
Articles on governance and politics.

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Anrel Aristocracy Anrel Aristocracy The Anrel Isles are governed by a class collectively called the Grafen or Graves, individually given the courtesy title Graf. Leaders of towns, cities, and even nations are drawn from this class. Traditionally, leaders are selected by will of the populace, based on their personal qualities and family merits, according to the traditional honour system of Anrel
Arms of Foratuna Arms of Foratuna The Arms of Foratuna are the priesthood of the Mother Church of Ororr, based at the holy citadel of Foratuna. Typically this means the Meisinn and Messek, the supreme spiritual arms of the church said to be in direct communication with the Mother. They do not play an active role in governance, but their opinion on spiritual matters is decisive and they effectively have the ability to veto any policy considered OrorrOrorr
Auller Auller An auller [AW-ler] is a local official in Anrel, either the chief of a village, or member of a council for a town or city. Aullers traditionally emerge by primenture, though wards in the larger cities have public ballots to elect their representative. anrel governance
Commensalism Commensalism Commensalism (also called Commensarism, from Hespor Cormensjara) is a political philosophy which proposes appropriating existing social and power structures to create a pluralist political and economic system which is beneficial to all. It derives from
Cordrome Cordrome Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1 ME (Traditional) * Religion: Church of Hartrah * Language: Hartraan (official), also Saloyan, Rouvawetig, Junda A cordrome is an administrative unit of the
Decile Decile In Harthera, deciles are a social and political structure, nominally a family or tribe of which all Hartherans are a member. Deciles were formalised in the Hartheran Commonwealth period as a method of managing elections. Governance This is in a series of articles on goverments and politics. Before the Commonwealth, the early nation had hundreds of ethnic clans, families and noble houses. Many small family groups were wealthy, powerful and owned much of the land, while other tribes w…
Gahan Gahan Gahan is a Manthi term for war-leader. Gahans were the temporary battle leaders of tribes in ancient times, but in the settled regions of the Manthi-Lien, they were warlords and leaders of their people, kings in all but name. Governance This is in a series of articles on
Gamiri Gamiri The Gamiri, sometimes called the Nonarchy or The Nine (Takita), are the nine executive leaders of the Ororran church-state. Each leader or Gamiro is responsible for a department of government, and may only hold that role for one year. Individuals can therefore stay in power for up to nine years by occupying all seats. Ororr
Hartheran Government Hartheran Government The government of the Hartheran Union is an oligarchy centralised in Vahltor, where the wealthy rule through a labyrinthine bureaucracy of committees, boards and assemblies who all jealously guard their powers. Governance This is in a series of articles on HartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheran
Hexact Doctrine Hexact Doctrine The Hexact Doctrine is a philosophy of government developed in Anrel in the early 3rd century ME, with the aim of creating governments that benefited the health, wealth and wellbeing of its citizens. It is the model for many governments throughout the MEAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel
House of Keys House of Keys The House of Keys is a legislative body of the Hartheran government. Its members are called Keymen or Clavigers, membership consisting of heads of government boards and committees, as well as representatives from the nation's cities and regions. Governance This is in a series of articles on
House of Seals House of Seals The House of Seals, commonly called The Seals or The Chamber (to distinguish from the House of Keys, called The House), is an assembly of the Hartheran government. Under the Hartheran Commonwealth it was the preeminent legislative assembly, made up wealthy patricians. After the Vainglorious Revolution of 571 ME, the Seals became merely an advisory chamber with little practical role in government.
Krikaré Krikaré The Krikaré [kree-KAR-ray], also called the Kritarchy or House of Elders, is the legislative body of the church-state of Ororr. It enacts all laws and regulations both spiritual and temporal, regarding the administration of the church and the nation. Members have the courtesy title
Magisteriate Magisteriate The Magisteriate was the governing body of the Rasian Academy from 50 BME to 236 ME. It replaced the former collegiate system of masters, headed by a Grand Master, following the downfall of the Grand Master Belikast. Its stated aimed was to promote, oversee and control the use of MEmagic
Mutualism Mutualism Mutualism is a cultural philosophy deeply ingrained in the culture of Otekahré, and in particular in the polities of Kahtoyn. Mutualism emphasises the need for people and communities to work together in harmony to fulfil their common objectives, and strong opposition to hierarchy, violence and coercive control. Without a central authority to regulate the economy, non-monetary economies arise.
National Convocation of Ororr National Convocation of Ororr The National Convocation is the supreme legislative body of the church-state of Ororr, composed of all three branches of governance: the Krikaré or Elders, the Gamiri or Nine Leaders, and the Meisinn, the Twelve chief priests. Governance This is in a series of articles on
Primenture Primenture Primenture is a social structure found particularly in the Natorn Archipelago, used to determine social rank and leadership. Primenture means leadership by those who are perceived to have the most social capital, and therefore usually, though not always, the most able.
Sann'ali Court-in-Exile Sann'ali Court-in-Exile The Sann'ali Court-in-Exile was a group of aristocrats and former government officials who fled the Kingdom of Sann'al in 1092 ME, during the conquest of the island by the Hartherans in the Bizoan War. The Court is led by the Crown Prince of Royal Sann'al, who resides in Abel Palace, a restored former fortress on a hill above
Senasi Senasi The Senasi are an organisation dedicated to health and healing in the Anrel Isles. They are one of the Hexact Orders, advocating for health in national politics. Senasi order members are healers and physicians, tending to the sick and providing health advice throughout the islands. They wear white, and their healing houses are found in all major towns and cities.
Seyuller Seyuller Beyun him dayn Seyuller [say-OO-ler, seɪ'ʊlər] (2323-2250 BME) was a philosopher and jurist, who formulated the First Constitution of the historic Siltorn Republic. He is considered the founder and father of the republic. People This is in a series of articles on
The Hexact Orders The Hexact Orders The Hexact Orders are institutions which make up four of the six “pillars of the state” in nations using the Hexact philosophy of government. The Hexact Doctrine does not specify the nature or structure of the four institutions, only their goals and the services they provide. In AnrelAnrelAnrel
Unfacing Unfacing Unfacing is a cultural practice and method of social control prevalent in Kahtoyn. Use of practices such as unfacing, blueface and gift economics distinguish Kahtoyn from the wider Otekahré region of eastern Anásthias. Unfacing involves consciously ignoring, turning your back on, withholding communication and refusing help, as a form of social punishment. Unfacing begins in childhood as a punishment for children who are isolated for short periods, and extends to adulthood where serio…
Vetthi Government Vetthi Government The Vetthi Republic is ruled by an elected republican government, selected from traditional noble families as well as prominent landowners and business interests. Governance This is in a series of articles on goverments and politics. The government is an assembly of forty-three
tag/governance.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 10:04 by Robert How · []