a red warning light.


The strait is more commonly called “Armets” in Sensatard, with “Armess” more popular in Trésard. The name is of disputed origin, possibly from an ancient word for “valley”, since the region was once above sea level.

According to folkloreplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigFolklore


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the strait was named for a Godman called Armets, who cracked the land in order to protect the northern people from southern aggression - an obvious nonsense since Sensatard remained connected to Mainland for many thousands of years after the time of the Godmenplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigGodmen

The Godmen were the mythical inhabitants of a landmass contiguous with the modern Natorn Archipelago, said to be the ancestors of all the Thalsic peoples of the northern Civilised World. In the Emerald Epoch they created the first great civilisation, referred to as the Realm of the Godmen. The Godmen are said to be mytho-historic, memories of an ancestor race shrouded by millennia of HartheraAnrelAnrelherherAnrelAnrel
. The myth gained popularity from the 8th century onward, when Sensatard became a separate kingdom from Trésard.