River Nioca

The Nioca (also Nioqa) is a minor tributary of the River Wiyel, flowing through the city of Torroramai, the capital of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage
. It is a major thoroughfare of the city, a natural loop in the river forming what is now the Holy City.

Torroramaiplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTorroramai (category)

Articles about the capital city of Ororr.


This is in a series of articles about Torroramai, capital city of the nation of Ororr.

ororr topics


This is in a series of articles about Torroramaiplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTorroramâi

Torroramâi (also Tororr, T'amai, [tɔ-ROR-ah-MAH-ee, or simply “The Capital”) is the administrative and religious capital of the modern nation-state of Ororr.

The city was founded in 72 ME, planned and designed as the official capital of the new state. The city centre was planned and zoned, with the church-state headquarters on a circular island surrounded by canals at its heart, and canals and roads spoking out from it in a Y shape to form the viridviridOrorrOrorrviridviridgreenvir…
, capital city of the nation of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr.

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* Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic * Capital: Torroramai * Foundation: 52 ME (Official) * Demonym: Ororran * Language: Doroun (official), regional languages

The region was originally virid swampland, with the river branching and shifting over time. Today the river is canalised, its banks fixed by wharfs and embankments. Many of the city's drainage canals flowing into the Nioca and out to the Wiyel.