Gamanang was the greatest of the Dromean philosophers. He was born in 264 BME in the town of Sejenganeng in central Munatan. Little is known about his background, but he studied Plosi astromancy at the school in Sjil. This laid the foundations for his philisophical journey.
Plós [pl-OH-s, pl'əʊ̯s] is a nation in central Munatan, centred around Lake Plós. It is bordered by Inkusjezepa and Schai-dam.
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This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias.
In the Beryl Epoch Plós was an ancient philosopher-oligarchy which once exercised great influence on the region, both culturally and politically, despite never having great military strength. Instead its lea…