Besoa (Category)

Articles related to the island of Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBesoa

Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraan), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelago. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoa.

Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world map

Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 ME

Besoa in the Four Kingdoms period, c.1200 BME - 35 ME BMEHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranMEHartheraOrorrOrorr
in the Natorn Archipelagoplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNatorn Archipelago

The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias

Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBesoa (Category)

Articles related to the island of Besoa in the Natorn Archipelago.

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This is in a series of articles about Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBesoa

Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraan), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelago. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoa.

Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world map

Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 ME

Besoa in the Four Kingdoms period, c.1200 BME - 35 ME BMEHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranMEHartheraOrorrOrorr
, a major island in the Natorn Archipelagoplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNatorn Archipelago

The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias

Aego Gastrinimer Aego Gastrinimer Aego Gastrinimer (c. 311-254 BME), was a renowned navigator, explorer, merchantman, privateer and prestigious Cartographer-Royal to the Court of Sann'al. He produced the first great world map of the modern era, based on his supposed circumnavigation of the continent of AnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthias
Alsaneth Republic Alsaneth Republic The Alsaneth Republic, also called the Alsaneth Commonwealth (official name The Hexactic Commonwealth of Alsan), was a historic nation occupying the southern half of the island of Besoa. The Republic existed from the overthrow of the old MEME
Alteim Mountains Alteim Mountains The Alteim Mountains are a chain of mountains in the southwest of the island of Besoa. The mountains are particularly rich in minerals like iron, copper and silver. Consequently the region has numerous mines, which were fundamental to the wealth of the nations of
Arelia Arelia Arelia was once a large island in what is now the Natorn Archipelago, contiguous with the the modern islands of Besoa, Antyok and southern parts of The Spines. In earlier epochs sea levels were much lower, the modern islands being the uplands of a larger landmass. The islands of Besoa and Antyoq are sometimes figuratively referred to as Arelia.
Battle of Four Kingdoms Battle of Four Kingdoms The Battle of Four Kingdoms (35 ME), also called The Field of Maiúnla Diëlmes [may-UHN-la dee-EL-mez], was a pivotal military campaign in the history of the island of Besoa, culminating in an all-out battle between its historic Four Kingdoms. Its brutal aftermath led to the fall of the kingdoms of
Besoa Besoa Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraan), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelago. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoa. Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world map Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 ME Besoa in the Four Kingdoms period, c.1200 BME - 35 ME BMEHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranMEHartheraOrorrOrorr
Besoaad Besoaad Besoaad [BESS-soh-AHD / bɛsɒ'æd] is the language of the island of Besoa. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Besoa. Besoaad is broadly part of the Aralsic language family, with heavy borrowing from Iskean languages and other world languages. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. AlsanilanguageHartheranAnrelAnásthias
Besoan Animism (Focáoaa) Besoan Animism (Focáoaa) Besoan Animism, called Focáoaa [fo-COW-waa], is the traditional folklore and spiritual beliefs of the island of Besoa, which forms the core of ceremonial and religious practice. Historically Focáoaa was the single religious practice on the island, but some modern Besoans have embraced religious practices from TheristTheristTherismTherist
Besoan Diaspora Besoan Diaspora The Besoan Diaspora was a wave of mass emigration of people from the Natorn Archipelago island of Besoa, caused by the Hartheran invasion and brutal occupation. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. Many Besoans were international traders with connections in port cities around the world. Those who were able to leave were many rich merchants, nobles and their households. They established emigré communities in ports aro…
Delgeth Delgeth Delgeth is an ancient fortified port city on the south coast of Besoa, gateway to the fertile farmlands upriver. Historically it was the capital of the old Kingdom of Alsan, and thereafter the second city of the Alsaneth Republic. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the HartheranHartheran
