Mushour Vihrat

Mushour Vihrat (c.3050-3010 BMEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBME (Before Modern Epoch)

Used to date years Before the Modern Epoch.
) was a writer of epic poetry who lived in the declining years of Miyarris, when the once great civilisation had been reduced to a loose confederation of city states struggling to survive rising sea levels and catastrophic climate change at the ending of the Beryl Epoch.

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He is particularly famed for his retelling of the tales and myths of ancient heroes in a more humanist and realistic form. He is one of the few of the great Miyarrain poets whose works survived into the modern age, largely thanks to wealthy Eloyounplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigEloyoun People

The Eloyoun people are an ethnic group found throughout eastern and northeastern AnĂ¡sthias. They are the majority ethnicity in Kahtoyn and most of southern Harthera. Modern Hartheran language and culture is a blend of Eloyoun and Iskean.

The Eloyoun people claim descent from the ancient realm of Harthera