Vigil of Deacon Kabe

The Vigil of Deacon Kabe is a mystery text significant to the animist traditional religion of Besoa. It is a first-person confession of a deacon or decan, one of the traditional ten intendants of the oracle shrine at Welvér, who mysteriously vanishes during an overnight vigil.


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In the text, Kabe relates his personal history as a merchant, who treated his wife poorly and cheated his customers and suppliers. He left his bad life and became an acolyte and later deacon at Welvér, atoning for his past misdeeds by helping others. Framing this confessional are texts describing how Kabe would regularly spend whole nights in the oracle chamber, and how one morning the other deacons found him gone with only the text remaining.

The text is an important religious work in Besoa and a key inspiration for pilgrims and visitors to the oracle shrine.

helevos/vigil_of_deacon_kabe.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 10:04 by Robert How · []