Derailad Derailad The nation of Derailad, often called the Kingdom of Derailad despite having no king, was one one of the “Four Kingdoms” of ancient Besoa. Derailad was the smallest of the four with the poorest farmland, but was relatively wealthy and technologically advanced. It was annexed by the
Derailad Derailad Derailad is the southwestern region of the island of Besoa, now part of the United Kingdom of Besoa. During the Hartheran Occupation of Besoa it was called Direlvarr. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. In ancient times it was the independent
Derailish Stormwarden Derailish Stormwarden Derailish Stormwarden was a semi-mythic sorceror-king and founder of the Kingdom of Derailad, on the island of Besoa. Even the time of his existence is unclear, but he may have lived any time between the 2nd and 1st millennium BME. People This is in a series of articles on
Famúl Famúl Famúl [fa-MOOL] is a city on the island of Besoa. Since the declaration of the United Kingdom of Besoa in 1114 ME, it has been the island's provisional capital. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. History The city was founded around 1700
Hand (currency) Hand (currency) The Hand or Besoan hand is the currency of the United Kingdom of Besoa. It is the inheritor of the Alsaneth alm, the former currency of the Alsaneth Republic, noted for its symbol of the open palm embossed on one side. Money [ ] This is in a series of articles about money, currencies and finance. The Hand was adopted as the currency of the new kingdom as a concession to Alsaneth history and culture, given that the prince who reconquered the island after
Helmeth Helmeth Helmeth [HEL-meth] is an industrial city on the south coast of the island of Besoa, whose wealth was traditionally based on logging of greenwood and production of iron, steel and other minerals extracted from mines in the nearby hills. Besoa This is in a series of articles about
Heronbaht Language Heronbaht Language Heronbaht, also called Tekeheron, is the historic language of the Principality of Antyok and the former Kingdom of Heronbar. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. Heronbaht was once thought to be a language isolate, unrelated to the two major languages families in the region, Asokway and languagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage
Heronbar Heronbar Heronbar, also called Ronvarr during the Hartheran Occupation, is the northeastern province of the island of Besoa. Its capital the city of Famúl. History Historically, the Kingdom of Heronbar was one of the four ancient kingdoms of Besoa, occupying the northeastern quarter of the island. Heronbar was the most advanced maritime power of its era, with possessions in HartheranHartheran
Hevuold Hevuold Hevuold is a historic settlement on the island of Besoa. It was formerly Hebol, the royal capital of the ancient Kingdom of Heronbar, but is now primarily a market town for the surrounding farmlands. It is noted for its textile weaving, particularly for ovorn wool and linen.
House of Betto House of Betto The House of Betto were a noble family which ruled the Kingdom of Sann'al in the final centuries of the Beryl Epoch. They were succeeded by the House of Kenoa. People This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people. people besoa clans sannal
House of Kenoa House of Kenoa The House of Kenoa [KEN-oh-ah] is an aristocratic lineage in the Kingdom of Sann'al on the island of Besoa. People This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people. The Kenoa were once minor nobility holding farmlands on the great food plains of the River Palkan, but rose to prominence during and after the
Iluns Iluns Iluns is an island in Famul Bay, on the east coast of Besoa. It's capital and main port is Iluns Town. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. The island is 52 km east-west, its closest point being 7 km from the mainland. History
King Pilab of Sann'al King Pilab of Sann'al Pilab Kenor Berill (1038-1093? ME) was the final ruler of the Kingdom of Sann'al before the Hartheran conquest of the island in 1092 ME. As king he was widely loved and respected by his people, though initiated no particular reforms or innovations. He had three children, two elder daughters who married into Sannalese nobility, and a younger son, Hartheran
King Ralam of Besoa King Ralam of Besoa Ralam Kenor Berill (1075- ME) is the first king of the newly forged United Kingdom of Besoa, declared in 1115 ME after a combined patriot exile force reclaimd the island from Hartheran occupation. For most of his life he was Crown Prince of the Sann'ali court-in-exile. People This is in a series of articles on
Kingdom of Alsán Kingdom of Alsán The Kingdom of Alsán [al-SAN] (also Al'San) was a former nation in the southern half of the isle of Besoa, which existed from c.1200 BME to 38 ME. It was one of the Four Kingdoms of Besoa, originally occupying the southeastern corner of the island before its annexation of the southwestern BME
Kingdom of Heronbar Kingdom of Heronbar The Kingdom of Heronbar (c.1700 BME - 36 ME) was one of the historic Four Kingdoms of Besoa. At its height it controlled more than one quarter of the island of Besoa, as well as the islands of Iluns, Antyok and southern parts of The Spines. It later declined, and was annexed by
