Central Priests-Militant College

The Central Priests-Militant College is an academic institution and regulatory body for all priests-militant of the Church-State or Ororr. It occupies an ornate and imposing building in the Holy City in the city of Torroramai, the capital of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage

Organisations & Institutionsplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrganisations & Institutions

List of organisations related to business, arts, science and government.

Organisations & Institutions

This is in a series of articles on institutions and organisations, including education, religion and government.




Other organisations

topics cult1

This is in a series of articles on institutions and organisationsplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrganisations & Institutions

List of organisations related to business, arts, science and government.

Organisations & Institutions

This is in a series of articles on institutions and organisations, including education, religion and government.




Other organisations

topics cult1
, including education, religion and government.

It was originally a college for training functionaries of the Ororran state, but now mainly operates as the coordinating authority for hundreds of subsidiary schools and universities throughout Ororr. It sets and publishes approved texts, regulates examinations, bestows awards and qualifications, and acts in a disciplinary capacity for those who fail to live up to the standards of the Church-State.