
Anásthias Anásthias Anásthias [a-NAS-thee-ass / ænæsθiːæs], or [an-ass-THEE-as] is an equatorial island continent, heart of the Civilised World. The north straddles the equator and is hot and humid, while most of the equatorial centre is an upland plateau with fertile river valleys, and stretches of arid plains and desert in the shadow of the mountains. The south is temperate but more wild, separated from the civilisations of the north by the almost impassable Harthera
North Pole North Pole The North Pole or Boreal region is an area of mountains and permanent ice on the supercontinent of Zahkdarret-Retzayk, extending roughly from 70-90 degrees north. The high mountains store vast amounts of ice, sufficient to reduce Helevos's sea level in cooler viridvirid
Retzayk Retzayk Retzayk is a long, narrow continent approximately 4500 km east of Anásthias, separated from it by the Redeeming Ocean. It extends from the North Pole, crossing the equator and deep into the southern hemisphere. retzayk Eastern continent of Retzayk According to contemporary geography, Retzayk is believed to be one of the Anásthiasviridviridvirid
South Pole South Pole The South Pole region consists of a permanent cap of ice covering sea, numerous islands and one large island continent, mostly concealed within a pack of sea ice which encompasses latitudes from roughly 75°C to the pole. The ice also encompasses the southern tip of the continent of
The Icerealm The Icerealm The Icerealm is the traditional name for the frozen lands to the north of the Civilised World, one of the Edge Lands that surrounds the known world. The arctic region is in fact part of the continent of Zahkdarret. In Anrel, “The Ice Realm” is also a name for the mythic land of
Vulimé Vulimé Vulimé, or Voulimay (in Mayápo), is an island continent far to the south and east of Anásthias, more than 10,000km distant. The continent stretches 8400km from 25°S to 75°S , from subtropical forest in the north to icey tundra in the south. vulime Geologically it was once connected to
Zahkdarret Zahkdarret Zahkdarret is the largest continent of Helevos, encompassing most of the western hemisphere to the west and north of Anásthias. North polar projection of the Zahkdarret-Retzayk landmass, showing the average range of north polar ice In Mayapo it means “
Zahkdarret-Retzayk Zahkdarret-Retzayk Zahkdarret-Retzayk is a supercontinental landmass consisting of Zahkdarret, Retzayk and the island continent Zetahburook. This contiguous landmass covers most of the northern hemisphere. North polar projection of the Zahkdarret-Retzayk landmass, showing the average range of north polar ice
Zetahburook Zetahburook Zetahburook [zeh-TAH-boo-rook] is a large island continent to the west of Zahkdarret, approximately 9000 km east-west and 8500 km north-south. It forms part of the Zahkdarret-Retzayk supercontinent. Zetahburook is mostly hot, wet and low-lying, covered in virid jungle and swamp, dotted with hundreds of lakes and several huge inland seas. The three largest bodies of fresh water in the world are found on this continent.