Kingdom of Sann'al Kingdom of Sann'al The Kingdom of Sann'al [SAN-AL sæn'æl] (from arch. Senna'al), also called Royal Sann'al or simply Sannal, was a historic nation in the northern half of the island of Besoa that existed from its founding c.1500 BME, to 1092 ME when it was annexed by BME
Kingdom of Sann'al (category) Kingdom of Sann'al (category) Articles related to the Kingdom of Sann'al, a former nation of the island of Besoa. topics fornat1 besoa
Perilth Perilth Perilth (Besoaad), or Beridt (Hartraan), is a port city in Besoa, once renowned as the wealthiest city in the Natorn Archipelago. In former times it was the royal capital of the Kingdom of Sann'al, known as The Silver City both for its wealth, for the blue and silver banners of the Sann'alese kings, and for the sparkling waters of its many fountains.HartheranHartheranHartheran
Perilth Sound Perilth Sound Perilth Sound is a long narrow gulf of the Natorn Sea, in the north of the island of Besoa. It is about 90 km in length from the mouth of the River Palkan. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. The narrowest point of the inlet is 6.5 km and surrounded by mountains on both sides. Historically the gulf was a river valley, carved by the Palkan but flooded in more recent
Pesajo Pesajo Pesajo [pes-SAH-jo, the final o in Besoaad is nasal] is the sense of homesickness, displacement, nostalgia and longing felt by Besoan exiles, most acutely during the Hartheran occupation of the island of Besoa. It is an important concept in contemporary Besoaad culture, found particularly in music in poetry as well as other arts.
Queen Illieten of Narette Queen Illieten of Narette Illieten of Narette (1081 ME-) is Queen regnant of the Kingdom of Narette and Queen Consort of the United Kingdom of Besoa, by marriage to her husband, King Ralam of Besoa. People This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people. Biography She was born in the city of Heth Ania, daughter to Ehamet IX of Narette and his first wife Alsia. On the death of herherherherherherher
River Médel River Médel The River Médel, also called the Méo, is a small river in the southeast of the island of Besoa. It flows through a fertile steep-sided valley to the sea at Delgeth. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. rivers besoa
River Palkan River Palkan The Palkan is the longest river on the island of Besoa. It flows from the Derailish Highlands in the south to Perilth Bay in the north. The rich green farmlands of the Palkan valley are the most fertile and productive region on the island. Besoa This is in a series of articles about
Sann'ali Merchant Fleet Sann'ali Merchant Fleet The Sann'ali Merchant Fleet is a maritime consortium of merchants and captains loyal to the Sann'ali Court-in-Exile. The fleet itself consists of former ships of the Sannalese Royal Navy, Sannali merchant ships who were at sea or in distant ports at the time of the Hartheran Conquest, as well as newer vessels purchased or constructed since that time.
Silver Tree Silver Tree Silver Tree was a militant guerilla movement on the island of Besoa, which violently opposed the Hartheran Occupation of the islands from 1090-1114 ME. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. After the defeat of Alsaneth and Sannalese forces and their surrender to the occupiers in 1090, many armed fighters refused to submit, and formed multiple guerilla bands. The greatest opposition was initially led by the surviving counc…
Tane Tane The Tane was the traditional currency unit of the Kingdom of Heronbar and its colonies, including the Principality of Antyok. In shape it was a flattened or squared rod with a hook on the end, hence it's more common name, the Hook. Money [ ] This is in a series of articles about money, currencies and finance. In modern Antyok, the tane has been replaced by the
United Kingdom of Besoa United Kingdom of Besoa The United Kingdom of Besoa is a nation on the island of Besoa in the Natorn Archipelago. The kingdom was founded in 1114 ME, after a brief war of liberation from Harthera. * Name: The United Kingdom of Besoa * Government: Commonwealth Monarchy * Capital
Vadem Vadem Vadem [vah-DAYM], also Wadem Vardem, is a settlement on the island of Besoa, which gives its name to the southwestern region of the island. It was once Uoardéim, the wealthy capital city of the Kingdom of Derailad. The ancient city declined after the Battle of Four Kingdoms in 35 ME, when Derailad was annexed by the
Vigil of Deacon Kabe Vigil of Deacon Kabe The Vigil of Deacon Kabe is a mystery text significant to the animist traditional religion of Besoa. It is a first-person confession of a deacon or decan, one of the traditional ten intendants of the oracle shrine at Welvér, who mysteriously vanishes during an overnight vigil.
Welvér Welvér Welvér [WELL-vair], also called the Well of Truth, is an oracle and religious site in the southeastern hills of Besoa, important to the traditional animist religion of the island. Belief This is in a series of articles about religions and beliefs. The site has been used by successive civilisations for many thousands of years, and is littered with ruins and ancient artefacts. The oracle itself is an underground chamber accessed by a stone shaft, believed to have been constructed by …
tag/besoa.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/21 12:00 by Robert How · []