Ororr (Category)

Articles related to the Anasthian nation of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage

Agann Agann Agann [a-GAN] is the capital city of of Tofá province in southwestern Ororr, as well as capital of the Gildon autonomous region. Historically it was the city of Gannalesj or New Galkesh, the capital of the Ennseperan Empire. As such it has seen revolts and rebellions many times, and is the focus of heavy presence by Ororran priest-militants.Ororr
Ancient Remel Ancient Remel Ancient Remel was one of the great powers of the ancient world. The city-state grew rich from controlling trade on River Wiyel, fed by fertile riverlands of the Triminot valley. The city's rich culture, complex religion and multiplicity of gods was a significant influence on the later BME
Ancient Toborr Ancient Toborr Ancient Toborr was one of the powers of the ancient world, a city-state and maritime empire centred on the island city of Toborr. Despite losing its empire to more aggressive neighbours, Toborr survived as a self-governing entity for an incredibly long period of history, from it's foundation circa 2900 BMEBMEBME
Apple Blossom Pandata Apple Blossom Pandata The Apple Blossom Pandata is a grand Therist temple or pandata in Delán, the capital city of the autonomous region of Deltirot in southeastern Ororr. Its roof is enamelled in blue with panels of white and pink, representing apple blossoms, since it is set in a garden of ornamental apple trees which flourish in the temperate climate.Ororr
Architecture in Ororr Architecture in Ororr Architecture in Ororr has been an important cultural force in the theocratic nation of Ororr. It was particularly so in the early days of the nation, when the disciples of the Great Prophet were establishing new church-state institutions in opposition to the imperial bureaucracy and diverse religions.
Arms of Foratuna Arms of Foratuna The Arms of Foratuna are the priesthood of the Mother Church of Ororr, based at the holy citadel of Foratuna. Typically this means the Meisinn and Messek, the supreme spiritual arms of the church said to be in direct communication with the Mother. They do not play an active role in governance, but their opinion on spiritual matters is decisive and they effectively have the ability to veto any policy considered OrorrOrorr
Ashera Ashera Ashera is the ancient Gaal mother goddess, who under the Empire of Dor-en-Sann became chief of the many faces of the Mother of All Aspects. Ashera remained the figurehead of the Imperial Cult within the ancient church, her devotees being called Asherites. Since the founding of Ororr there have been repeated scares of shadowy figures in the
Ayetua Ayetua Ayetua [ay-YEH-too-ah] is a port city on the arid reaches of the Red Wiyel in Ororr, famed as the terminus for galleys travelling upriver on the Shouft or Great Pilgrimage of the Therist faith. Despite its proximity to the holy sites of Foratuna, it is a dry, drab and dusty settlement, used only as a waystation for the unceasing movement of pilgrims.
Banin Banin The banin [ban-in or ban-EEN] is a long, short-sleeved or sleeveless tunic common throughout Ororr. Clothing This is in a series of articles on Clothing and textiles. It is typically cut to just above the wearer's knee, and closely fitted, originally to avoid wasting cloth. Simple versions are one piece and pulled over the head, with a square-cut neck, and made of simple dyed or coloured fabric. Today the banin is more commonly made of embroidered or otherwise decorated fabric and w…
Battle of Meldaoun Battle of Meldaoun The Battle of Meldaoun [MEL-da-oon] (58 ME) (sometimes called Menvin Bridge) was the final decisive victory for Ororran forces fighting the remnant army of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. Menvin Bridge was a crossing point into the old Imperial heartlands in the town of Meldaoun, defended by the massed forces of the old Empire. The defeat was the end of any organised imperial resistance, and led to the death of the last Emperor-General,
Besan Besan The besan [BESS-un] is the currency of Ororr, struck as rounded rectangular coins. In everyday parlance a besan is called a dam. Money [ ] This is in a series of articles about money, currencies and finance. One besan is subdivided into eight melea, with one melea divided into eight
Binitarian Heresy Binitarian Heresy Binitarianism, often called the Binitarian or Dualist Heresy is a belief within the Mother Church of Ororr that the Prophet Therion is also a god, husband to the Mother and equal to her. This belief is denied by the Church and by the writings of the Prophet himself, but it is a persistent folk belief in TherionherOrorrOrorr
Blood Honey Blood Honey Blood honey, or tejhosan from the Othei language, is a rich red honey-like food harvested from secretions of virid fire ants. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Fire ants are viricrustaceans native to the equatorial regions and plains of Anásthias, particularly the dry plains of western central
Blue Wiyel Blue Wiyel The Blue Wiyel is the western of the three great tributaries of the Great Wiyel, where it divides below Seqal. rivers ororr deltirot
Bronze Bridge (Toborr) Bronze Bridge (Toborr) The Bronze Bridge, also called the Long Bridge, is the longest bridge in the world, connecting the island city of Toborr with the mainland. It is 384 metres in length, consisting of 26 arches with a maximum arch height of 18 metres. The two widest spans allow even the largest ships to pass through to enter the ports of
Cadalese language Cadalese language Cadalese is a Jorothi language, spoken in the Cadal province of northwestern Ororr. Cadalese has numerous dialects due to the many small and isolated settlements on the Cadal Peninsula. Though the basic vocabulary is the same, some accents are so extreme that they are barely intelligible to other speakers.
Cadál Cadál Cadál [ka-DAL] is the most northwesterly province of Ororr, part of the autonomous region of Moritarr. The province is contiguous with Cadál Peninsula, a body of land surrounded by water. Cape Cadál is the very northern tip of the peninsula. In practice the three names are often used interchangeably. The province is extremely isolated, notorious for piracy, poverty, and sinister religious practices.Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage
Cape Narlorn Cape Narlorn Cape Narlorn is a peninsula in the Narlorn province of northwestern Ororr. The terrain is rugged and rocky with thin soils, exposed to winds and storms from the Vesmien Ocean. Consequently it has little habitation. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Catáos Catáos Catáos [cat-AY-oss] is a small but wealthy city in Deltirot, famous for the Cataos Falls, the most impressive waterfalls in Ororr, which form a natural barrier between the autonomous regions of Deltirot and Dunasanin. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Cavankeen Cavankeen Cavankeen [CAV-an-keen] is a port city in Ororr, in the province of Cavann. Due to its relative closeness to the border with Harthera, the city has a significant Iskean-ethnic population, and has been the subject of revolts and attacks by Hartheran nationalists. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Cavann Cavann Cavann [ka-VAN] is a border province of northeastern Ororr, much of it consisting of green forest and virid jungle, in the foothills of the Dun Jaen mountains. During the modern epoch parts of the coast and outlying islands were settled by Iskean peoples including Junda, leading to border disputes and naval encounters with Ororr
Central Priests-Militant College Central Priests-Militant College The Central Priests-Militant College is an academic institution and regulatory body for all priests-militant of the Church-State or Ororr. It occupies an ornate and imposing building in the Holy City in the city of Torroramai, the capital of Ororr. Organisations & Institutions Ororr
Chasun Chasun Chasun (CHA-suhn, also cha-SOON) is a tea blend common in Ororr, often drunk socially and in communal rituals at the local Therist community temple. Chasun is made from a mixture of dried ground leaves, including some sharp virid leaves which give a mildly stimulant or euphoric effect.
