
Taigálu [tay-GAL-oo] was the capital city of the ancient empire of Traithe. The city's precise location is uncertain, since the region was lost beneath rising seas millennia ago. However it is thought to have been somewhere north of what is now the Perudd peninsula of northeastern Hartheraplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
, on the coast of a bay contiguous with the modern Junda Sea.

helevos/taigalu.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 08:53 by Robert How · []