The Torror Circular is a weekly national newspaper in Ororr, featuring news and official government announcements. It was established relatively recently in 1087 ME, modelled after Hartheran newspapers, particularly The Register. The Circular is a reference to the Ororr
Torroramâi (also Tororr, T'amai, [tɔ-ROR-ah-MAH-ee, or simply “The Capital”) is the administrative and religious capital of the modern nation-state of Ororr.
This is in a series of articles about Torroramai, capital city of the nation of Ororr.viridviridOrorrOrorrviridviridgreenvirid
Torroramâi (also Tororr, T'amai, [tɔ-ROR-ah-MAH-ee, or simply “The Capital”) is the administrative and religious capital of the modern nation-state of Ororr.
This is in a series of articles about viridviridOrorrOrorrviridviridgreenvirid