Food & Drink

Topics related to food and drink, including fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, dishes and alcoholic drinks.

Food and Drinkplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigFood & Drink

Topics related to food and drink, including fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, dishes and alcoholic drinks.

Food and Drink

This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink.

Food and foodstuffs


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This is in a series of articles about Food and Drinkplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigFood & Drink

Topics related to food and drink, including fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, dishes and alcoholic drinks.

Food and Drink

This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink.

Food and foodstuffs


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Food and foodstuffs

Apple Apple Apples are the spheroid fruit of the apple tree, a green plant found throughout the Civilised World. In mythology apples were said to be the favoured fruit of the Godmen, brought by them from the heavens. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. There are hundreds of varieties of apple throughout the world, including many wild varieties.
Awm Awm Awm is a grain crop farmed in cooler and upland climates throughout the Civilised World, particularly the highlands of central Anásthias. It is the staple food of Torthien and upland parts of Munatan. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Awm is a grassy green plant which yields clusters of ovoid seeds roughly 0.8mm in length, ranging in colour from off-white to red or occasionally black, with a thick husk and a chewy innard. Red awm is colloquially cal…
Balbal Balbal Balbal are virid trees native to the arid central regions of Anásthias, with a distinctive pear-shaped trunk. Their roots are squeezed by desert dwellers as a nutritious, if unappetising milk, as well as other food uses. They are a particular feature of the Anásthiasviridvirid
Barley Barley Barley is a type of green grass, cultivated for its grain in temperate and upland areas throughout the Civilised World. It has been uses being ground to make bread, brewed to make beer and other beverages, as well as consumed whole in a variety of dishes. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about
Blood Honey Blood Honey Blood honey, or tejhosan from the Othei language, is a rich red honey-like food harvested from secretions of virid fire ants. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Fire ants are viricrustaceans native to the equatorial regions and plains of Anásthias, particularly the dry plains of western central
Blood salt Blood salt Blood salt is a mineral found in the mountains of Li-Vam-Aur and other parts of the Dun Trisan mountains, widely used in cooking. In folklore veins of rock salt are said to be the dried blood of ancient monsters that fell from the heavens and were buried deep in the earth.
Bloodstones Bloodstones Bloodstones are a type of virid rockfish found in coastal waters throughout Helevos. Mature bloodstones sit in clusters on the sea bed and look very much like small rocks, though when cracked open, they have a vibrant red flesh inside which exudes a quantity of red liquid very much like virid
Buckle Buckle Buckle, or boukul, is the seed of the bucklebush, a green plant which grows in temperate parts of the Civilised world. Bucklebushes fruit annually, producing thumb-length red-black seed pods, containing numerous millimetre-sized ovoid seeds. Mature pods are left to dry on the bush, then harvested for the seeds. Young pods are edible whole, though tender and do not travel well. In Ororr
Butterfish Butterfish Butterfish are virid fish found in cold waters far from the south coast of Anásthias, and in the Polassirn Ocean north of Anrel. Butterfish are carnivorous, feeding from a diversity of smaller sea creatures. Some varieties like the gurnjaw also consume cold water crustaceans and filter feeders.
Butternut Butternut Butternuts are the edible seeds of the butternut tree, a green tree cultivated mostly in tropical Anásthias. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Butternuts grow in a hard gourd. When mature, the gourds fall and split to reveal the hard nuts inside. The nuts are surrounded by a thick, oil gel, which gives the fruit its name. The gel is sweet and nutritious, while the nuts are hard, but contain a rich, oily and mellow-sweet meat.
Candlenut Candlenut Candlenuts are the fruit of a virid shrub, whose oil is used for lighting, a variety of domestic and industrial uses, and refined for human consumption. Candlenut bushes are native to southern Otekahré, Munatan and the virid jungles of southwestern Ororr, where they form part of the staple diet.viridvirid
Cham Cham Cham is a starchy virid root used to make cham-meal (cham-cham) and cham-cake (kout-cham), staple foods in Munatan. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Cham-tree Cham trees (kamsjiva or kamchiva) are bushy virid plants found in temperate climates throughout viridviridviridviridMunatan
Colewort Colewort The coleworts are a family of edible green plants found throughout the Civilised World. There are many varieties, but most have large green leaves with white ribbing, though varieties range from light green to almost black, with some decorative varieties having a floral appearance with variegated leaves and red or purple ribbing.