Cheemun Cheemun Cheemun is a bitter-sweet alcoholic drink produced in Cavann province in Ororr. It is made with a secret blend of herbs and virid plant roots, giving a slightly fiery bitter flavour. Its virid chemistry is said to give the drink extra euphoric effects. It is particularly associated with the drinking and dancing culture of the city of
Chiamai University Chiamai University Chiamai University in the city of Torroramai, is the pre-eminent centre of research, learning and higher education in Ororr. It was established in 531 ME to provide a wider range of subjects than that provided by Church Schools and the Central Priests-Militant College. Chiamai University is viewed with suspicion by civil conservatives as a hotbed of dangerous new ideas, but has been accepted as necessary to the future of the nation.
Cinnabar Sea Cinnabar Sea The Cinnabar Sea is a gulf in the Vesmien Ocean, off the western coast of Ororr. It is named for the reddish rocks of the Cinnabar Coast, in the provinces of Tushal and Milu. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Dalaut Dalaut Dalaut [dal-AH-oot] is a city in the autonomous region of Deltirot in southern Ororr. It is a prosperous trading port on the Green Wiyel, surrounded by agricultural plains and a vibrant hub of food exports. The city's hinterland is famous for its herds of livestock, producing meat, leather, and cheese. Historically the city had a rough frontier reputation, but in the last century wealthy merchants vied to build parks and monuments as a legacy to their families. Ororr
Daltirich Daltirich Daltirich [dal-TEE-rich] (also Daaltirich) is a language spoken in Deltirot, the southeastern region of Ororr. The modern language reflects the region's mix of people over time, being at heart a Li-Bam language with strong Issid influence. It has large vocabularly of Mayápo words for cultural concepts and languagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage
Deltirot Deltirot Deltirot (also arch. Deltiriot) is one of the six self-governing regions of modern Ororr, occupying the southeastern corner of the country. It is bounded by mountains on three sides: the Dun Trisan to the east, the Dun Jaen to the south, and the Vildon Mountains to the west. To the north are the Riverlands of Seqal, the Ororr
Deltirot (Category) Deltirot (Category) Articles related to the Autonomous Region of Deltirot, one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government:
Delán Delán Delán (de-LAN, from Daltirich Dalítlan, dal-IT-lan) is the capital of Deltirot, one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr. It is the largest and most prosperous city in the region, a centre for trade, industry and Daltirich culture. The city lies on the Green Wiyel, the central tributary of
Desert bread Desert bread Desert bread is a type of flatbread consumed in Mangasor and surrounding arid provinces of central Ororr. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Traditionally it is made from a mixture of doughberry flour and powdered balbal root, mixed either with water or balbal milk and left to leaven with wild yeasts. The bread is cooked on a hot flat rock taken from a camp fire. Desert bread for travelling was baked once, then twice more in hot coals to dry …
Dirroum Dirroum The dirroum was the historic currency unit of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. Various attempts were made to reform or rename the currency, but the name has remained due to practicality. Money [ ] This is in a series of articles about money, currencies and finance. ororr dor-en-sann currency
Doroun people Doroun people The Doroun people today refers to the inhabitants of central Ororr, who speak Doroun as their first language. The Doroun people today are a panethnicity, composed of many historic ethnic groups united by a common language and the religion of the Mother Church. The Doroun heartland is the region of language
Dromond Dromond Dromonds are heavy war galleys, principally used for by the Ororran military for coastal defence. They were the pre-eminent warships of earlier times, but today are considered unwieldly and archaic. Dromonds have small sails but are primarily powered by oarsmen. As such they can be fast and manoeuvrable, and can be armed both with formidable
Dunasanin Dunasanin Dunasanin [doo-nah-SAH-neen] is one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr. It is the central and most heavily populated region. Geographically it encompasses the enormous drainage basin of the River Wiyel, from the deserts of Sekalkot in the south, the Siltorn Hills in the west, down to the sea at OrorrOrorr
Dunasanin (Category) Dunasanin (Category) Articles related to the Autonomous Region of Dunasanin, the most populous of the six regions of Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Déor Déor Déor [DAY-or] is a prosperous city on the River Nurallons in western Ororr, capital of the region of Moritarr. It was the first major city to be conquered by the Mother Army in 33 ME and formed the first capital of the new church and state, hence the region sometimes being known as OrorrOrorr
Ecumenical Bank of Ororr Ecumenical Bank of Ororr The Ecumenical Bank, often called the Shouft Bank, is the official church-state bank of Ororr. It acts as a central bank for all state finances, holding funds for governmental spending and regional disbursements, as well as holding funds and credit for businesses and private citizens. It had its origins in providing money services for travellers on the great Ororr
Eidolons of Seqal Eidolons of Seqal The Eidolons of the Goddess, commonly called the Eidolons of Seqal, are a triptych of ancient statues carved into the rocky riverside at the city of Seqal in Ororr. The figures are a renowned symbol of the city, being the first thing seen by visitors travelling upriver to the city. green
Feman Feman Feman [feh-MANN] is an inland province in the Gildon region of southwestern Ororr. The land is relatively arid with thin soil, so the region is sparsely populated. It was once entirely virid scrubland which was cleared, but proved unsuitable for agriculture, leaving it a patchwork of Ororr
Firewine Firewine Firewine (Othei tejhomedu) is a potent honey wine with mildly narcotic effects, distilled from the honey of Ororran fire ants. It was traditionally made by the Othei people as their most valued trade good, traded to Seqal and the Issid cities of the River Wiyel, where it was consumed in temple rituals.
