
Daltirich [dal-TEE-rich] (also Daaltirich) is a languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

List of human languages and dialects, contemporary and extinct.



This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication.

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spoken in Deltirot, the southeastern region of Ororr. The modern language reflects the region's mix of people over time, being at heart a Li-Bam language with strong Issid influence. It has large vocabularly of Mayápo words for cultural concepts and Doroun for religion and law.


This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication.

Daltirich is an official language of Deltirot, along with the national language of Doroun. The majority of people in the region speak Daltirich in everyday life, with Doroun essential for commerce and law.


Daltirich was the official language of the Kingdom of Deltirot, particularly in its form now known as “Royal Daltirich”, the prestige language of the capital city Delán. This was the language of the elite, of poetry, religion and law, which had considerable influence from Mayápo via both literature and emigrant groups from the east.

Royal Daltirich remained a language of theatre and poetry until the 8th century ME, only understandable to educated people today. The modern spoken language derives from Low Daltirich, one of many variants spoken by the common people, though there is a greater distinction between urban Daltirich and the many dialects spoken in rural areas.

helevos/daltirich.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 14:03 by Robert How · []