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Kingdom of Narette

The Kingdom of Narette, or Naret [na-RET, na rɛt] (arch. Anret or Anrette), is a modern nation occupying the southern half of the largest island in the Anrel Isles. Before the Orphans War it was called the Kingdom of Anrette.

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Articles related to the Kingdom of Narette in the Anrel Isles.

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* Name: Kingdom of Narette * Demonym: Naretian [na-REE-shun] * Government: Hexactic Monarchy * Capital: Heth Ania * Currency: Hexactic Alm, Naretian Crown * Foundation

plugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Kingdom of Narette

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Kingdom of Narette

The Kingdom of Narette, or Naret [na-RET, na rɛt] (arch. Anret or Anrette), is a modern nation occupying the southern half of the largest island in the AnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel

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  • Name: Kingdom of Narette
  • Demonym: Naretian [na-REE-shun]
  • Government: Hexactic Monarchyplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHexact Doctrine

    The Hexact Doctrine is a philosophy of government developed in Anrel in the early 3rd century ME, with the aim of creating governments that benefited the health, wealth and wellbeing of its citizens. It is the model for many governments throughout the MEAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel
  • Capital: Heth Aniaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHeth Ania

    Heth Ania [HETH AH-nee-uh] is the royal capital of the Kingdom of Narette. It is a modern and cosmopolitan city, centre for sea trade between Narette and Trésard.


    Settlements have existed in the area throughout recorded history, but the first city was built as a colony of the Annéans in the second millenium ME
  • Currency: Hexactic Almplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHexactic Alm

    The Hexactic Alm [ARM] is the official currency of the nations of Anrel, accepted throughout the Natorn Archipelago. An alm is worth six pins, and 24 alms are a crown.


    [ ]

    This is in a series of articles about money, currencies and finance.

    The alm originally a food token given to refugees during the Anrel
    , Naretian Crown
  • Foundation: 215 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigModern Epoch (ME)

    The Modern Calendar is a dating system acknowledged throughout the Civilised World. It numbers years from the Modern Epoch, abbreviated ME and BME (Before Modern Epoch). It is also called the Modern Era.


    This is in a series of articles about calendars and dating systems.OrorrHartheraHMOrorrHartheraOrorrOrorrHMHartheraHMHartheraOrorr
  • Language: Rettienplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigRettien

    Rettien is an Aralsic language spoken in Narette in the Anrel Isles. Although it shares much common vocabulary with Reidan, Rettien is heavily influenced by Old Oracilem, the Iskean language of the former city-state of Oracil.



    This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication.

    Rettien has two distinct dialects. High Rettien is the languagelanguagelanguagelanguage

The majority of the population live on the fertile hills of the Ania Plateau, while the north of the kingdom is grassland plain and mountains. Though since the war it officially espouses the Commonwealth ideals of the Hexact Doctrine, Narette remains a hereditary monarchy.

Narette was one of the combatants in the Long War, which saw the destruction of most settlements in the northern plains and environment devastation of what was once fertile farmland.


Narette derives from the languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

List of human languages and dialects, contemporary and extinct.



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topics sidebar cult1
of Oracilem, ann-red meaning “neighbouring land”, the lands west of Oracil. This became Anret, the general name for the south of the Anrelplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnrel Isles

Anrel [ANN-rel], or the Anrel Isles, is the most northerly island group in the Natorn Archipelago. It consists of three major islands and numerous smaller ones. The largest, colloquially if infrequently called Mainland, is divided between the kingdoms of Trésard and Narette. The island
Isles up until the Long War. It was pronounced “An-Na-ret” in the local dialect, but after the war the kingdom was officially named Narette, reflecting a shift in pronunciation.


Narette has the warmest climate in Anrel, sheltered from prevailing rain storms and much drier than the north. The southern plateau has the densest population and agriculture with a warm maritime climate, while the central and northern half of the nation is relatively sparsely populated.

The land is divided into three geographical regions. The northeast is mountainous uplands with sparse virid vegetation, dominated by the huge Laharkin Range which runs the length of the east coast of the island. The highest peak is the volcanic Mount Arent, which has been dormant for the last fifteen hundred years, but occasionally rumbles creating earthquakes and landslides.

The south half of the country is the Ania Plateau, the richest and most densely populated region of Narette. The Plateau is a chunk of land raised up by being squeezed between two fault lines, creating towering cliffs at the shore, and a high escarpment on the landward side. The Plateau receives moderate rainfall, the north half being hilly, the south and centre being fertile riverland. The Plateau is entirely green, having been long since picked clean of virid life. Rivers run into the fertile central basin, running northwards into the tributaries of the River Minnd, which plunges over the escarpment onto the plain beneath.

