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- Bantmitual (planet)plugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBantmitual (planet)
Bantmitual, also called Bandar Prime, is the principle inhabited planet of the Bandar System. It is the homeworld of the bandar, a highly advanced yet retiring tetrapodal species who are spacefaring, but have never ventured much beyond their home system. - who are spacefaring, but have never ventured much beyond their home system. {{ :astronomy:bantmitual.p... ow continental shelf with only 30% of the surface being deep abyssal ocean. The pressure of the ocean ... uatorial bulge, making the temperature difference between polar and equatorial regions more extreme. ... in specialised polar retreats, considering it to be a spiritual experience. The majority of the plan
- Hyperdriveplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHyperdrive
Most modern interstellar space travel is achieved using variations on the tachyon transference drive (TTD), variously called the tachyon drive or hyperdrive. This circumvents the laws of mass and energy by “flipping” a vessel travelling at speeds approaching the speed of light into tachyonic particles. These particles have no mass in the convention sense, as they are incapable of interacting with sub-luminal matter. They also travel at the speed of light within their own point of … - jective shipboard time is the same as if they had been travelling at the speed of light between two points. However, because of the backward loop, they in fact arrive in normal space at a poi... rmal sea level. In a TTD, the tachyon burst must be configured precisely with the distance of the jum
- Ra and Ratérplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigRa and Ratér
Ra (RAH) and Ratér (rah-TAIR) are mutually-orbiting binary planets in the Cronox System. The two are both marginal for human life but were settled many millennia ago. Rivalry and conflict between the two throughout their history laid the foundation for a series of accords for mutual co-operation, which was the foundation for the - settled many millennia ago. Rivalry and conflict between the two throughout their history laid the fo... y formed in the early solar system by a collision between two large proto-planetary bodies. The impact... wins have significant tidal effects on each other because of their size and close orbit, which makes them both more seismically active than would be normal for their small size, and contributes to t
- Bandar (non-humanoid species)plugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBandar (non-humanoid species)
The bandar are a highly advanced non-humanoid civilisation native to the heavy gravity world, Bantmitual. Though gregarious amongst their own kind and having advanced technological abilities, few bandar leave their world of birth, and no bandar has ever left their home system. They give their name to the - cial bigotry amongst Bandar, but this has largely been relegated to history. Their brain stem is at ... ery solar year. There is little sexual dimorphism between those in a male and female cycle, although males tend to be more aggressive with a thicker hide and more pron... e and social circumstances, though bandar tend to be female in youth, progress to male as young adults
- Meseriond crystalplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMeseriond crystal
Meseriond is a synthetic crystal with almost total internal refraction, used to store information. They are particularly used to transport highly sensitive information which must not be intercepted.
During final processing of the crystal, a stream of data is injected, whilst simulataneously finalising the properties of the crystal so that it infinitely refracts within the crystal structure. The data is held within the crystal as a static stream. The data can only be retrieved… - sport highly sensitive information which must not be intercepted. During final processing of the crys... the crystal as a static stream. The data can only be retrieved by introducing a flaw in the crystal, w... ses the data stream. Data from a crystal can only be read once, and once read, it is impossible reinje... which, when it arrives intact, the recipient can be absolutely certain it has not been seen by anyone
- Nomezplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNomez
Nomez [NOM-ez] is a heavy, dense planet orbiting closest to the sun Cordes, in the Cronox System.
Its surface is molten and constantly active, almost half of its surface being a sea of liquid sulphur and mineral salts. It has a toxic atmosphere of gaseous chlorine, bromine, sulphur, and phosphorus belched from the ever-active volcanoes, with clouds of light metals like lead and arsenic. This atmosphere is constantly eroded away by solar wind, leaving a glowing, flare-like trail in … - and constantly active, almost half of its surface being a sea of liquid sulphur and mineral salts. It ... aseous chlorine, bromine, sulphur, and phosphorus belched from the ever-active volcanoes, with clouds ... g liquid sulphur onto the land. Tops of mountains become consequently encrusted yellow with sulphur "i... e night sky of [[helevos:helevos|Helevos]] it can be seen as a smudged yellow-orange star, best seen a
- Kwato'orplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigKwato'or
Kwato’or (KWAT-oh-oor) is the six planet of Cordes in the Cronox System.
