List of islands and island nations.
Alcalond | Alcalond Alcalond is an island off the west coast of the continent of Retzayk. It is part of New Hartrah, a colonial territory claimed by Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy |
Anrel Isles | Anrel Isles Anrel [ANN-rel], or the Anrel Isles, is the most northerly island group in the Natorn Archipelago. It consists of three major islands and numerous smaller ones. The largest, colloquially if infrequently called Mainland, is divided between the kingdoms of Trésard and Narette. The island |
Antyok | Antyok Antyok or Antyoq [ant-YOK, uhn-CHOK] is an island in the Natorn Archipelago, due east of Besoa. It was formerly an independent nation, the Principality of Antyok, but since 1086 ME, following the Bizoan War, it is now under Hartheran dominion. Antyok This is in a series of articles about Antyok, an island nation in the HartheranHartheranHartheran |
Azri Isles | Azri Isles The Azri Isles are a group of volcanic islands in the cool southerly seas of the Great Urash Ocean, at a latitude of 54°S, over 3000 km south of Anásthias. By far the largest is Krotolat-ten-azri, followed by Mol-pon-azri, Nai-pan-azri, Sehera-pan-azri and Hal-bar-azriAnásthiasgreenviridgreenviridgreen |
Barrier Isles | Barrier Isles The Barrier Isles is a chain of rocky islands, sand bars and sucorolith reefs in the Vesmien Ocean, 2500 km west of the southwestern tip of Anásthias. The sinuous chain stretches over 1000 km north to south, a hazardous barrier which smashes ships and has prevented exploration into the westerly seas. The warm shallow waters around the island are an important breeding ground for |
Besoa | Besoa Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraan), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelago. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoa. Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world map Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 ME Besoa in the Four Kingdoms period, c.1200 BME - 35 ME BMEHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranMEHartheraOrorrOrorr |
Crish and Varg | Crish and Varg Crish and Varg is an island group over 900 km north of Cape Cadal, the most northwesterly point of Anásthias. It is named for the two largest islands, but the group includes six smaller islands plus rocky islets, many appearing and disappearing with the viridgreenTherist |
Eastern Isles (New Perech) | Eastern Isles (New Perech) The Eastern Isles, also called New Perech or the Spice Islands, are a tropical island group in the Redeeming Ocean at 13ºS, 3300 km from the mainland of Harthera, 4125 km from the port of Narillin. The islands have a highly diverse population of virid plant species, several of which are prized as flavourings or HartheranHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheran |
Eirr | Eirr Eirr [AIRR] is an island in the Vetthi Republic, 30 km east of the island of Vetth. Eirr is heavily forested, with plantations of green and virid plants used in the island's major industries: timber production and ship-building. The island is about 26 km on its longest axis north-south. The northern third of the island is mountainous and wild, but the remaining majority of the island is rolling hills of managed plantations of both |
Esigan | Esigan Esigan is the largest island in the Junda Isles, roughly 200 km from the Hartheran mainland province of Perudd. It is approximately 125 km north-south and 150 km east-west. Its capital is the port of Jongaven, the largest and most important city in the Isles. islands harthera |
Grace Islands | Grace Islands The Grace Islands (Isjlas Grasja) are a chain of islands in the Sea of Grace, off the coast of southwest Anásthias, part of the Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia. The four largest islands are inhabited, from west to east being: Ayell, Agueda, Ameda and Arguila. The islands were settled by the folkloreAnásthias |
Gres Rock | Gres Rock Gres Rock is a rocky island in the Natorn Sea, in a strategic location southwest of Anrel, near the coast of Trésard and Narette. It is 4.5 km on its longest axis, consisting of precipitous rocks and cliffs with no natural harbour and little soil or vegetation. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify | |
