
Ma'agah (1GD.Pa9) is the ninth, outermost planet of the star Cordes in the Cronox System. It is a small, cold, dark world of rock and ice with an elliptical orbit, with the planet being pulled towards the binary star Arjos. At aphelion it is twice as far from the sun as at perihelion.

It is unusually dense for an outer-system body, being a mixture of black iron rock and ice, both water and gaesous ice. Its erratic orbit suggest it was formed closer to its sun and thrown into the outer system at some point in its formation.

Its surface suggests that the core is occasionally subjected to warming, possibly by gravitational effects. Most of the surface is ice many kilometres thick, but some areas are clear of ice, with gaseous atmosphere forming in pools in the ice.

1gd/maagah.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/17 14:02 (external edit) · []