Thalsic music is the musical traditions of the Thalsic peoples, the predominant human population of the northern and eastern Civilised World. Thalsic music has many styles, but common factors included use of polyphony and diatonic scales. Classic Thalsic music is played on a combination of stringed and wind instruments, with percussion made from shells and shallow skin drums.
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Articles about the society and culture of Helevos, including arts and literature, poetry, food and drink, sports and games, languages and religions.
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This is a category of articles on Artsplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigArts
This is a category of articles on Arts, Music, Literature & Culture.
Articles related to visual arts, painting and sculpture.
cult1 topics, Musicplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMusic
Articles related to music, musical styles, theory, choral and instrumentation.
This is a category of articles on Arts, Music, Literature & Culture.
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Topics related to books, literature and writing.
Authors, poets and other writers
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Articles about the society and culture of Helevos, including arts and literature, poetry, food and drink, sports and games, languages and religions.
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