Fiss Fiss Fiss is a city in Tulf Jhaena province in southeastern Ororr. It lies on marshy stretch of the Red Wiyel, and is known as the Reed City, a reference to Taslamac, the much wealthier Red City downriver. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Foratuna Foratuna The Sanctuary of Foratuna [Fo-Rah-Too-Nah] is the holiest site of the Mother Church of Ororr: the desert place where the Great Prophet built his sanctuary tower, in which he formulated the principles of the new religion, and laid the foundations for the Ororran state. The Sanctuary is a complex of religious buildings and housing for the priesthood, including a great hall and holy circle or greenmagicmagic
Gaal Empire Gaal Empire The Gaal Empire (c.2400-2055 BME) was the cultural and military hegemony of the Gaal people, whose capital was Gaalkedch in what is now northern Ororr. The Gaal Empire lasted five centuries, steadily accumulating territory and wealth, until it was taken over in a military coup by BME
Gahsk Gahsk Gahsk (also Gazask) is a city in the Gaskanin region of eastern Ororr. It lies on a hill close to where the Gahsk River flows out of Lake Trazámske, historically a highly defensible location with access to the area's abundant natural resources such as fish, timber and minerals. The city was an ancient centre of civilisation, but its remote and isolated location has kept the city prosperous but still relatively small.Ororr
Gahsk River Gahsk River The Gahsk River flows from Lake Trazamske in eastern Ororr, a majority tributary of the River Garn. The Gahsk is fast flowing and not easily navigable. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
Galkesh Galkesh The modern city of Galkesh [GAL-kesh, g'alkeʃ] is capital of the Gaskanin region of northeastern Ororr, and of Galkesh province. In ancient times it was Gaalkedch [nGAHL-kedge-sh, ɣɑːːɫkeʒʃ], centre of the first Gaal Empire, and later the holy metropolis of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrME
Galkesh Province Galkesh Province Galkesh Province is a province of northwestern Ororr, named its capital, the historic city of Galkesh. The central region is lush green temperate highlands, in ancient times the home of the Gaal people. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Gallivat Gallivat Gallivats are relatively small ships used around the coast of Ororr, for coastal defence and transportation. They have both sails and oars, usually with three sails. Gallivats are an evolution of common small fishing vessels. Technology This is in a series of articles on machinery, artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and other
Gamiri Gamiri The Gamiri, sometimes called the Nonarchy or The Nine (Takita), are the nine executive leaders of the Ororran church-state. Each leader or Gamiro is responsible for a department of government, and may only hold that role for one year. Individuals can therefore stay in power for up to nine years by occupying all seats. Ororr
Gaskan Gaskan Gaskan is the southernmost province in the region of Gaskanin in Ororr. The province is reliant on trade via the River Dor which is the main route of communication. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Ororr
Gaskanin Gaskanin Gaskanin is one of the six regions of Ororr, occupying the northeastern part of the country. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Gaskanin (Category) Gaskanin (Category) Articles related to the Autonomous Region of Gaskanin in northeastern Ororr. topics regions ororr
Gebay Gebay Gebay is a northern province of Ororr, occupying the Gebay Peninsula. The region is hot and moist with scraps of virid coastline and jungle, with a low population density and no major cities. Its only importance is strategic, given it is the nearest point of the mainland to the
Geraltin Geraltin Geraltin is a province in the Moritarr region of northwest Ororr. Its low-lying coast is sparsely inhabited due to sucking sands, treacherous rocks and thick virid swamps of dragora trees, subject to regular devastating inundations by storm tides. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororrviridviridvirid
Gildon Gildon Gildon [GIL-don] is one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr encompassing the southwest of the country. Its capital is the fortified city of Agann, roughly 500 km from the modern border with Hesjbagaaia. Historically the region was called Vildon. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorrviridviridBME
Gildon (Category) Gildon (Category) Topics related to the Gildon Autonomous Region of southwestern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic * Capital: Torroramai * Foundation: 52
Gobalay language Gobalay language Insular Gobalay is the ancestral language of the Gobalay people, in the Gorval province of modern Ororr. Insular Gobalay is an Issid language with some mutual intelligibility with Vetthi. Most people today in Gorval speak the common Doroun tongue of Ororr, though native speakers remain in remote and isolated villages far from the cities.
Gobalay People Gobalay People The Gobalay are an Issid-ethnic people who inhabit the Gorval Peninsula of modern Ororr. Lowland Gobalay people in the south of the peninsula are mixed with Gaal, Doroun and other ethnic groups of Ororr, but Insular Gobalay, the people of the far northern and upland regions still have a significantly pure Gobalay population. All speak local variants of Ororr
Gorval Gorval Gorval, also called Gobal, is the most northerly province of the region of Gaskanin in northeastern Ororr, occupying the Gorval Peninsula and its hinterland. Its people are traditionally called the Gobalay. The province consists of rugged coastline with hundreds of rocky islands, and uplands with an ancient Ororr
Gorval Peninsula Gorval Peninsula Gorval Peninsula is a large peninsula in Gorval province in northeastern Ororr. It is roughly 250 km wide and 350 km north-south, with a rugged coastline and an interior of hills and uplands. Its traditional inhabitants are the Gobalay. The area's largest city is the port of Ororr
Great Prophet Therion Great Prophet Therion The Great Prophet Therion (c.30 BME - ?62 ME), often simply called the Great Prophet, was the founder of the Mother Church and nation state of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of TherionTheristTherion
Green Wiyel Green Wiyel The Green Wiyel is one of the three branches of the River Wiyel in southern Ororr, flowing through the green uplands of Deltirot. In Deltirot it is called the River Tire or Tee in the north or Tro in the southern dialect. The Green Wiyel is technically the main course of the Great Wiyel, since its source is the most distant, in the
Gulf of Wiyel Gulf of Wiyel The Gulf of Wiyel is an arm of the Polassirn Ocean in the north of Anásthias. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic * Capital: Torroramai *
Guree Isles Guree Isles The Guree Isles are a group of islands off the coast of the Gebay Pensinsula in northern Ororr. The closest is only 4 km from the mainland. These rocky isles have a small population but are a rich source of greenfish, which are dried and salted before being shipped inland. There is a Gebaylan tradition for labourers from the mainland to travel to the islands to help with the fish harvest, in the months before the
Gyeiladde Gyeiladde Gyeiladde, also called Sarvildon, is a province in the Gildot region of southwestern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Hidden Cities Hidden Cities The Hidden Cities is a historic term for the part-subterranean cities of the Kalkot Gorge, particularly Seqal, Sopeq and Sequb. The cities were originally built in caves and hollows in the karst rock of the steep-sided river valley, so they were entirely hidden from sight to travellers journeying across the plains above. In modern times the gorge is much more cluttered and the cities far larger, mainly built on the plains above with only the docks areas being next to the river.