Guree Isles | Guree Isles The Guree Isles are a group of islands off the coast of the Gebay Pensinsula in northern Ororr. The closest is only 4 km from the mainland. These rocky isles have a small population but are a rich source of greenfish, which are dried and salted before being shipped inland. There is a Gebaylan tradition for labourers from the mainland to travel to the islands to help with the fish harvest, in the months before the |
Hi-Lí-Ven | Hi-Lí-Ven Hi-Lí-Ven is a large island off the coast of Zahkdarret, over 5800 km west of Anásthias across the Sea of Smoke. It is a long narrow island over a thousand km long, but no more than 200km wide. islands |
Iluns | Iluns Iluns is an island in Famul Bay, on the east coast of Besoa. It's capital and main port is Iluns Town. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. The island is 52 km east-west, its closest point being 7 km from the mainland. History |
Junda Isles | Junda Isles The Junda Isles [JUN-der] are an island group off the northeast coast of Harthera, traditionally inhabited by the Junda people, and now part of the Hartheran cordrome of Perudd and the Isles. The group consists of six large islands and dozens of smaller ones, each with their own dialect and cultural variations.HartheranHartheran |
Kingdom of Sensatard | Kingdom of Sensatard The Hexactic Kingdom of Sensatard is an island nation, the northernmost of the Anrel Isles and the northern tip of the Natorn Archipelago. Consequently it is colloquially called Northland, particularly by its inhabitants. Sensatard This is in a series of articles about the |
Maiyenet | Maiyenet Maiyenet is an island 120 km from the north coast of Ororr, halfway between the mainland and Vetth, and 100 km northwest of the Guree Isles. It is claimed by Ororr, but its small population has little contact with the mainland and has closer economic ties to the OrorrOrorr |
Manok | Manok Manok (arch. Menioq) is a small island 1100 km west of mainland Anrel. It is a regular stopping port for the trade between Anrel, Vetth and Ororr, particularly for hardy traders willing to risk heavy open seas rather than risking the coast of Harthera. Trade routes Manok is part of a direct trade route between the AnrellanguagegreengreengreengreengreenAnrel |
Mûul | Mûul Mûul [MOO-ul] is an island in the Kingdom of Trésard, about 40km west of the Mainland of the Anrel Isles. It is separated from the Mainland by the Res Channel. Geography Mûul is 150 km north-south, the southern and western half being hilly and windswept, sheltering the lower-lying east coast, which supports livestock and subsistence farming. The island is entirely GodmenGodmengreenGodmen |
Natorn Archipelago | Natorn Archipelago The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias |
The Sarshaws | The Sarshaws The Sarshaws are a group of small islands in the Redeeming Ocean, consisting of two larger islands, Greater Sarshaw and Lesser Sarshaw, and many smaller islets and reefs called the Lesser Sarshaws. For centuries they were a way point for Anrelian and Besoan merchantmen travelling between the HartheranHartheran |
The Spines | The Spines The Spines is an island chain in the Natorn Archipelago, linking the Anrel Isles in the north with Besoa in the south. The islands are the “backbone” of the archipelago. With their geology of grey and white basalt rock, many of the islands are said to resemble gnarled bones, rising out of the sea. Local AnrelAnrelHartheran |
Tsaykoui | Tsaykoui Tsaykoui is a large island group on the eastern edge on the Redeeming Ocean, 5600 km southeast of the Hook of Anarr and 1600 km south of the southernmost tip of Retzayk. Their latitude extends from 33-43°S, the climate ranging from sub-tropical to temperate. tsaykoui The landscape is mostly low elevation, and due to their isolation they are all covered in a unique variety of |
Vetthi Republic | Vetthi Republic The Vetthi Republic is a prosperous island nation which plays a crucial role in trade and international affairs. Its position in the Vetthi Sea north of Ororr makes it a strategic trade hub between Anrel, Harthera and Ororr. * Name: The Vetthi Republic * Government:OrorrHartheraOrorrOrorrviridviridOrorrOrorrOrorrTheristepochsvirid |