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Emperor-General Ollilontan | Emperor-General Ollilontan Emperor-General Machellen Ollilontan (c.3 BME-58 ME) was an author, artist, and the last Emperor-General of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. He rallied the remaining forces of the empire to briefly rout the Mother Army, after the collapse of the last imperial dynasty. His leadership was the final flowering of EnSanni arts and culture, which ended with his death.TheristMEMEMEMEMEHartheran |
Kethelay | Kethelay Kethelay (Hartraan kethilee, Reidan ketilly) is a style of music played with pipes and drums. It originates with the folk music of the Gobalay people of northern Ororr, but spread to the Empire of Dor-en-Sann as courtly dance music. Culture This is a category of articles on Arts, Music, Literature & Culture. Classic kethelay is now a quaint and old fashioned style, but has gained something of a modern revival through composers of classical |
Melismatics | Melismatics The Melismatics were a sect of Therist mystics in the 2nd century ME who sought spiritual enlightenment through the musical recitation of holy texts. Though their beliefs were not heretical, their desire to live apart and achieve direct communication with the Mother Goddess was seen as schismatic by the Church-State. TheristTheristME |
Onutas | Onutas Trers Onutas is renowned as one of the greatest composers of late Ensanni classical music, particularly noted for his operas, such as “The Tears of Lilire” and “Gelle”. Culture This is a category of articles on Arts, Music, Literature & Culture. people men opera music |
Opera | Opera Opera is a art form combining theatre with music sung by the actors as means of conveying emotion and continuing the narrative. Many archaic historic societies combined music with drama, but the modern opera tradition has its origins in the final century of the |
Sonoré Calvatti | Sonoré Calvatti Sonore Calvatti was a 9th century singer, musician and composer. She created a huge number of musical works, particularly choral music such as oratorios setting secular poetry to music, as well as liturgical works for the Heterodox Church. Culture This is a category of articles on |
Stone (music) | Stone (music) Stone, also called Litho, is a form of percussive popular dance music originating in the city of Beyan in the Anrel Isles. Culture This is a category of articles on Arts, Music, Literature & Culture. It originally involved banging implements or instruments against the stone walls and pillars of dancehall caves in the Underton district in the depths of the city, with the acoustic echoes creating complex layered rhythms. Litho is particularly associated with youth culture, and… |
Thalsic music | Thalsic music Thalsic music is the musical traditions of the Thalsic peoples, the predominant human population of the northern and eastern Civilised World. Thalsic music has many styles, but common factors included use of polyphony and diatonic scales. Classic Thalsic music is played on a combination of stringed and wind instruments, with percussion made from shells and shallow skin drums. |
The Faithless Vulture | The Faithless Vulture The Faithless Vulture, subtitled “A comedy of tragic ends”, is an opera written by the last Ensanni Emperor, Ollilontan. It is his longest and most controversial work, a thinly veiled parody of the rise of Therion, the Great Prophet of the Therist religion. To modern Therist |
Therist music | Therist music Therist music is the liturgical music of the Mother Church of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of Ororr. Modern Therist music is non-lexical or “mouth music”, using humming and non-verbal vocalisation creating a rich soundscape. Liturgical composers and performers incorporate the sounds of nature such as animals calls, or imitation of wind, waves and water. |