Miyarrain Patrician Gods

The people of Miyarris were pragmatic in terms of religion, and worshipped Patrician Gods, also called Guardian Spirits. These were powerful deitals or demi-gods, charged with protecting the lands of Miyarris from storms and sneak attacks by enemies.


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According to mythology, the Miyarrain peoples created their own gods, with natures and temperaments intended to reflect the character of the four provinces of Miyarris.

Therefore each of the four regions of Miyarris had a principle protector god. Their names were later recorded as Hengsrain, Traitherain, Ghirerkrain and Mayarrain, though it is unclear whether these were their actual names at the time, or predated or postdated the Mayápo languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

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helevos/miyarrain_patrician_gods.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/23 15:05 by Robert How · []