
Tunnel-worms are virid vermiform creatures found in caves and burrows throughout the Civilised World. They were once more common but are now mainly found in remote cave systems in mountains and isolated regions, particularly in the Dun Trisan mountains.

Tunnel-worms are dun-coloured omnivores, hunters and scavengers consuming anything from carrion and decaying plant matter to small living prey. They can grow to a prodigious size limited only by the size of the tunnel system they live in, and the food available. Tunnel-worms are territorial but do sometimes work in pairs to block tunnels preventing the escape of their prey.

Tunnel-worms shed their skin when they grow. Wormskin is collected by hunters and sold to make very strong fine leather goods.

helevos/tunnel-worms.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 14:04 by Robert How · []