
Langers are a variety of green mollusc common in coastal regions. They valued by humans as seafood and commonly deemed greenfish, despite not being fish.

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They are tolerant to freshwater, and often spawn in river estuaries. There are a number of species, the most prized being the larger, darker variety which grows in the cooler waters around Anrel. Langers from Lake Otaran are particularly prized, growing large in the cool deep waters. They are caught live and shipped in large seawater barrels to ports throughout Anrelplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnrel Isles

Anrel [ANN-rel], or the Anrel Isles, is the most northerly island group in the Natorn Archipelago. It consists of three major islands and numerous smaller ones. The largest, colloquially if infrequently called Mainland, is divided between the kingdoms of Trésard and Narette. The island
and even as far as Besoa.

Smaller varieties are found along the coast of Anásthiasplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnásthias

Anásthias [a-NAS-thee-ass / ænæsθiːæs], or [an-ass-THEE-as] is an equatorial island continent, heart of the Civilised World. The north straddles the equator and is hot and humid, while most of the equatorial centre is an upland plateau with fertile river valleys, and stretches of arid plains and desert in the shadow of the mountains. The south is temperate but more wild, separated from the civilisations of the north by the almost impassable Harthera
. In Thalsic cuisine they are often salted, dried, and ground up whole, the powder used as a condiment, called galep.

helevos/langer.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 10:03 by Robert How · []