Planets of the Cronox-Cordes system
Terrestrial planets of Cordes, to scale
Position of Cronox in Syndicate space
Cronox [CRON-ox] is a S-type detached-binary star system consisting of the stars 1GD.Pa-Cordes and 1GD.Pb-Arjos. The two orbit a common barycenter at a sufficient distance for each to have its own independent planetary system. The two stars' orbital planes are at 83 degree angle from each other, which suggests that the two stars originally formed independently of each other, but began to orbit each other early in their history.
The system has numerous spacefaring societies, planets, moons and orbital structures, forming a mutual alliance called the Cronoxi Syndicate. Of the two, Arjos is the most heavily populated and advanced, having five times the population of Cordes.
Cordes is a G-type main sequence star with nine planets.
Arjos [ARR-yoss] is a hotter F-type star with eight planets. The Syndicate uses the following official naming convention to reflect common and local names. For example, Arjos-1 is called Unus on Litalyoum (the capital world), but Samab locally.