
Important articles

Aego Gastrinimer Aego Gastrinimer Aego Gastrinimer (c. 311-254 BME), was a renowned navigator, explorer, merchantman, privateer and prestigious Cartographer-Royal to the Court of Sann'al. He produced the first great world map of the modern era, based on his supposed circumnavigation of the continent of AnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthias
Anrel Aristocracy Anrel Aristocracy The Anrel Isles are governed by a class collectively called the Grafen or Graves, individually given the courtesy title Graf. Leaders of towns, cities, and even nations are drawn from this class. Traditionally, leaders are selected by will of the populace, based on their personal qualities and family merits, according to the traditional honour system of Anrel
Anrel Isles Anrel Isles Anrel [ANN-rel], or the Anrel Isles, is the most northerly island group in the Natorn Archipelago. It consists of three major islands and numerous smaller ones. The largest, colloquially if infrequently called Mainland, is divided between the kingdoms of Trésard and Narette. The island
Battle of Four Kingdoms Battle of Four Kingdoms The Battle of Four Kingdoms (35 ME), also called The Field of Maiúnla Diëlmes [may-UHN-la dee-EL-mez], was a pivotal military campaign in the history of the island of Besoa, culminating in an all-out battle between its historic Four Kingdoms. Its brutal aftermath led to the fall of the kingdoms of
Candlenut Candlenut Candlenuts are the fruit of a virid shrub, whose oil is used for lighting, a variety of domestic and industrial uses, and refined for human consumption. Candlenut bushes are native to southern Otekahré, Munatan and the virid jungles of southwestern Ororr, where they form part of the staple diet.viridvirid
Chíou Chíou Chíou [CHEE-oo], from the Mayápo tsee'oo, is a ball game played with a leather bladder traditionally stuffed with feathers. Sports This is in a series of articles on Games and Sports. The game is believed to have been invented in Miyarris, though it may even predate this society. It was spread by Miyarrain diaspora and is now popular
Civilised World Civilised World The Civilised World refers to the known regions of human civilisation, notably the continent of Anásthias, the Natorn Archipelago and surrounding islands. Gastrinimer's 3rd century BME Map of the World, showing Anásthias and the Natorn Isles. Note: old maps place north to the right.AnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthias
Drort Drort Drort are domestic animals found throughout Anásthias, seen pulling wagons and every type of commercial and domestic conveyance. Unusually for domestic livestock they are virid creatures, omnivorous and unusually tolerant to green grazing, nibbling virid weeds and pests common in roadsides and hedgerows. They are rarely seen in virid
Elementals Elementals Elementals are esoteric beings found throughout Helevos. In various cultures they have been called spirits, daimons, eridai or jinna. In their natural state they are invisible, drawing energy from the natural environment and have limited interaction with the physical world. Millennia ago humans learned to harness elementals and instruct them to perform seemingly miraculous tasks, calling this magicmagicmagic
Empire of Dor-en-Sann Empire of Dor-en-Sann The Empire of Dor-en-Sann, [DOORR-enn-SAHN] also called the EnSanni Empire, was the largest empire in history. It dominated central Anásthias for nearly two thousand years, from 1903 BME, until the conquest of Galkesh in 59 ME. The empire consisted of hundreds of ethnic groups and cultures, its people were collectively called the MEOrorrHMOrorrHMHartheraME
Foratuna Foratuna The Sanctuary of Foratuna [Fo-Rah-Too-Nah] is the holiest site of the Mother Church of Ororr: the desert place where the Great Prophet built his sanctuary tower, in which he formulated the principles of the new religion, and laid the foundations for the Ororran state. The Sanctuary is a complex of religious buildings and housing for the priesthood, including a great hall and holy circle or greenmagicmagic
Godsboard Godsboard Godsboard is a gambling dice game, popular in taverns, wine shops and gaming houses in Anrel and throughout the Natorn Archipelago. Sports This is in a series of articles on Games and Sports. Game Board The game is typically played with six-sided dice, on a god-board, a circle divided into eight equal divisions. Each division is assigned to one of the eight principal
Harthera Harthera The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
Junda Isles Junda Isles The Junda Isles [JUN-der] are an island group off the northeast coast of Harthera, traditionally inhabited by the Junda people, and now part of the Hartheran cordrome of Perudd and the Isles. The group consists of six large islands and dozens of smaller ones, each with their own dialect and cultural variations.HartheranHartheran