Hiereme Hiereme A hiereme is a large naval vessel used by the Ororrans as the foremost naval weapon for defending their coast. Military This is in a series of articles on Armies, Navies and Military subjects. Hieremes are essentially naval artillery platforms used to launch attacks against invaders, while smaller ships move in to engage. Most are double-hulled catamarans, with the largest being trimarans, with ballistae and other artillery mounted on their single large deck. Their great size make…
Ifrit Ifrit Ifrit are malevolent or capricious nature spirits in the culture of Ororr and the historic Occident. Folklore This is in a series of articles about oral traditions, tales, folk practices, and folklore. Ifrit are seen in nature as dust-devils, sudden gusts of wind that blow grit in the eyes, or other unusual natural phenomena. Freak accidents and unlucky incidents are also believed to be the work of ifrit. In modern
Initerer Initerer Initerer is the capital of the Siltorn region of northwest Ororr, historically the capital of the Siltorn Republic. It is located on the northern shore of Lake Initerer, surrounded by hills and rich temperate farmland. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Issid Stone Gods Issid Stone Gods The ancient Issid people had an animist faith, believing that spirits resided in the air and in certain rocks and holy places. They particularly revered certain shaped stones and rocks, leaving offerings and performing rituals. Belief This is in a series of articles about Ororr
Jade Flower Temple Jade Flower Temple The Jade Flower Temple is a Therist pandata at the city of Seqal in Ororr. It sits on the rocky promontory above the famous Eidolons of Seqal, a landmark well known to travellers and pilgrims along the River Wiyel. At night it is lit with brasiers so its green glow is visible from a great distance.greenTherist
Jikitorr Jikitorr Jikitorr is a prosperous trading city near the junction of the River Wiyel and the River Dor in central Ororr. It is commonly called the Flower City due to its streets of scented flowering trees, and the abundance of its market gardens. Jikitorr is famed for its annual flower festival in early summer. Jikitorr is a centre of Doroun culture, arts and literature.OrorrOrorr
Jora River Jora River The Jora River is a major river in Tofá province of southwestern Ororr. It is navigable for a stretch of nearly 800 km, and serves as a major trade route between the port of Jorapor on the coast, and the provincial capital of Agann far inland. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Jorapor Jorapor Jorapor is a port city in Tofá province in the Gildon region off southwestern Ororr. It is situated at the mouth of the Jora River, and is the main trade port for the province. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Jorothi Jorothi The Jorothi are a Thalsic ethnic group native to northwestern Anásthias. The ancestors of the Jorothi spread westward along the coast of modern Ororr in the 10th century BME during the Jade Epoch. A second wave followed the fall of the Issid Block States in the 7th century BME. Ethnicity ethnicity This is in a series of articles about
Jé Gamel Jé Gamel Jé Gamel [JAY gah-MELL] is an important port city in Gorval province in the northeast of Ororr. It is a strategically important naval port, guarding the coast of the Iskean Sea. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Kalkot Gorge Kalkot Gorge The Kalkot Gorge is a reach of the River Wiyel in Sekalkot province in central Ororr. Over millions of year the river has carved a deep channel into the surrounding karst rock, creating a high-sided gorge stretching hundreds of kilometres through an otherwise arid landscape.
Kikeht Kikeht Kikeht [kee-KEHt is a traditional spirit from Gorval, brewed then distilled from the juice of limeta fruit. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Kikeht has a sharp bitter flavour and is traditionally drunk neat, though in the cities of the River Wiyel it is more often diluted in iced sugar-water where it forms a cloudy pink drink. Kikeht is one of the most profitable exports of Gorval province.
Kokant Road Kokant Road The Kokant Road is an important infrastructure link between the cities of Kokant in Taur-dji-oum, and Trokaid in southern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government:
Kourvay Kourvay The Kourvay is a philosophy of healthy eating, movement and exercise practised by the Mother Church of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of Ororr. It is based on a pre-Therionic tradition that was adopted and widened in the light of the Prophet’s encouragement of personal discipline, health and fitness amongst his followers.  The system classifies foods into four categories, se…
Krikaré Krikaré The Krikaré [kree-KAR-ray], also called the Kritarchy or House of Elders, is the legislative body of the church-state of Ororr. It enacts all laws and regulations both spiritual and temporal, regarding the administration of the church and the nation. Members have the courtesy title
Lake Initerer Lake Initerer Lake Initerer [i-ni-TEH-reh] is a large body of freshwater in the Siltorn highlands of northwestern Ororr, the largest lake in Ororr and the second largest in the Civilised World, after Lake Beikid. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Ororr
Lake Niqar Lake Niqar Lake Niqar is a lake in southern central Ororr. Its waters are shallow and marshy with shifting mud flats rich with virid life, making it a treacherous hazard to boats. Historically its maze of mud banks made it a barrier, and it still marks the boundary between the Ororr
Lake Tio Lake Tio Lake Tio [TEEE-yoh] is a large body of freshwater in Tekon province in Ororr. It is 178 km in length, and forms a flooded section of the Blue Wiyel river. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
Lake Trazamske Lake Trazamske Lake Trazámske [tra-ZAM-skay] is a very long, cold freshwater lake in the highlands of eastern Ororr. The lake lies at an elevation of 2200m, and is 220 km long from end to end. The lake is a flooded glacial river family, blocked at its lower end by the rocky detritus ploughed up by an enormous ancient glacier. The lake is formed of three lobes, separated by relatively narrow channels a few kilometres wide.Ororr
Lasfasep Lasfasep Lasfasep is a port city in Tofá province in southwestern Ororr, a strategically important city 50 km from the border with Hesjbagaaia, and important for local trade. It is famed for being the most distant Ororran city from the capital Torroramai, 3800 km. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Lerít Lerít Lerit [leh-RITT] is a city in the Gildon autonomous region of southwestern Ororr, capital of Meral province. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Limeta Limeta The limeta is a virid tree which grows in the tropical regions, particularly in northern and coastal Anásthias. The fruits are round with dark green leathery skin and distinctive red flesh. They are one of the few virid fruits grown for human consumption, havin a sweet and distinctively acrid taste. virid
Maiyenet Maiyenet Maiyenet is an island 120 km from the north coast of Ororr, halfway between the mainland and Vetth, and 100 km northwest of the Guree Isles. It is claimed by Ororr, but its small population has little contact with the mainland and has closer economic ties to the OrorrOrorr
Mangasor Mangasor Mangasor, [mang-GAS-orr, maŋga'sɔ̝ːɾ)] (arch. Mangasuor) also called the Mangasor Desert, is a Special Autonomous Region in central Ororr. It is a mainly arid region with no permanent surface water, a landscape of rocky plains, dusty dunes and dry lake beds. At the heart of the desert is the holy site of viridgreenTherist
Mangasor (Category) Mangasor (Category) Articles about the Special Administration Region of Ororr, a region of the nation of Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Marat Marat Marat is a city in Gyeiladde province, in the Gildon region of Ororr. It is a port on the River Sargil, centre for the trade in agricultural products and timber from plantations in the surrounding temperate foothills of the Dun Trisan. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorrOrorr
Melej Melej Melej [MEL-ej, mel-ESJ] is a major city on the River Sargil in the jungles of Gyeiladde province in southwestern Ororr. It was constructed in the 6th century ME as a colonial outpost of the Kingdom of Deltirot, and later became a stronghold of the United Duchies of Vildon during its period of independence from Deltirot.Ororr
