Fá Cadal

Fá Cadal [fah-ka-DAL], or Ivfá in the local languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

List of human languages and dialects, contemporary and extinct.



This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication.

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, is a port city in the province of Cadal, in the northwestern tip of Ororr. It is the only significant city in the province and therefore the principle centre of Ororran authority and religion. Though small and isolated, the city is an important trans-shipping port for trade between the western port cities and Toborr.

Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr (Category)

Articles related to the Anasthian nation of Ororr.







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This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage


Hover to magnify | Go to world mapplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Ororr

[fmap-ororr.png] * Zoom out * Gildon * Moritarr * Deltirot * Dunasanin * Gaskanin * Mangasor * @ * @

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Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelang…

  • Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
  • Government: Theocratic Republic
  • Capital: Torroramaiplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTorroramâi

    Torroramâi (also Tororr, T'amai, [tɔ-ROR-ah-MAH-ee, or simply “The Capital”) is the administrative and religious capital of the modern nation-state of Ororr.


    This is in a series of articles about Torroramai, capital city of the nation of Ororr.viridviridOrorrOrorrviridviridgreenvirid
  • Foundation: 52 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigME

    ME is short for Modern Epoch, the modern method of numbering years.
  • Demonym: Ororran
  • Language: Dorounplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigDoroun language

    Doroun [doh-ROON, dɒ'ruːn] is the common language of Ororr, the principle language of law, trade, government and the Mother Church.



    This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication.

    Doroun is spoken as a first language in the regions of Dunasanin and Gaskanin, and as a second language in other regions. It developed from the languagelanguagelanguageOrorrlanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage…
    (official), regional languages
  • Religion: Mother Church of Ororr (Therism)plugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMother Church of Ororr (Therism)

    The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher

Fá Cadal is sometimes called the White Port as many buildings are constructed of white imble, a fleshy viridplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigVirid

Referring to the Virid Kingdom of flora and fauna, toxic to human life.
tree which locals use to make shingles for roofs, walls and tiling.

The city is so distant and isolated from central Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage
that it was the inspiration for a saying, “in Fá Cadal…”, prefacing any kind of fanciful or impossible dream or desire. A common one is “in Fá Cadal, the storm tidesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigStorm tides

Storm tides are particularly high tides, often accompanied by storm surges and dangerous flooding, which occur on Helevos every 1.3 solar years when Helevos comes into conjunction with the giant planet Kwato'or. Storm tides are at their peak within a two week period, and at their most severe when accompanied by natural storms.
never come”, meaning a far-fetched idea.

Many folk tales and fishermen's tales are set in Cadal, particularly those of a grimly instructional nature.

helevos/fa_cadal.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/20 09:52 by Robert How · []