Kingdom of Sensatard Kingdom of Sensatard The Hexactic Kingdom of Sensatard is an island nation, the northernmost of the Anrel Isles and the northern tip of the Natorn Archipelago. Consequently it is colloquially called Northland, particularly by its inhabitants. Sensatard This is in a series of articles about the
Luminate Luminate Luminates are individuals with the rare ability to form a mental connection with an elemental. This can happen unconsciously and without training, making such connections potentially dangerous if the elemental carries out the violent subconscious desires of a child, rather than the conscious will of a trained
Manok Manok Manok (arch. Menioq) is a small island 1100 km west of mainland Anrel. It is a regular stopping port for the trade between Anrel, Vetth and Ororr, particularly for hardy traders willing to risk heavy open seas rather than risking the coast of Harthera. Trade routes Manok is part of a direct trade route between the AnrellanguagegreengreengreengreengreenAnrel
Miyarris Miyarris Miyarris [mee-YA-riss], (also Miarris, from Mayápo Mayarous) was a hugely influential ancient civilisation located which flourished during the Celadon Epoch, from 4000-3000 BME. It is considered the first great civilisation in history since the the mythic Godmen. Ancient Miyarris BMElanguagelanguagelanguageAnásthiasEloyounlanguagelanguagelanguage
Modern Epoch (ME) Modern Epoch (ME) The Modern Calendar is a dating system acknowledged throughout the Civilised World. It numbers years from the Modern Epoch, abbreviated ME and BME (Before Modern Epoch). It is also called the Modern Era. Calendar This is in a series of articles about calendars and dating systems.OrorrHartheraHMOrorrHartheraOrorrOrorrHMHartheraHMHartheraOrorr
Old Man of Niseq Old Man of Niseq The Old Man of Niseq, sometimes called the Old Man of Seqal, is a distinctive natural rock formation in the Kalkot Gorge, at the confluence of the Red and Green branches of the River Wiyel, near the town of Niseq, 60 km south of the city of Seqal. Weathering of the rock face has created what appears to be the sleeping face of an old man, with a downturned mouth, beard and closed eyes. The effect is enhanced by scrubby
Paguel Paguel Paguel [pa-GOO-el] is a city at the southern end of Lake Anlutu in the Triminot region of central Ororr, about 200km south of Remel. Due to its position on marshy ground where the River Wiyel flows into the lake, the city has been flooded and even destroyed many times in its history.
Sea of Grace Sea of Grace The Sea of Grace (Pelasj Grasja in Hespor) lies off the southern coast of Munatan. The sea is relatively shallow continental, shelf surrounded by the Great Urash Ocean. It is rich in greenfish and seagreens, making it an important food resource for the coastal populations of Hesjbagaaia, Chosilha and Veedormim. It is unusually warm for its latitude, benefiting from equatorial currents which sweep around the southwest coast of
The Faithless Vulture The Faithless Vulture The Faithless Vulture, subtitled “A comedy of tragic ends”, is an opera written by the last Ensanni Emperor, Ollilontan. It is his longest and most controversial work, a thinly veiled parody of the rise of Therion, the Great Prophet of the Therist religion. To modern Therist
The Obverse The Obverse The Obverse is the opposite side of the globe to the Civilised World. It is largely unknown to the peoples of the Civilised World, and consequently subject to folklore, myth and speculative theories. The most prominent of these is the Duospherical theory. It proposes that the Obverse is the physical inverse of the Civilised WorldCivilised Worldvirid
The Spines The Spines The Spines is an island chain in the Natorn Archipelago, linking the Anrel Isles in the north with Besoa in the south. The islands are the “backbone” of the archipelago. With their geology of grey and white basalt rock, many of the islands are said to resemble gnarled bones, rising out of the sea. Local AnrelAnrelHartheran
The Tirennion The Tirennion The Tirennion is an epic saga which outlines the legendary history and origins of humanity, from the creation of the universe, the mutual destruction of the ancient first gods who created mankind, and the descent of the Godmen to the world, from whom all mankind is descended. The work is most known in the
Vahltor Vahltor Vahltor is the capital city of Harthera (also: Vultor, Vuhltore; archaic names: Biyahl, Bahl Dorr, Buldoya). It is one of the grandest, wealthiest and most powerful cities in the world, but its surrounding walls limit the city's expansion, creating cramped streets, oppressive towers, poor housing, poverty, disease and squalor in its poorest quarters. It is colloquially known as BMEBMEHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheranHarther…
Vetthi Republic Vetthi Republic The Vetthi Republic is a prosperous island nation which plays a crucial role in trade and international affairs. Its position in the Vetthi Sea north of Ororr makes it a strategic trade hub between Anrel, Harthera and Ororr. * Name: The Vetthi Republic * Government:OrorrHartheraOrorrOrorrviridviridOrorrOrorrOrorrTheristepochsvirid