Meral Meral Merál [meh-RAL] is a province of the Gildon autonomous region of southwestern Ororr. Its capital is Lerit. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Milu Milu Milu is a coastal province in the Gildon region of southwestern Ororr. It is the most isolated and sparsely inhabited province of Ororr, consisting of arid hills and fishing villages with no significant cities. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Moritarr Moritarr Moritarr is one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr, in the northwest of the country. It is sometimes referred to as Old Ororr since the conquests of the Great Prophet's Mother Army began in this region, though strictly this was limited to the provinces of Narlorn and Vosharn. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororrviridviridgreen
Moritarr (Category) Moritarr (Category) Articles related to Moritarr, the autonomous region of northwestern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic * Capital
Mother Army Mother Army The Mother Army was the unstoppable zealot army forged by the Great Prophet Therion, which swept across northwest Anásthias, toppling the Empire of Dor-en-Sann to found the modern nation of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of
Mother Church of Ororr (Therism) Mother Church of Ororr (Therism) The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher
Narlorn Narlorn Narlorn is a province of the region of Moritarr in Ororr. It is centred on the fertile valley of the River Nurallons. Its capital is the city of Déor. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
National Convocation of Ororr National Convocation of Ororr The National Convocation is the supreme legislative body of the church-state of Ororr, composed of all three branches of governance: the Krikaré or Elders, the Gamiri or Nine Leaders, and the Meisinn, the Twelve chief priests. Governance This is in a series of articles on
National Pandata (Torroramai ) National Pandata (Torroramai ) The National Pandata, also called the Golden Tree Pandata or the “Gold Lilly Pandata” is one of the most important religious buildings in the city of Torroramai, capital city of Ororr. It was constructed in the 5th century, and is one of the largest religous buildings in the world.Ororr
Nesh Gobá Nesh Gobá Nesh Gobá [nesh go-BA] is a city in Gorval province in Ororr. Today it is a fairly small market city, but it is the historic cultural capital of the Gobalay people. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Niqarit Niqarit Niqarit [NIQ-a-rit] is a city in the Sekalkot province of central Ororr. It is an agrarian market city sitting in a loop of the Blue Wiyel. It was founded as a farming colony supplying vital food and natural materials to the ancient Kingdom of Seqal. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Niseq Niseq Niseq is a town perched on the vertiginous cliffs of the River Wiyel in the Sekalkot Province of central Ororr. The town is rough and unremarkable, notable only for its proximity to the so-called Old Man of Niseq, a natural rock formation at the confluence of the Red and Green branches of the Wiyel. Ororr
Ororr Ororr Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage
Ororran Calendar Ororran Calendar The Ororran Calendar or Years of the Mother (MY) was for two centuries the official calendar of the church-state of Ororr, until it was replaced by the Modern Epoch. The Ororran Calendar was a revised form of the old EnSanni Imperial Calendar, except that it began a new count of years dating from the official founding of the Ororran state by the MEMEME
Ororran cuisine Ororran cuisine Ororran cuisine is the cuisine of the nation of Ororr. Ororr is a vast nation with many different climates, ingredients and cultures, but in general Ororran cuisine is typified by its gentle but pervasive use of spices like tida, and extensive use of vegetables and fruits.Ororr
Orthein Orthein Orthein is a province of the Dunasanin autonomous region of central Ororr. It mainly consists of flat green grasslands and rolling hills, called the Othei Plains. It has few towns and villages, mainly inhabited by ovor herders and nomadic Othei people. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Othei People Othei People The Othei [oth-AY-ee] (also Outhai, plural Othein) are a Manthi-ethnic people indigenous to the Othei Plains of western Ororr. Ethnicity ethnicity This is in a series of articles about anthropology, ethnicity and race. They were traditionally a nomadic people subsisting on herds of semi-wild aurox, organised into numerous clan groups. After the annexation of their land by
Othei Plains Othei Plains The Othei Plains [oth-AY-ee] (also Outhai Plains) is a wide region of green grassland with patches of virid scrubland lying between the Blue Wiyel and the southern Siltorn Hills. The region is named for the nomadic Othei people who were and remain the principle inhabitants of the region.Ororr
Paguel Paguel Paguel [pa-GOO-el] is a city at the southern end of Lake Anlutu in the Triminot region of central Ororr, about 200km south of Remel. Due to its position on marshy ground where the River Wiyel flows into the lake, the city has been flooded and even destroyed many times in its history.
Penithelarn Penithelarn Penithelarn [PEN-ee-THEL-ahn] is a major port city in western Ororr, chief trading port of the autonomous region of Moritarr. It is located on the estuary of the River Nurallons, where it flows into the Sea of Grief. It trades particularly in bulk produce like grain and other foodstuffs produced in the fertile Nurallons valley.Ororr
Priests-militant Priests-militant Priests-militants (Doroun ondobowiz [ON-doh-bweez], war-priest) are the rank and file priesthood of Ororr's theocratic government, the Mother Church. Anyone wanting a career in any branch of the church is trained as a priest-militant, an education which is equal parts theology, governance and military training. They then go on to specialise in one of the arms of the church, joining one of many career paths in government, civic administration, military, or pastoral care.
Protected Treasures Protected Treasures In Ororr, the Protected Treasures are a number of historic monuments, artefacts and religious sites which have been preserved under a special protective status, despite their pagan or prehistoric origins. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Puotti Puotti Puotti [poo-UH-tee] is a dish made from fine doughberry flour, mixed with water and stretched until it becomes elastic and almost rubbery. Puotti is a staple of Jorothi cuisine, eaten particularly in the arid parts of central and western Ororr, where it is not only eaten as a starch, but used as a utensil to pick up roast meat in particular from a communal plate.
Red Wiyel Red Wiyel The Red Wiyel is the eastern of the three southern branches of the River Wiyel. The name refers to the dry, red-toned desert valley through which it flows, as well as it being the traditional source of red jade, an important commodity in prehistory.
Remel Remel Remel [rem-ELL] is a major city on the River Wiyel in Ororr, situated between the Triminot Lakes. The region is wealthy and one of the most densely populated regions of the civilised world, being a major centre for agriculture, trade and manufacturing. Historically it was the capital of the powerful city-state of Ororrher
River Dor River Dor The River Dor is a tributary of the River Wiyel, with a catchment area encompassing much of eastern Ororr. Throughout history it has been an important route for trade and communication, allowing the passage of people and merchandise between the Wiyel Basin and the eastern provinces of
River Garn River Garn The River Garn is a river in eastern Ororr, flowing from the hills and mountains of eastern Ororr into the Wiyel and thence to the sea. Though in a strict geographic sense the Garn is a tributary of the River Wiyel, by convention the Garn flows into the much shorter Ororr
River Jincen River Jincen The River Jincen [JIN-sen] is a tributary of the Green Wiyel (or the Tor as it is known locally), in the south of the nation of Ororr. It flows from the foothills of the mountains to the east, joining with the Wiyel at the city of Trobrailat. The Jincen is fast-flowing and not navigable.