Cuisines Cuisines Cuisines are styles of food preparation related to specific nations, cultures or ethnic groups, using distinctive methods and ingredients. cult1 food
Desert bread Desert bread Desert bread is a type of flatbread consumed in Mangasor and surrounding arid provinces of central Ororr. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Traditionally it is made from a mixture of doughberry flour and powdered balbal root, mixed either with water or balbal milk and left to leaven with wild yeasts. The bread is cooked on a hot flat rock taken from a camp fire. Desert bread for travelling was baked once, then twice more in hot coals to dry …
Doughberry Doughberry Doughberry is a green cereal plant cultivated for its seeds, which grow in clusters of spherical grains about 8mm in diameter. Freshly picked doughberries can be eaten raw, but more commonly are dried in the sun and rehydrated in hot water as a nutritious accompaniment to meals, where they have a soft, slightly chewy texture.Ororr
Emmer Emmer Emmer is a grassy green plant cultivated throughout the Civilised world for its edible grain seeds. Emmerseed is threshed and ground to make a heavy flour, used for bread and a wide variety of other products. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Although emmer is tolerant of a variety of climates, it gains the best yields in temperate climes with a moderate amount of rain. The foremost regions for emmer production are the central uplands of
Fermented food Fermented food Many types of food around the Civilised World are fermented, either to preserve them, or to improve their flavour or nutrition. Fermentation of virid vegetable matter was invented by the Essep people, and gave them the unique ability to eat virid plant matter without suffering virid
Galep Galep Galep is a salty condiment powder used in Thalsic cuisine, particularly in Harthera. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. It mainly consists of dried fish or greenfry, ground to a powder with salt. Some recipes also add herbs and spices. It is used as a seasoning in soups and stews, particularly in the traditional
Greenfry Greenfry Greenfry are the tiny offspring of greenfish, which spawn and hatched in shoals for mutual protection. Greenfry are eaten in large numbers by predatory greenfish and whales. Fauna This is in a series of articles about Animals. They are caught by humans at various times of the year. Though too small to be of much use for human nutrient, certain types of greenfry are caught off the coast of northern
Guri bush Guri bush The guri bush is a green flowering bush with variegated glossy leaves. The plant is valued for its bittersweet fruit, leathery pods with gelatinous insides. The fruit can be eaten raw, but is more famously used to produce the sweet liqueur wine,
Kikeht Kikeht Kikeht [kee-KEHt is a traditional spirit from Gorval, brewed then distilled from the juice of limeta fruit. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Kikeht has a sharp bitter flavour and is traditionally drunk neat, though in the cities of the River Wiyel it is more often diluted in iced sugar-water where it forms a cloudy pink drink. Kikeht is one of the most profitable exports of Gorval province.
Laag Laag Laag is a staple dish of Thalsic cuisine, a stew traditionally made from seagreens, variously flavoured with vegetables, roots or fungi. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Depending on the region, laag is eaten with flatbread or lagaan noodles, accompanied by meat or flaked
Lagaan Lagaan Lagaan is a type of fresh noodle, one of the staples of Thalsic cuisine. It most commonly accompanies laag, a thick stew. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Originally lagaan was made from thick sheets of doughberry paste, cut into narrow strips with a square cross-section, and lightly boiled. Today it is more often made from a mixture of doughberry,
Langer Langer Langers are a variety of green mollusc common in coastal regions. They valued by humans as seafood and commonly deemed greenfish, despite not being fish. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. They are tolerant to freshwater, and often spawn in river estuaries. There are a number of species, the most prized being the larger, darker variety which grows in the cooler waters around
Limeta Limeta The limeta is a virid tree which grows in the tropical regions, particularly in northern and coastal Anásthias. The fruits are round with dark green leathery skin and distinctive red flesh. They are one of the few virid fruits grown for human consumption, havin a sweet and distinctively acrid taste. virid
Merrow Merrow The merrow is a fruit found in temperate regions of human habitation throughout the civilised world. Merrow trees are part of the green kingdom, and are a diverse family with hundreds of varieties from small semi-wild varieties to large black, red or orange fruit. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about
Misjaf Misjaf Misjaf [MEE-shav], is a hard, high-fat ovorn cheese originally from the cool upland areas of the Essep homelands of Vildon, now found throughout Hesjbagaaia and southwestern Ororr. Misjaf means “mountain food”, since it was the staple food of upland people for surviving the winter months.