It is a gas supergiant, violent and beautiful, with titanic eternal storm systems coloured white and all shades from pale lilac to deep purple. It is a true giant, approximately 2.4 Jovian masses, so big that it causes the - ox System]]. It is a gas supergiant, violent and beautiful, with titanic eternal storm systems colour... ner and outer solar system, with planetary orbits being inclined slightly towards it. On Helevos it ca... tem of rock and ice, which is not dense enough to be visible from the inner worlds. Most of its moons... are no official Syndicate colonies, particularly because the violent electromagnetic emissions from t
- Bandar Gulfplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBandar Gulf
The Bandar Gulf is a region of nearly empty space between two strands of the local galactic arm, about 40 light years at its widest point, and nearly 100 light years long. The only star in this void is the sun of the Bandar System, home to the bandar race, a highly advanced and cultured race who have never ventured beyond their home system, despite having the ability to do so. - **Bandar Gulf** is a region of nearly empty space between two strands of the local galactic arm, about... dvanced and cultured race who have never ventured beyond their home system, despite having the ability... orists have speculated that the entire gulf might be an artificial tear in space, deliberately intende
- Do'ahplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigDo'ah
Do’ah (DOE-ah) is a small, lilac-white gas giant, the eighth planet of the star Cordes in the Cronox System. It is much smaller than its huge and tempestuous brother Kwato'or (0.26 Jovian-masses).
Do'ah is most likely the only survivor of a number of medium-sized gas world that once circled Cordes, the others having been sucked into the hungry maw of Kwato’or. The planet has storm belts, but since Do'ah is relatively cool, they are simple convection storms coloured blue, red and purple… - world that once circled Cordes, the others having been sucked into the hungry maw of Kwato’or. The planet has storm belts, but since Do'ah is relatively cool, they are ... d purple. It has a double-ring system, the inner being separated from the outer by the three largest
- Official Naming Conventionplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOfficial Naming Convention
Official Naming Conventions are common interstellar agreements about the naming of stars, systems and planets. Planetary names in particular can be highly politicised, because long-established worlds may have a variety of local names used by different groups or nations, names applied to them by other planets in the same system, and yet other names applied by cultures in distant systems or by colonial powers. - ms and planets. Planetary names in particular can be highly politicised, because long-established worlds may have a variety of local names used by differe
- Bandar Systemplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBandar System
The Bandar system is an isolated solar system in the midst of the Bandar Gulf, an empty region of space approximately 40 LY across. Its single star is an orange subgiant.
Astrography of the Gamma Delta Quadrant
This is in a series of articles about stars, planets, civilisations and technologies of the wider - icial structures. Virtually the entire system has been reshaped and remodelled by bandar technology. ... ney to other stars. However, representatives from beyond have visited Bantmitual on special arrangemen
- Ma'agahplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMa'agah
Ma'agah (1GD.Pa9) is the ninth, outermost planet of the star Cordes in the Cronox System. It is a small, cold, dark world of rock and ice with an elliptical orbit, with the planet being pulled towards the binary star Arjos. At aphelion it is twice as far from the sun as at perihelion. - and ice with an elliptical orbit, with the planet being pulled towards the binary star Arjos. At aphel... It is unusually dense for an outer-system body, being a mixture of black iron rock and ice, both wat
- Cronoxi Syndicateplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigCronoxi Syndicate
The Cronoxi Syndicate is political and trade alliance of various worlds and polities in the Gamma Delta quadrant. Worlds within the syndicate are sovereign and self-governing, but agree to standards of peace and liberty, open trade and mutual defence. - rade and mutual defence. {{page>infobox:1gd}} It began as a body to regulate trade and diplomatic relationships between the twin worlds of [[Ra and Ratér]] in the [
- Cronox Systemplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigCronox System
Planets of the Cronox-Cordes system
Terrestrial planets of Cordes, to scale
Position of Cronox in Syndicate space
Cronox [CRON-ox] is a S-type detached-binary star system consisting of the stars 1GD.Pa-Cordes and 1GD.Pb-Arjos. The two orbit a common barycenter at a sufficient distance for each to have its own independent planetary system. The two stars' orbital planes are at 83 degree angle from each other, which suggests that the two stars originally formed independently o… - riginally formed independently of each other, but began to orbit each other early in their history. T
- The Naetherplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Naether
The Naether is a spatial, or perhaps interspatial region between branes. It is technically a null region of zero energy, but in practice its null-space oscillates in multiple planes, generating strange matter that constantly appears and disappears in waves, creating erratic flows of light, gravity and radiation. - ther is a spatial, or perhaps interspatial region between branes. It is technically a null region of z