Between the plateau and the mountains lies the central plains. Being in the rain shadow of two upland regions, it receives little rainfall and is arid, a mixture of greenplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigGreen

The Green Kingdom of flora and fauna includes humans, mammals, birds, whales, greenfish, and most green plants and crops cultivated by humankind.
grassland and virid scrubplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigVirid scrubland

Virid scrubland is a region where low-growing virid vegetation is the predominant life. Scrubland is often the result of thin poor soils and low rainfall. It can also be an intermediate landscape in areas destroyed by fire.



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except for cultivated areas along the river. There are some settlements along the river Minnd, surrounded by groves of limeta and other fruits, but it is otherwise sparsely inhabited, depopulated during the Long War. The fortified city of Rand is the only city, and a significant military garrison.

Belisan, at the mouth of the Minnd on the southeast coast, surrounds a large natural harbour and as such is the most important port, not only in Narette but the whole Anrel Isles. Although there are ports on the Ania Plateau, the cliffs and narrow inlets make them unsuited to bulk cargo. Belisan Freeport is therefore the prime destination and home port for merchantmen trading between Anrel and the south.


The state is nominally Hexactic Monarchyplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHexact Doctrine

The Hexact Doctrine is a philosophy of government developed in Anrel in the early 3rd century ME, with the aim of creating governments that benefited the health, wealth and wellbeing of its citizens. It is the model for many governments throughout the MEAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel
, but the king is much more powerful than in neighbouring nations. Narette has the same system of aristocracy as the rest of the Isles, but the kingdom is more feudal than elsewhere in Anrel. In succession the rule of primogeniture applies, so that eldest sons generally inherit the throne, rather than the more traditional system of primenture, with the most capable candidate being chosen by the Hexact Council with consent of the people.

In Narette the Council is responsible for levying and collecting taxes, formulating laws and advising on policy, but the king can raise taxes independently, and is able to enact emergency laws without recourse to the Hexact.

The Hexactic institutions in Narette are weak and act mostly in an advisory capacity, smoothing relations with the Hexacts of the north, doing the bureaucratic work of the kingdom, and occasionally being used as a cover for royal tyranny.

Naretian kings tend to be more authoritarian than their northern neighbours, particularly in matters of defence - a fact for which Naretians are curiously proud, though their kings have at times been despotic.


The official currency is the Naretian Crown, or Ceru, a golden coin with royal regalia, used particularly in large transactions. Silver Royals are circular coins used for smaller transactions.

The Hexactic Alm coin is disdained by the Naretian state, since it was originally issued by the Northern League. However, in practice alm coins are the de facto everyday currency for the common people of Narette.


In ancient times the region formed the southern part of the Realm of the Godmen and its successor states. From the start of the Beryl Epoch migrants from the southern isles began arriving. At first these were Asokway peoples who settled at first along the southern coast, but were displaced by later Iskean migrants. The Asokway migrated inland and up the centre and east of Anrel, their descendants being particularly the nomadic herders of central Narette, villagers along the east coast of Trésard, and the Sarekéa hill people of central Sensatard.

There is a long history of antagonism between Narette and the north, since the time of the so-called 'Dragon War'. Long ago the cities of the north allied to destroy the city of Oracil, the ancient cultural capital in the foothills of the volcanic Mount Arent, accusing it of slavery and other perversions. After the war, refugees from the city established a new kingdom - Narette. After long years of resentment, they struck out against the unholy city of Rasee (Rasia), provoking the bitter Long War which ravaged Anrel for twenty-four years. The war ended nine centuries ago, and the Wall separating the two nations has been open for nearly two centuries - but antagonism still runs deep. The kingdom was founded in 2492 HMplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHirèrk Moonscale

The Hirèrk Moonscale [Hee-Rerrk] (HM) is a luni-solar calendar used at least since the time of Miyarris, which measures cycles based on the moons, solar years as well as the millennia-long cycles of global climate change. Today years HM are only seen in historic works and not considered accurate in historical accounts.epochHMHMBMEepochsepochsepochepochepochepochepochHMepochsMEME
, c. Year 58 before the Hornum Calendar.


In ancient times there were three states in the region: Anret, Erann, and Oracilem. After the destruction of Oracil in the Dragon War, Anret claimed the entire region as the Kingdom of Anrette. After the Long War this was changed to Narette to be more inclusive of all of the peoples of the south.

helevos/narette.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/31 07:47 by Robert How · []