
Vadem [vah-DAYM], also Wadem Vardem, is a settlement on the island of Besoa, which gives its name to the southwestern region of the island. It was once Uoardéim, the wealthy capital city of the Kingdom of Derailad. The ancient city declined after the Battle of Four Kingdoms in 35 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigModern Epoch (ME)

The Modern Calendar is a dating system acknowledged throughout the Civilised World. It numbers years from the Modern Epoch, abbreviated ME and BME (Before Modern Epoch). It is also called the Modern Era.


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, when Derailad was annexed by the Kingdom of Alsan. The city was sacked and eventually ruined, leaving the modern region littered with rubble and ruins.

Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBesoa (Category)

Articles related to the island of Besoa in the Natorn Archipelago.

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This is in a series of articles about Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBesoa

Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraan), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelago. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoa.

Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world map

Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 ME

Besoa in the Four Kingdoms period, c.1200 BME - 35 ME BMEHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranMEHartheraOrorrOrorr
, a major island in the Natorn Archipelagoplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNatorn Archipelago

The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias

Vadem is located in the relatively arid southwest corner of the island. The ancient city relied on an ingenious system of aqueducts, reservoirs, cisterns and irrigation channels, which stored water during the rainy months and allowed the city to grow to an unprecedented technological sophistication.

Following the Battle of Four Kingdoms, the Alsanese sacked and looted the city, and destroyed its aqueducts. Its water system was destroyed, and with the conquerors lacking the will or ability to rebuild it, the once prosperous city was reduced to a small fishing town. Today its inhabitants scratch a living in the dry soils, amongst the ruins of their ancestors.