The Anrel Isles has a rich polytheistic philosophy that sees the world as inhabited by many gods and willful spirits. They view all world religions as valid, but believe gods are tied to certain lands and places. Deities can therefore have separate or even conflicting mythologies, but these are accepted because they are the story of that particular deity. Gods, being non-human, can be capricious and irrational, and their followers adopt a pragmatic attitude to worship. Prayer …
Godsboard is a gambling dice game, popular in taverns, wine shops and gaming houses in Anrel and throughout the Natorn Archipelago.
This is in a series of articles on Games and Sports.
Game Board
The game is typically played with six-sided dice, on a god-board, a circle divided into eight equal divisions. Each division is assigned to one of the eight principal
Rand is a fortified hill city in the central plains of Narette. It was the only major settlement in the plains not destroyed during the Long War, despite multiple assaults and seiges. It owes its survival to its position on a hill with unusually strong walls. During the war the outer city was sacked many times, the surviving inhabitants rebuilding their lives within the safety of the citadel.