Blood Honey

Blood honey, or tejhosan from the Othei languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

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, is a rich red honey-like food harvested from secretions of virid fire ants.

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Fire ants are viricrustaceans native to the equatorial regions and plains of Anásthiasplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnásthias

Anásthias [a-NAS-thee-ass / ænæsθiːæs], or [an-ass-THEE-as] is an equatorial island continent, heart of the Civilised World. The north straddles the equator and is hot and humid, while most of the equatorial centre is an upland plateau with fertile river valleys, and stretches of arid plains and desert in the shadow of the mountains. The south is temperate but more wild, separated from the civilisations of the north by the almost impassable Harthera
, particularly the dry plains of western central Ororr. Blood honey is a traditional food for nomadic tribal peoples, and plays a key part of many traditional rituals. It is either eaten freshly harvested, made into a ceremonial drink, or baked into honey cakes used as travel food, for gifts and for celebrations. In the former civilisations of the Wiyel Valley, blood honey was traded with nomads for metals and manufactured goods, and used to make firewine, a ritual drink consumed in temples until the end of the Ensanni period, when its ritual use was banned by the early Therist church.

Despite being a viridplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigVirid

Referring to the Virid Kingdom of flora and fauna, toxic to human life.
product, blood honey is mainly composed of simple saccharides which are entirely digestible to humans, though ingestion gives a mildly euphoric tingling sensation.

Blood honey is harvested by breaking into a nest mound and digging out the honey caches. Traditional tribespeople have various methods for minimising the risk of fire ant bites: flooding the nest with water, setting a fire and blowing in the smoke, or placing a rotting carcass nearby which ants will scavenge. Harvesting is subject to ritual dances and offerings to the spirit of the nest.

Various attempts have been made to cultivate fire ants though with little success. With migration to cities there has also been considerable loss of traditional skills required to manage and harvest the honey. Consequently fire ants have been subject to overexploitation, and blood honey is now a rarity in modern Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage

helevos/blood_honey.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 10:03 by Robert How · []