Golden Ordinance

The Golden Ordinance is a natural philosophy which was a key element of Miyarrain culture in the latter centuries of the Celadon Epoch. The “ordinance” was thought to be a set of rules or mathematical which were intrinsic to the universe and observed in nature. Its legacy was important to many later movements, from governance to military conflict and aesthetics.


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According to the Ordinance, the natural world is underpinned by mathematical principles, describing symmetry and proportion, found in all green and virid life including Man. Our innate sense of order and beauty is an unconscious appreciation of these perfect values. This is the “Golden Ordinance”, a mystical series of numbers seen throughout all creation, which hints at how man can come to understand the nature of the universe.

The most direct expression of the Golden Ordinance is in architecture. Miyarrain architects used the Golden Ordinance in the construction of their city spaces and buildings, and in all furniture and objects, believing that a graceful consistency of numbers would promote good order and peace of mind.

The key ordinance for life was respect for others, for nature, and treating others as you wish to be treated. This was later called the list of one and many. Many rules developed a kind of natural numerology by observation of the natural world, such as the “golden ratio” applied to proportions in art and architecture.

The philosophy of the Golden Ordinance was so profound that in the later ages of Miyarrisplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMiyarris

Miyarris [mee-YA-riss], (also Miarris, from Mayápo Mayarous) was a hugely influential ancient civilisation located which flourished during the Celadon Epoch, from 4000-3000 BME. It is considered the first great civilisation in history since the the mythic Godmen.

Ancient Miyarris

, the Lord Architects of the Ordinance became pre-eminent minds in Miyarrain society, and were consulted before any civic undertaking was begun.

helevos/golden_ordinance.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 14:03 by Robert How · []