
List of articles flagged for improvement, needing more specifics about dates and history.

Aego Gastrinimer Aego Gastrinimer Aego Gastrinimer (c. 311-254 BME), was a renowned navigator, explorer, merchantman, privateer and prestigious Cartographer-Royal to the Court of Sann'al. He produced the first great world map of the modern era, based on his supposed circumnavigation of the continent of AnásthiasBMEAnásthiasAnásthiasMEAnásthiasAnrelAnásthias
Analect of Just Works Analect of Just Works The Analect of Just Works is a compendium of Occidental folk tales and philosophic treatises dating from before the founding of Ororr, judged to be compatible with the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion. The tales all contain a universal moral or instructive lesson.
Ancient Remel Ancient Remel Ancient Remel was one of the great powers of the ancient world. The city-state grew rich from controlling trade on River Wiyel, fed by fertile riverlands of the Triminot valley. The city's rich culture, complex religion and multiplicity of gods was a significant influence on the later BME
Biinmos Biinmos Biinmos is a large, militarised state in eastern Munatan. It is sometimes known as Dendrost, a Hartheran version of its name. This is an anachronism and in modern diplomacy only the official name is used. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about HartheranHartheranBMEME
Bizoan War and Occupation Bizoan War and Occupation The Bizoan War (1086-1092 ME) was a war of conquest by the Hartheran Union against the islands of Besoa and Antyok. The invasion lasted was followed by a period of Occupation from 1092-1114 ME. Besoa was liberated by nationalist forces led by the Sann'ali Court-in-Exile, who established the HartheranHartheraHartheraHartheranOrorrHartheranAnrelOrorrHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheraHarth…
Chosilha Chosilha Chosilha [cho-SEAL-ya] is a territory in western Munatan, where the civil war war that tore apart the old Ennseperan Empire continues to grind on, long after the empire fell. The territory is controlled by warlords, inheritors of the old imperial Loyalist and Republican factions, Republican warlords holding the north, Imperials in the south.
Dragon War Dragon War The Dragon War (682-678 BME) was the first major conflict to engulf the entire Anrel Isles, in which a league of northern cities united against the city-state of Oracil in the southeast. By the end of the war Oracil had been utterly destroyed, laying a foundation of bitterness that has soured north-south relations ever since, and ultimately led to the magicHM
Dromeism Dromeism Dromeism is a system of thought originating in Munatan during the Beryl Epoch, around 2000 BME. It encompasses all aspects of thought, from the fundamental nature of reality and the natural sciences, to principles of ethical behaviour and political responsibility. In its ideas about the fundamental nature of the universe, it shares some concepts with the Miyarrain philosophy of the
Eijult Empire Eijult Empire The Eijult Empire dominated much of the coastal territory of western Munatan during the 6th and 7th centuries ME. It was forged by the Manthi-ethnic Eijult people, who spread along the coast by land and by sea, seizing control and settling lands once held by the
Emperor-General Ollilontan Emperor-General Ollilontan Emperor-General Machellen Ollilontan (c.3 BME-58 ME) was an author, artist, and the last Emperor-General of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. He rallied the remaining forces of the empire to briefly rout the Mother Army, after the collapse of the last imperial dynasty. His leadership was the final flowering of EnSanni arts and culture, which ended with his death.TheristMEMEMEMEMEHartheran
Ennseperan Empire Ennseperan Empire The Holy Empire of EnSann and Essep, commonly called the Ennseperan Empire or simply Ennseperans, was a historic state in the southwest of Anásthias, existing from 101-683 ME. Ennseperans [ ] This is in a series of articles about the Ennseperan Empire. It encompassed the modern nation of OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
Gaal Empire Gaal Empire The Gaal Empire (c.2400-2055 BME) was the cultural and military hegemony of the Gaal people, whose capital was Gaalkedch in what is now northern Ororr. The Gaal Empire lasted five centuries, steadily accumulating territory and wealth, until it was taken over in a military coup by BME
Gildon Gildon Gildon [GIL-don] is one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr encompassing the southwest of the country. Its capital is the fortified city of Agann, roughly 500 km from the modern border with Hesjbagaaia. Historically the region was called Vildon. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorrviridviridBME
Great Prophet Therion Great Prophet Therion The Great Prophet Therion (c.30 BME - ?62 ME), often simply called the Great Prophet, was the founder of the Mother Church and nation state of Ororr. Therism therism This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therism, the state religion of TherionTheristTherion
History of Anrel History of Anrel Since the island group was formed at the end of the last Great Ice Age, the main landmass came to be known as Anrasard. It had no single government, but there was a loose league of interrelated, self-governing cities reliant on their agricultural hinterlands. These towns and cities had feuds and disagreements, and occasional skirmishes, but never had the need or resources for full-scale war.HMHM
Iluns Iluns Iluns is an island in Famul Bay, on the east coast of Besoa. It's capital and main port is Iluns Town. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. The island is 52 km east-west, its closest point being 7 km from the mainland. History
Isjbela Isjbela Isjbela (or Esjbela) is the capital city of Hesjbagaaia in Munatan, a wealthy port for trade, seat of the kings of Hesjbagaaia and heart of the Heterodox Church. The city lies on the eastern shore of Isjbela Bay, an inlet of the Limerent Sea with a large natural harbour. The old city was founded on a defensible headland, which still forms the city's heart though it has grown far beyond the original walls.
