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- Cronox Systemplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigCronox System
Planets of the Cronox-Cordes system
Terrestrial planets of Cordes, to scale
Position of Cronox in Syndicate space
Cronox [CRON-ox] is a S-type detached-binary star system consisting of the stars 1GD.Pa-Cordes and 1GD.Pb-Arjos. The two orbit a common barycenter at a sufficient distance for each to have its own independent planetary system. The two stars' orbital planes are at 83 degree angle from each other, which suggests that the two stars originally formed independently o… - ====== Cronox System ====== <WRAP box right 350px> {{:astronomy:cordes_system.png?350|}} Planets of the ... ng?350|}} Position of Cronox in Syndicate space </WRAP> **Cronox** [//CRON-ox//] is a [[http://en.wikip
- Nomezplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNomez
Nomez [NOM-ez] is a heavy, dense planet orbiting closest to the sun Cordes, in the Cronox System.
Its surface is molten and constantly active, almost half of its surface being a sea of liquid sulphur and mineral salts. It has a toxic atmosphere of gaseous chlorine, bromine, sulphur, and phosphorus belched from the ever-active volcanoes, with clouds of light metals like lead and arsenic. This atmosphere is constantly eroded away by solar wind, leaving a glowing, flare-like trail in … - ====== Nomez ====== <WRAP box right 350px> {{:1gd:nomez.png?350|}} {{:astronomy:cordes_system.png?350|}} </WRAP> **Nomez** [//NOM-ez//] is a heavy, dense planet
- Ma'agahplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMa'agah
Ma'agah (1GD.Pa9) is the ninth, outermost planet of the star Cordes in the Cronox System. It is a small, cold, dark world of rock and ice with an elliptical orbit, with the planet being pulled towards the binary star Arjos. At aphelion it is twice as far from the sun as at perihelion. - ====== Ma'agah ====== <WRAP box right 350px> {{:1gd:maagah.png?345|}} {{:astronomy:cordes_system.png?345|}} </WRAP> **Ma'agah** (1GD.Pa9) is the ninth, outermost pl
- Ahtreyplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAhtrey
Ahtrey is a small terrestrial world, second planet of the star Cordes in the Cronox System.
The surface is mottled green-brown, pocked with crater lakes and shallow, mineral-rich seas thick with mats of simple protozoa. The seas are transient, depending on season and seismic activity. - ====== Ahtrey ====== <WRAP box right 355px> {{:1gd:ahtrey.png?350|}} {{:astronomy:cordes_system.png?350|}} </WRAP> **Ahtrey** is a small terrestrial world, second