Orris Orris Orris is a grassy green plant with characteristic green-gold leaves and seeds. Orris is common grain food, eaten throughout Anásthias. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Orris grows in well in a variety of soils, from well-drained temperate to marshy areas, the amount of available moisture determining the size of the crop. It is moderately tolerant to salt, so is often a staple of peoples living in coastal areas subject to
Ovorn cheese Ovorn cheese Ovorn cheese is made from the milk of ovors, livestock mammals found throughout the Civilised World. Cheese from their milk is produced in temperate regions where ovors flourish, and is a staple food particularly of the Natorn Archipelago. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. The finest varieties of strong hard cheese come from Anrel
Pelchek Pelchek Pelchek (also pelseq) is a virid plant which yields a sharp citric spice particularly favoured in Hartheran cuisine. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Pelchek is a parasitic plant found in stands of older virid jungle. Its seed pods are small, multi-lobed and a purple-red colour. When eaten by foraging animals, the pod is digested, while the small hard seeds are passed out as dung which helps the seedlings germinate and grow. virid
Puotti Puotti Puotti [poo-UH-tee] is a dish made from fine doughberry flour, mixed with water and stretched until it becomes elastic and almost rubbery. Puotti is a staple of Jorothi cuisine, eaten particularly in the arid parts of central and western Ororr, where it is not only eaten as a starch, but used as a utensil to pick up roast meat in particular from a communal plate.
Rock butter Rock butter Rock butter is made from animal fats and rock salt, a traditional food among cultures of the Dun Trisan mountains in Munatan. It is very high in calories, a necessity for people living at high altitude, with the rock salt acting as a preservative as well as providing many essential minerals.
Sandsteak Sandsteak Sandsteak is a plant-based food eaten by nomadic peoples in desert regions of central Ororr and western Otekahré. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Sandsteak is prepared from the bracteate virispurge cactus, a globular virid plant found in very arid climates.
Sea mushroom Sea mushroom Sea mushrooms are virid marine creatures with a mushroom-like shape. Most of them are toxic, but are harvested and fermented for human consumption. Fauna This is in a series of articles about Animals. virid fauna food
Seagreens Seagreens Seagreens is a culinary term referring to a variety of marine green plants, harvested for their edible leaves, roots and fruiting bodies. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Seagreens are a rich source of nutrients and amino acids necessary for
Shaddock Shaddock The shaddock (also shaduq, sjaduk) is a large fleshy, juicy fruit, yellow or red in colour, eaten whole or squeezed for its juice. Shaduq are intensively grown in the region of Remel and other parts of central Ororr. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about
Simmony Simmony Simmony [SIM-on-nee] is a bush native to the Eastern Isles, whose stems are a spice valued for its warm, piquant flavour. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Cultivation Simmony bushes are virid plants which flourish on the dry seaward slopes of the island of Sfize. Simmony was one of the first important exports from the islands, hence the word
Sjigan Sjigan Sjigan is a traditional food of the Essep people, made from fermented meat. It is consumed particularly in rural and mountainous parts of Gildot and Hesjbagaaia. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Various kinds of meats can be fermented, but it is particularly used to process virid
Spices Spices Spices are condiments derived from the fruits, seeds and roots of virid plants. Most have a pungent or acrid flavour, and most are toxic if eaten in large quantities, but a pinch of them can add depth of flavour or piquancy to green foodstuffs. Condiments derived from
Spices Spices Spices are condiments derived from the fruits, seeds and roots of virid plants. Most have a pungent or acrid flavour, and most are toxic if eaten in large quantities, but a pinch of them can add depth of flavour or piquancy to green foodstuffs. Condiments derived from virid
Thalsic Cuisine Thalsic Cuisine Thalsic cuisine is a broad term encompassing the staple foods and dishes eaten by the Thalsic people. Specifically it is part of the common food heritage of the Issid and Iskean peoples of the northern and northeastern coast of Anásthias from the Junda Isles to Cape Cadal. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about
Vines Vines Vines commonly refers to prune vines, a family of green climbing fruits bearing sweet fruits that turn from green through red, purple and black as they ripen. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Prune vines grow best in temperate sunny climates with well draining soil. They are often cultivated on sharp or stony soils where other crops cannot grow.
Zinobeb Zinobeb Zinobeb, from the Essep sjinnobeb, is a virid plant valued for the bittersweet aromatic spice procured from drying and grinding its stems and seed pods. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Zinobeb is characteristic of central and west Ororran cuisine, where it is rubbed into meat as a marinade or before slow roasting, but also in the upland cuisine of