River Nioca River Nioca The Nioca (also Nioqa) is a minor tributary of the River Wiyel, flowing through the city of Torroramai, the capital of Ororr. It is a major thoroughfare of the city, a natural loop in the river forming what is now the Holy City. Torroramai This is in a series of articles about
River Nurallons River Nurallons The Nurallons, (also called the Narl), is the principle river of the Moritarr autonomous region of northwestern Ororr. Its valley drains the western watershed of the Siltorn Hills, flowing westwards through Narlorn province into the Sea of Grief. The city of Penithelarn is the principle port at the river mouth.Ororr
River Orl River Orl The Orl is the last major tributary of the River Wiyel, joining it a mere 90km before it reaches the sea. The Orl flows from the eastern uplands in Gaskanin to join the Great Wiyel, but has numerous cataracts making it not easily navigable. Since the founding of
River Preot River Preot The Preot [PREE-ot] is a tributary of the Green Wiyel in the Deltirot region of Ororr. It joins the Green Wiyel above the city of Cataos, feeding the considerable water flow of the Cataos Falls. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
River Prindal River Prindal The Prindal is a river in the Galkesh Province of northeastern Ororr. It flows from its source in the uplands above the city of Galkesh, over the Prindal Falls into the valley below, and thence north to the sea. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
River Sargil River Sargil The Sargil, also called the Vildon, is the greatest river in southwestern Ororr. It flows 2500km from the foothills of the Dun Trisan mountains, through the region of Gildon to the lowland plains of Meral and thence to the Umber Sea. Its watershed is the main boundary of OrorrOrorr
River States River States The River States describes the region of principalities, city states and tribal communes along the Blue Wiyel from around 2000 to 1400 BME, now part of the Deltirot region of Ororr. Though an anachronism, the term is still sometimes used to describe the region, particularly to distinguish it from the more urbanised region of the Deltirot Plateau, sometimes called Old Deltirot.
River Tire River Tire The River Tire is the Deltirot name for the reach of the Green Wiyel, extending from the Catáos Falls to its source in the southern mountains. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr *
River Wiyel River Wiyel The River Wiyel or Weil [WILE, WAH-yil] in Ororr is the longest river in the Civilised World. The Wiyel Basin drains two thirds of modern Ororr, running over 5000 km from its source in the southern Dun Trisan mountains, flowing northwards to the sea. Names As the river is so long it has been known by many names by different civilisations throughout history. 'Wiel' is the name used during the time of the GreenOrorr
Roaring Man Roaring Man The “Roaring Man” was the traditional protector-god of Toborr, from the Beryl Epoch until the Siege of Toborr. Originally he was fire god of the Issid tribe who settled here, protector of home and hearth. In a marshy estuary environment where every day was a struggle against water, a fire god was in opposition to the aquatic element, provider of warmth, dryness, light, food and defence. In the
Sakunut Sakunut Sakunut ([SAK-oo-noot], also called Moromo in Doroun) is a city on the River Wiyel in central Ororr. The surrounding region is noted for its agricultural produce, particularly fruits and grains which are vital for feeding the nation's capital, Torroramai. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Sandsteak Sandsteak Sandsteak is a plant-based food eaten by nomadic peoples in desert regions of central Ororr and western Otekahré. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Sandsteak is prepared from the bracteate virispurge cactus, a globular virid plant found in very arid climates.
Sanein Sanein Sanein is the capital city of Cavann province of northeastern Ororr. In ancient times it was the most easterly city of the Gaal Empire, and an important trade hub with the eastern provinces. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. OrorrOrorr
Sea of Grief Sea of Grief Sea of Grief lies alongside the region of Moritarr in northwestern Ororr, between Cape Cadal and Cape Narlorn. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Sekalkot Sekalkot Sekaltot [se-KAL-tot] is a province in central Ororr in the central region of Dunasanin. Its capital city is Seqot. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Sekalkot (category) Sekalkot (category) Articles relating to Sekalkot province, in the southern Dunasanin region of Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic * Capital
Seqaal Seqaal Seqaal or Seqaalqun is the foremost surviving language of the Issid language family, spoken primarily in the Sekalkot province of central Ororr. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. The language has existed in various forms for at least four thousand years, descending from the early tongues of the languagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage
Seqal Seqal Seqal is a historic city in Ororr, at the confluence of two tributaries of the River Wiyel. The ancient city was cut into the rock between the two rivers, making it one of the “Hidden Cities” that were mainly underground. Today the majority of the population live in New Seqal, built on the river bank a little downriver from the Old City.Ororr
Seqot Seqot Seqot is a city in Sekalkot province the Dunasanin autonomous region of central Ororr. The city lies in a curve of the River Wiyel called the Seqotri Bend, 100 km southeast of the city of Seqal. It sits on alluvial plains and is surrounded by farmland, irrigated by canals and traditionally an important source of agricultural produce for the region. The city is connected to the Ororr
Sequb Sequb Sequb is a town in the Kalkot Gorge region of central Ororr. It is one of the traditional Hidden Cities of Kalkot, since many dwellings are cut into the steep walls of the gorge. It was a prosperous city in antiquity but inability to expand has made it little more than a sleepy backwater today, an overnight stopping point for pilgrim boats on the
Shaddock Shaddock The shaddock (also shaduq, sjaduk) is a large fleshy, juicy fruit, yellow or red in colour, eaten whole or squeezed for its juice. Shaduq are intensively grown in the region of Remel and other parts of central Ororr. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about