Kingdom of Alsán Kingdom of Alsán The Kingdom of Alsán [al-SAN] (also Al'San) was a former nation in the southern half of the isle of Besoa, which existed from c.1200 BME to 38 ME. It was one of the Four Kingdoms of Besoa, originally occupying the southeastern corner of the island before its annexation of the southwestern BME
Kingdom of Danagunda Kingdom of Danagunda The Kingdom of Danagunda is a nation in Munatan. From c.240 ME the region was nominally controlled by the Ennseperan Empire from the outpost city of Gundapor, though during the War of Schisms the whole south of the country was annexed by the Eijult Empire. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail |
Kingdom of Emánuné Kingdom of Emánuné Emánuné [eh-MAN-oo-nay, imæn'uːeɪ] was an ancient kingdom occupying the fertile valley of the River Velun, in what is now modern Harthera. Ancient Northeast Anasthias This is in a series of articles about the ancient history of Northeast HM
Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia The Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia [hesdge-ba-GUY-ah] (also Hesporia or Hespagoria) is a nation in western Munatan. It is the successor to the Ennseperan Empire which dominated the region for much of the first millennium ME but collapsed during the War of Schisms. Hesjbagaaia Hover to see detailMunatan
Kingdom of Karsooin Kingdom of Karsooin The Kingdom of Karsooin was an Iskean nation in what is now northern Harthera, it's capital being what is now the modern city of Garsun. Ancient Northeast Anasthias This is in a series of articles about the ancient history of Northeast Anásthias, before the founding of the modern nation of
Kingdom of Kasepan Kingdom of Kasepan The Kingdom of Kasepan is a Manthi-ethnic nation in Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The region of modern Kasepan became a viceroyalty of the Ennseperan Empire in the 6th century
Kingdom of Narette Kingdom of Narette The Kingdom of Narette, or Naret [na-RET, na rɛt] (arch. Anret or Anrette), is a modern nation occupying the southern half of the largest island in the Anrel Isles. Before the Orphans War it was called the Kingdom of Anrette. Narette narette This is in a series of articles about the AnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel
Kingdom of Sann'al Kingdom of Sann'al The Kingdom of Sann'al [SAN-AL sæn'æl] (from arch. Senna'al), also called Royal Sann'al or simply Sannal, was a historic nation in the northern half of the island of Besoa that existed from its founding c.1500 BME, to 1092 ME when it was annexed by BME
Larford Larford Larford is a settlement on the upper reach of the River Lar in Trésard. Once a prosperous town of agriculture and industry, it declined after the destruction of Rasia during the Long War and was largely abandoned, its fields slowly being reclaimed by virid forest. The ruins were resettled, but it remains a small, isolated village on a broken, seldom-travelled highway.virid
Lerít Lerít Lerit [leh-RITT] is a city in the Gildon autonomous region of southwestern Ororr, capital of Meral province. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Melej Melej Melej [MEL-ej, mel-ESJ] is a major city on the River Sargil in the jungles of Gyeiladde province in southwestern Ororr. It was constructed in the 6th century ME as a colonial outpost of the Kingdom of Deltirot, and later became a stronghold of the United Duchies of Vildon during its period of independence from Deltirot.Ororr
Pao Sjelomer Pao Sjelomer Pao Sjelomer [POW shJEL-oh-merr] was an artist, painter and key figure in the the Ennseperan Modernist artistic movement. People This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people. He is most famous for his disturbing depictions of warfare, violence, and the martyrdom of saints of the
Purism Purism Purism is a movement in the Church of Hartrah which advocates simplicity and strict adherence to discipline and moral codes. It is often called Chelidt Purism for its origins amongst the Chelidd people of northeastern Harthera. It arose in the 5th century ME, in response to the perceived liberalism and idolatry of the
Saloyan Civil War Saloyan Civil War The Saloyan Civil War was a protracted conflict between bitterly opposing forces in the Grand Palatinate of Saloya, in northwest Anásthias. Historians sometimes divide it into three conflicts, the First, Second and Third Civil War. Conflict This is in a series of articles on
Sjao Sjinezi Sjao Sjinezi Sjao Sjinezi was an artist specialising in religious paintings, frescoes and murals, particularly those decorating the great imperial-era Heterodox churches of Hesjbagaaia. People This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people. His most famous work is Urra Sjala Upon the Wheel
United Duchies of Vildon United Duchies of Vildon The United Duchies of Vildon, later called the Free Duchies, was a historic state in the Gildon region of modern Ororr. Gildon, or Vildon as it was then known, was colonised and annexed by the Kingdom of Deltirot in the 6th century BME and divided into fiefdoms to profit
Veedormim Veedormim The Mutual Protectoracy of Veedormim is a nation in Munatan, occupying the far southwest corner of Anásthias. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. * Name: Mutual Protectoracy of VeedormimME
Ves Jaen Wars Ves Jaen Wars The Ves Jaen Wars was a protracted period of conflict in the Wiyel Basin during the Celadon Epoch, c.3900-3700 BME, the result of refugees feeling coastal civilisations due to rising sea levels. Conflict This is in a series of articles on Wars, Battles and Conflicts. In a time of cataclysm, with floods and storms laying waste to the coastal
tag/needsdates.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/21 11:45 by Robert How · []