Auray Auray Auray is a variety of wine made from guri fruit, fist-sized sweet yellow fruit which flourish in the heat of tropical Anásthias. Classic auray was perfected in ancient Miyarris, but today there are hundreds of styles with differing colour, sweetness and flavour. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about
Beer Beer Beer is brewed from a variety of grains throughout the Civilised World, particularly emmer and awm. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. stubs drinks
Cheemun Cheemun Cheemun is a bitter-sweet alcoholic drink produced in Cavann province in Ororr. It is made with a secret blend of herbs and virid plant roots, giving a slightly fiery bitter flavour. Its virid chemistry is said to give the drink extra euphoric effects. It is particularly associated with the drinking and dancing culture of the city of
Firewine Firewine Firewine (Othei tejhomedu) is a potent honey wine with mildly narcotic effects, distilled from the honey of Ororran fire ants. It was traditionally made by the Othei people as their most valued trade good, traded to Seqal and the Issid cities of the River Wiyel, where it was consumed in temple rituals.
Green tea Green tea Green tea is a hot infusion made from tea leaves from a wide range of plants of the Green Kingdom. Chaterna leaves are often the base, but various other herbs and flavourings are added. Different blends are drunk around the world, with green tea being particularly popular in the
Jia Jia Jia is a herbal infusion made from the jia vine, consumed throughout the Civilised World. Jia is almost always served hot as a stimulant drink, said to have a cool, refreshing tingling sensation on the tongue. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Cultivation viridOrorrviridgreengreen
Pruncoty Brandy Pruncoty Brandy Pruncotiésh [proon-KOT-ee-yesh], or Pruncoty Brandy, is a spirit made from a secret mixture of fresh and dried vine fruits and flavourings on the island of Pruncoty, in The Spines. Pruncotiesh is made in small batches and highly prized, once enjoyed exclusively by the royal houses of
Skund Skund Skund or scundai is a cheap alcoholic spirit, popular with Hartheran sailors and common in the ports of the Civilised World. It was traditionally made in Oonar from the leftover pulp from making fine auray. The resulting liquor being distilled to a pure, yellow-tinted alcohol which was diluted to water and popular in the port city of
Terére Terére Terére [teh-RAY-RAY] (also téte) is a stimulating drink brewed from the terere bush, popularly consumed in Taur-dji-oum and throughout eastern Munatan. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Terere bushes were originally climbing plants found in lowland forests, but have been bred to flourish in upland hills. The picked leaves are chopped and fermented then dried, used to make a strong herbal infusion rich with stimulant chemicals including caffeine.…
Vines Vines Vines commonly refers to prune vines, a family of green climbing fruits bearing sweet fruits that turn from green through red, purple and black as they ripen. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Prune vines grow best in temperate sunny climates with well draining soil. They are often cultivated on sharp or stony soils where other crops cannot grow.
tag/food_and_drink.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 10:04 by Robert How · []