
Hemscoom is a small village in Trésard, in the hills above the former city of Rasia, a short distance from the main gates of the Rasian Academy. It was completely destroyed during the Long War, but later resettled.


Originally an insignificant farming village surrounded by pastures, Hemscoom became prosperous after the proctors of the Academy limited the selling of alcohol within the boundaries of the Academy. Subsequently the local inn received vastly increased patronage, to the extent that three more taverns opened in quick succession providing food and drink to academicians and students, as well as accommodation to visitors.

Many academics bought houses in the village, or built comfortable lodges on its outskirts, so the village soon grew into an affluent adjunct to the Academy.

Hemscoomb was entirely destroyed by Anretian forces in 236 ME during the Long War, during their attempted assault on the Academy grounds. In the fourth century the village was resettled, and is now merely a cluster cottages slightly to the west of the original village.

helevos/hemscoom.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/07 15:14 by Robert How · []