Shouft Shouft The Shouft, also called the Path of the Prophet or the Great Pilgrimage, is a religious journey to the holy shrine of Foratuna in Ororr. It is a key element of Therist religious practice, a spiritual journey visiting sites of religious significance. The devout wishing spiritual enrichment, or sinners or criminals wishing to make restitution, follow the route the Ororrgreengreen
Siege of Toborr Siege of Toborr The ancient port city of Toborr was laid siege to many times throughout its history, but the Siege of Toborr generally refers to the only successful siege and conquest of the city, led by the Great Prophet Therion. History This is in a series of articles about history conflicts toborr ororr therism wip
Silt River Silt River The Silt River, also called the Tsilt or the Ebrayin, is a major tributary of the River Wiyel, with its source in the Siltorn region of northwestern Ororr. Waters flow from the Siltorn Hills into Lake Initerer. The Silt River exits the lake, flowing east and joining the
Siltorn Siltorn Siltorn is a region of Ororr, contiguous with the historic Siltorn Republic. Its capital is Initerer. Siltorn is a temperate upland region of rolling hills, surrounded by mountains. In ancient times the region was cleared of virid jungle and settled to create a rich green landscape of farms and woodland. Many small city states and polities arose, forming the Siltorn Republic in 2080
Siltorn (category) Siltorn (category) Articles related to the Siltorn province of the Dunasanin region of Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic * Capital: Torroramai *
Siltorn Canal Siltorn Canal The Siltorn Canal in Ororr is a pioneering system of canals and locks which links the heartlands of the Wiyel Basin with the northwestern provinces, which are otherwise isolated by the Siltorn Highlands. The key link in the network is a series of canal tunnels running through the mountains, raising barges and lowering them to the far side. The Siltorn Canal is a critical link in OrorrOrorr
Siltorn Republic Siltorn Republic The Siltorn Republic was a longstanding historic nation state in the uplands of northwestern Anásthias, enduring from its foundation in 2380 BME to it's absorption into the Mother State of Ororr in 96 ME. Empire of Dor-en-Sann This is in a series of articles about the historic multi-ethnic state, the MEMEOrorr
Sineratot Sineratot Sineratot is a major city in the region of Deltirot in Ororr. It is at the heart of Deltirot's grain belt, surrounded by rich farmland. cities ororr
Sjatusousj-datoosouj Sjatusousj-datoosouj Sjatusousj-datoosouj [SZAT-oo-sooj DAT-oo-sooj], or sjatuj for short, is a type of word play relying on puns, reversion and double meaning to comic and satirical ends. It was popularised in the culture of the Ennseperan Empire, but derives from similar wordplay found in the
Sopeq Sopeq Sopeq is a prosperous city on the River Wiyel in Ororr, about 100 km north of Seqal. Sopeq was founded as one of the northernmost colonies of the Kingdom of Seqal, but has long eclipsed its ancient progenitor. Though Sopeq is much larger, for historic reasons Seqal remains the official capital of the province. In the Ororr
Soumism Soumism Soumism is a schismatic doctrine in the Mother Church of Ororr, which historically led to violent rebellion in parts of the nation. Soumism is the belief that only priests who lead a pure blameless life can commune with the Goddess, or have any true claim to authority in the church state. Any policy decisions made by impure church leaders are therefore invalid. This goes against existing church doctrine that all officials of the church are part of the priesthood, from soliders to nation…
Stone (music) Stone (music) Stone, also called Litho, is a form of percussive popular dance music originating in the city of Beyan in the Anrel Isles. Culture This is a category of articles on Arts, Music, Literature & Culture. It originally involved banging implements or instruments against the stone walls and pillars of dancehall caves in the Underton district in the depths of the city, with the acoustic echoes creating complex layered rhythms. Litho is particularly associated with youth culture, and…
Taslamac Taslamac Taslamac [tass-LAM-ack], colloquially called the Red City, is a city in in southern Ororr, on the north bank of the Red Wiyel. It is in the Mangasor Special Autonomous Region, benefiting from relatively low regional taxes and regulation. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Tekon Tekon Tekon is a province of the Deltirot region of southern Ororr, centred around the valley of the Blue Wiyel. Tekon is a wet and sparsely inhabited land of lakes, swamps rivers, forests and mountains. [Ororr] History The Tekonet or Tekon civilisation was an ancient stone age culture centred around
The Beast and the Lillies The Beast and the Lillies The Beast and the Lillies, also called Therion and the Changer, is an Occidental folk tale. Though an ancient tale it was used by opponents of the Mother Church in Ororr to satirise the Great Prophet of Ororr. As such the tale has at times been considered blasphemous.herTherionOrorr
The Just Realm The Just Realm The Just Realm is a philosophical and political work written by the Prophet Therion. It outlines a moral and judicial framework for a fair and equitable nation state, with principles of rule of law, equity, and the importance of balancing strong national government with local accountability.
The Occident The Occident The Occident is the area of the continent of Anásthias west of the Dun Jaen mountains. Historically this meant the old Empire of Dor-en-Sann, as well as the many other nations west of the mountains before the founding of modern Ororr. Contemporary Ensanni writers occasionally used the term to refer to the relatively wild and less inhabited west coast of AnásthiasOrorrOrorr
Therism (Category) Therism (Category) All articles related to Therism, the Mother Church of the nation of Ororr. Festivals Temples Literature topics beliefs ororr
Therist music Therist music Therist music is the liturgical music of the Mother Church of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of Ororr. Modern Therist music is non-lexical or “mouth music”, using humming and non-verbal vocalisation creating a rich soundscape. Liturgical composers and performers incorporate the sounds of nature such as animals calls, or imitation of wind, waves and water.
Therist Theosophy Therist Theosophy Therist Theosophy is a form of god-magic, or theurgy, practiced by the most senior ranks of the Mother Church at of Ororr. Calling this practice “magic” would be heretical to priests and believers of the Church, since they see it as a form of structured prayer in which they petition the Mother Goddess for practical assistance.
