
Articles about the sciences, medicine, physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy and technology.

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Articles about the sciences, medicine, physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy and technology.


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This is in a series of articles about scienceplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigScience

Articles about the sciences, medicine, physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy and technology.


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Astrolode Astrolode An astrolode is a navigational and astronomical instrument used to calculate current latitude and longitude by taking bearings on the Fixed Stars, which hang in fixed points over the equator. It combines an astrolabe (used to calculate the height of a star) and a lodestone, or magnetic compass. Longitude can be calculated from the elevation of the star: the lower the angle, the further north you are. Latitude is calculated from the angle between the nearest fixed star, and magnetic n…
Biology and Ecology Biology and Ecology Helevos has two separate families of life, which compete with each other for resources and space. Various cultures give different names for these two competing families, but in Anrel they are commonly called “the Virid and the Green”, a quotation from the GreenViridgreengreenGreengreenGreengreenviridGreenviridviridviridgreenviridgreengreengreengreenviridviridGreenviridgreenviridgreengreengreenViridgreenviridViridgreenviridviridviridViridgreenviridviridViridgreengreenviridgr…
Duospherical Theory Duospherical Theory Duospherical Theory is a geographical theory that the world of Helevos is a sphere, with two hemispheres which are the physical reverse of each other. It has been the dominant theory for more than a millennium, with world maps showing Anásthias
Everflame Everflame Everflame is a possibly mythical material said to burn brightly without heat or flame, which lit the cities of the ancient Godmen. Various explanations posit magic, some kind of lost chemical property, or a material capable of storing sunlight. Schemes involving the
Global Climate Cycle Global Climate Cycle The Moonscale in fact accurately predicts the motion of the world and surrounding planets, which causes a succession of Glacials (Ice Ages) and Interglacials, which increase and decrease in intensity. These fluctuations are caused by the predictable flucuations of the planet’s axial tilt and other orbital factors. At various tipping points, decades of harsh winters allows buildup of both land and sea ice at the poles. Reduction in sea level alters sea currents, further a…
Green Sea Origin Theory Green Sea Origin Theory The Green Sea Origin is a comparatively recent theory of natural history, proposed to explain why Helevos has two distinct and incompatible kingdoms of life - the virid and the green kingdoms. It was first theorised by Herf Gerlatin of Harlon University, in his 1086 ME book Man from the GreenGreengreenViridViridgreengreenviridgreenviridgreengreenviridviridGreen
Indigenous Natives Indigenous Natives The indigenous native inhabitants of Helevos, collectively called jinnies, are lemur-like virid creatures indigenous to virid forests and jungles throughout the world. Many are considered intelligent, though they are widely thought of as animals and vermin, and have largely been eradicated from areas of human habitation.viridvirid
Phelorix Phelorix Phelorix, also called smokestone, is an extremely hard, glass-like material, said to have been used by the Godmen for constructing towers and cities. Technology This is in a series of articles on machinery, artefacts, manufacturing, craftsmanship, raw materials and other
Plate Theory Plate Theory Plate Theory is a modern theory of geology, proposing that continental land masses are composed of mobile “plates” floating on a sea of liquid rock. The theory was divised by geologists at the Harlon University in Harthera. It explains the formation of the Harthera
Race and Ethnicity Race and Ethnicity The concepts of race and ethnicity in the Civilised World are complex, related to issues of history, geography and culture. Some theories of the origins of humanity claim that all humans are descended from a single group of original ancestors, while others believe mankind is made up of distinct races with separate origins. EloyounHartheraAnrelOrorrOrorrEloyounGodmenEloyounOrorrMunatanEloyounAnásthiasGodmen
Sailing vessels Sailing vessels In a world that is two thirds ocean, ships and naval technology is extremely important for war and trade. The maritime island nations are often the most advanced, whereas the large continental nations tend to rely more on inland and river trade, being relatively backward.
Viricide Viricide A viricide is any compound or agent which kills plants or animals in the Virid Kingdom. In common usage, a viricide is usually a chemical preparation used by farmers and householders to eradicate encroaching virid vegetation, or to poison virid pests. Viricides are generally harmless to members of the virid
Yending Meridian Yending Meridian The Yending Meridian is the prime meridian for measuring longitude on Helevos. The line is relative to the fixed star, Yendimzar. This star hangs directly above the equator, geosynchronous with a point in eastern Harthera. In the mythology of Anrel and Miyarris, Yendim was the first and greatest city of the