Baskers are a variety of massive herbivorous whale, who trawl the seas consuming vast quantities of viridspor, zooids, greenfry and green plankton. They are mostly commonly found in temperate latitudes, usually staying far from the shore. They are occasionally hunted by islanders in Anrel
Bloodstones are a type of virid rockfish found in coastal waters throughout Helevos. Mature bloodstones sit in clusters on the sea bed and look very much like small rocks, though when cracked open, they have a vibrant red flesh inside which exudes a quantity of red liquid very much like virid
Chalcint is a sedimentary rock made from the carbonate bodies of zooids and other virid marine animals. Chalcint is generally yellow-white in colour and highly porous, so that landscapes with chalcint rock have no surface water and are often dry plains with a thin soil. Chalcint geology also leads to karst landscapes, with potholes, caves and other features.
The Sanctuary of Foratuna [Fo-Rah-Too-Nah] is the holiest site of the Mother Church of Ororr: the desert place where the Great Prophet built his sanctuary tower, in which he formulated the principles of the new religion, and laid the foundations for the Ororran state.
The Sanctuary is a complex of religious buildings and housing for the priesthood, including a great hall and holy circle or greenmagicmagic
Sucoroliths are marine reefs created by colonies of virid zooid organisms called sucoaros. These zooid colonies create tube-like filter feeding structures, extracting nutrients from water and excreting particles of rock and debris around themselves for protection. Over time these create extensive rocky structures that can extend to just below or even above the waterline.Anásthias