Therist Wheel Therist Wheel The Therist Wheel, also called the World Tree, is an emblem of the church-state of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of Ororr. The wheel is a common religious symbol in cultures throughout TheristTherist
Three Holy Cities Three Holy Cities The Three Holy Cities are three cities in Ororr: Toborr, Remel and Seqal. They were three major cities of the ancient Empire of Dor-en-Sann, personally conquered by the Prophet Therion by use of holy miracles, or the magic of the Mother Goddess. Today the cities are visited by thousands of pilgrims taking part in the Ororr
Tia Amai (Mother's Day Festival) Tia Amai (Mother's Day Festival) Tia Amai or Tia Ama, Doroun for “Mother's Day”, is the most important festival in Therism and the Mother Church of Ororr. It is a day for celebrating mothers and motherhood, but more importantly celebrating the Great Mother Goddess of the Therist faith.OrorrOrorr
Tibooyo Cascades Tibooyo Cascades The Tibooyo Cascades are a series of dramatic cataracts on the lower reaches of River Wiyel, where the river drops over 200m. The cascades are not a single waterfall, but a long stretch of white water running downhill through rocks and pools. Ororr
Til Til Til, also called Tilpéorr or Delbior, is a city on the River Vildon in Gyeiladde province in southwestern Ororr. For centuries it has been the administrative capital of surrounding region, first as a colonial city of the Kingdom of Deltirot, then the United Duchies of Vildon, and now as modern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Tiómelet Tiómelet Tiómelet [tee-OH-meh-lett] is a city on Lake Tio, in Tekon province of Deltirot, in southern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic *
Toborr Toborr Toborr [toe-BORR] is a historic port city at the mouth of the River Wiyel, the most important port in modern Ororr, and arguably the greatest shipping port in the world. Toborr City lies on an island in the river mouth, but now encompasses a conurbation which surrounds the whole estuary bay, including the city of Therion
Tofá Tofá Tofá [toe-FAH] is the southern province of the Gildon autonomous region of Ororr, close to the border with Hesjbagaaia. Its capital is the city of Agann. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
Torror Circular (publication) Torror Circular (publication) The Torror Circular is a weekly national newspaper in Ororr, featuring news and official government announcements. It was established relatively recently in 1087 ME, modelled after Hartheran newspapers, particularly The Register. The Circular is a reference to the Ororr
Torroramai (category) Torroramai (category) Articles about the capital city of Ororr. Torroramai This is in a series of articles about Torroramai, capital city of the nation of Ororr. ororr topics
Torroramâi Torroramâi Torroramâi (also Tororr, T'amai, [tɔ-ROR-ah-MAH-ee, or simply “The Capital”) is the administrative and religious capital of the modern nation-state of Ororr. Torroramai This is in a series of articles about Torroramai, capital city of the nation of Ororr.viridOrorrOrorrviridviridvirid
Triminot Triminot The Triminot [TREE-mee-nott] is a province in the Wiyel Valley in central Ororr, surrounding the city of Remel. Most of the region is tropical wetland surrounded by hills, dominated by lakes and swamps. The central region was greened, drained and turned into arable farmland many centuries ago, becoming an ancient centre of human civilisation. It has been a major exporter of food and grain for thousands of years. In recent centuries Remel has become an important industrial hub for a var…
Trobrailat Trobrailat Trobrailat is a prosperous city in the Deltirot region of southern Ororr, famous for its fine ceramics, particularly decorated tiles and tea-ware, which are exported throughout the Civilised World. It is also renowned for cosmetics, also using the fine local clay, as well as perfumes.Ororr
Trokaid Trokaid Trokaid is a city in the Deltirot region of southeastern Ororr. It is the most southerly city on the Green Wiyel accessible by boat, though given its elevation of 2100 m, boats have to pass through numerous locks. The city is located in a valley in the foothills of the Ororr
Tsaarmodites Tsaarmodites The Tsaarmodites were a religious sect who once lived in the Mangasor desert during the time of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. Belief This is in a series of articles about religions and beliefs. They followed an animist philosophy called Tsaarmody, a descendant of traditional Thalsic animism. In particular they believed that certain rocks and rock formations contained an essential spiritual essence. These natural formations were representative of the spirit world beyond our own w…
Tulf Jhaena Tulf Jhaena Tulf Jhaena is a remote province of Deltirot, the southernmost region of Ororr. Geographically it comprises the drainage basin of the Red Wiyel, the eastern tributary of the great River Wiyel. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Tulfi Tulfi Tulfi is capital of the province of Tulf Jhaena, in the autonomous region of Deltirot in Ororr. The city is on the Red Wiyel a city on the Red Wiyel, in the foothills of the Dun Jaen mountains. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Ororr
Tush Tush Tush [Toosh] is a port city and regional capital of the province of Tushal in western Ororr. The city is small and built of sandstone, next to a brackish creek. [Ororr] The city has a small trade in locally grown, low-quality spices such as tida, but its main purpose is as an anchorage for merchants travelling further down the coast.
Tushal Tushal Tushal is a province in the Moritarr region of western Ororr. It is dry and sparsely populated, with a largely Jorothi-ethnic population. The city of Tush is the only significant settlement. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Ulapor Ulapor Ulapor [ULL-a-poor] is a port city in Merál province of southwestern Ororr, the busiest port on the Ororran coast of the Umber Sea. It is 46 km from the sea on the River Vildon, which links the city with river ports far into the interior. Consequently it is the region's principal trading port, the hub for trade in Gildon's valuable commodities such as fine lumber, minerals, Ororr
Umber Sea Umber Sea The Umber Sea is a large bay off the southwest coast of Ororr, lying between the Meral Peninsular to the north, and Veedor Point to the south, a distance of some 1730 km. The sea is relatively warm and shallow, with either very quiet seas which becalm passing ships, or violent tropical storms which whirl in from the
United Duchies of Vildon United Duchies of Vildon The United Duchies of Vildon, later called the Free Duchies, was a historic state in the Gildon region of modern Ororr. Gildon, or Vildon as it was then known, was colonised and annexed by the Kingdom of Deltirot in the 6th century BME and divided into fiefdoms to profit
Urgil people Urgil people The Urgil or Urgeil are a Gyeil-ethnic people living mainly in the Gildon province of southwest Ororr. Ethnicity ethnicity This is in a series of articles about anthropology, ethnicity and race. The Urgil consider themselves the “original” Gyeil people, distinct from the Essep “outsiders” or wanderers who left their homeland long ago.
Vailinn Vailinn Vailinn is a port city at the mouth of the River Wiyel in Ororr. It lies on the east bank of the river, forming a conurbation with the great international port of Toborr, on an island in the main channel. Vailinn was founded in the 8th century BME as an Ensanni imperial city attempting to rival Toborr, but it's shallower harbour, greater regulation and generally more law-abiding and stuffy imperial bureaucracy meant that it has always been eclipsed by its more famous island neighbour…
Vetthi Passage Vetthi Passage The Vetthi Passage is a sea area between the Vetthi Republic and island of Maiyenet, a possession of the nation of Ororr. Foreign vessels trading between the mercantile hub of Toborr to the south, and ports in Harthera and the east, generally favour this route. The shortest route to Toborr risks the treacherous rocks of Ororr
Voshárn Voshárn Voshárn [voe-SHAH-n], sometimes called Mordan, is a sparsely populated province of northwestern Ororr, the largest province in the region of Moritarr. For historic regions it is sometimes referred to as Old Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorr
Vóshan people Vóshan people The Vóshan [VO-shan] are a Jorothi-ethnic group native to the Voshárn [vo-SHAHN] province of western Ororr. The Vóshan were traditionally many clans of nomadic hunters and warriors, surviving in the thin soils of their homeland by shifting cultivation, herding, and raiding the towns and cities of the valley. Ororr
War of 813 War of 813 The War of 813, known in Ororr as the Second Vetthi War, was a conflict primarily between Ororr, the Vetthi Republic, involving various rebellious coastal groups within Ororr. It was the culmination of centuries of conflict between the two powers, with Ororr attempting to annex the island nation.OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrHartheraHarthera
War of the Flags (First Vetthi War) War of the Flags (First Vetthi War) The War of the Flags (792-796 ME), also called the First Vetthi War in Ororr, was a conflict between Ororr and the Vetthi Republic over control of the Vetthi Passage. The 8th century saw a deterioration of relations between Ororr and Harthera, with trade relations tense and ships often barred and turned away from each other's ports. Consequently, ships of the OrorrOrorr

Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Ororr

[fmap-ororr.png] * Zoom out * Gildon * Moritarr * Deltirot * Dunasanin * Gaskanin * Mangasor * @ * @

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Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. languagelanguagel…






Ethnic groups

tag/ororr.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/14 05:05 by Robert How · []