
Topics related to artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and general technology.

Technologyplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTechnology

Topics related to artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and general technology.

topics sci1

This is in a series of articles on machinery, artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and other technologiesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTechnology

Topics related to artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and general technology.

topics sci1

Amberglass Amberglass Amberglass is the resin of the amber reed, a virid tropical plant which has been cultivated for millennia in northeast Anásthias. The translucent resin can be heated or treated with other chemicals to make it into a liquid, which can be blown or moulded to make bottles, plates, bowls, jewellery, window panes and endless variety of other products. Amberglass production and manufacture is a major industry in
Ambertone Ambertone The Ambertone Phonautogram is a sound reproduction machine made by the Ambertone Talking Machine Company of Harthera. The technology was first developed for government and business, particularly allowing ministers to dictate correspondence to copyists. More recently, Ambertone machines were used for important news and speeches, allowing people in distant parts of the Union to hear the voices of their leaders for the first time.
Ambertype Ambertype Ambertype is a photographic method, one of the first modern technologies able to capture realistic images of the real world without magical means. Ambertype was developed from the ambertype printing process. Photosensitive chemicals are laid on a sheet of
Arithmometer Arithmometer The arithmometer is a mechanical device using rotational logic to perform calculations. The first modern production model was invented by Salsifer Pentane in 1042 ME, though this claim is controversial since the ancients almost certainly had comparable devices.
Artillery Artillery trebuchet ballista catapult onager - catapult using power of twisted rope wip weapons technology
Boat-cloak Boat-cloak A boat-cloak is a large garment of skin or waxed fabric, which wraps around the wearer to protect them from harsh weather. The outer edges of the cloak have a series of inflatable pockets, so that when the cloak is laid flat and inflated, it forms a small boat or raft.
Gallivat Gallivat Gallivats are relatively small ships used around the coast of Ororr, for coastal defence and transportation. They have both sails and oars, usually with three sails. Gallivats are an evolution of common small fishing vessels. Technology This is in a series of articles on machinery, artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and other
Helegraph Helegraph The helegraph is a method of long distance communication using flashes of light, developed in Harthera. Helegraphy has become a hugely important tool of government, military and commerce, with a national network enabling everything from news and stock reports to personal correspondence being sent up and down the country within a reasonably short period.
Hyperdrive Hyperdrive Most modern interstellar space travel is achieved using variations on the tachyon transference drive (TTD), variously called the tachyon drive or hyperdrive. This circumvents the laws of mass and energy by “flipping” a vessel travelling at speeds approaching the speed of light into tachyonic particles. These particles have no mass in the convention sense, as they are incapable of interacting with sub-luminal matter. They also travel at the speed of light within their own point of …
Paddleship Paddleship Paddleships are vessels driven by a paddle-wheel, powered by either a capstan or treadmill. The motive force is provided by manpower or by animals. They were invented in southern Ororr but are increasingly seen plying the River Wiyel. technology
Printing Printing Printing technology has been known for thousands of years, but until the modern era was restricted to the elites of the more advanced historic civlisations. Methods Taigan Bookwheels In the ancient civilisation of Traithe, important texts were recorded on brass discs, using the flowing continuous OrorrHarthera
Rasian Chainway Rasian Chainway The Rasia Chain Carriageway, or simply the Chainway, was a funicular railway which connected the centre of Rasia City with the Rasian Academy in the valley above. The chainway was a quick and efficient means of transporting visitors and students, since the only alternative was the long uphill climb by road. The chainway was a particular matter of pride for the citizens of Rasia, since it was achieved entirely by mechanical means, all use of
Savant Savant The savant is a type of sailing vessel unique to the historic Kingdom of Sann'al, that contributed to the island nation's dominance of merchant shipping during its great age of trade and exploration, and hundred or more years ago. History The savant was a development of the Harthera
Seahar Seahar A seahar, also called a viridmist or sporfog, is a sea fog with large water droplets containing the spores of virid microorganisms. When inhaled these virid spores can cause a number of illnesses, from a cough, rash, fever and delirium, to fatal acute pneumoniosis.virid
Ships Ships List of important modern and historic types of sailing vessels. topics technology
Step Quay Step Quay A step quay is a harbour structure found in many port cities, enabling ships to be unloaded at all times of the year, whilst protecting the dockside district from flooding by storm tides. Step quays contain three elements: a sea-level wharf which ships come alongside, a high sea wall (usually at least 3 metres), with the two levels being connected by steps. The steps often have a slide section or chute allowing cargo to be lowered down them, or to be raised with ropes.
Sump Gas Sump Gas Sump gas, or sumpgas, is methane gas produced from decomposition. It was originally the name for gas bubbling up from marshland, but is also manufactured as a fuel for city lighting. Historically many cities in Anrel had sump gas systems, by which solid human and animal waste, as well as domestic and farm refuse was fed into fermentation tanks filled with sumpwort, a mix of specially bred digestive organisms. The resultant gas was siphoned off, stored and pressurised for distribution …
tag/technology.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/29 09:55 by Robert How · []