Principality of Antyok

The Principality of Antyok was a former nation state on the island of Antyok in the Natorn Archipelago. Historically the Principality was the only remaining independent part of the Kingdom of Heronbar, after it was conquered by the Kingdom of Sann'al. The Principality was conquered by Harthera in 1086 ME, ending over a thousand years of monarchical rule.


The island has been inhabited for countless millennia by a proto-Iskean people called the Ko-kway . They are very distantly related to the Junda of the southern islands, who conquered and founded modern Hartheraplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
. Ko-kway lineage is in fact much more ancient, for their ancestors have lived for countless millennia near the God Mountain.

The first settlers from the eccentric sea-faring kingdom of Heronbar on Besoa arrived here over a thousand years ago, approximately 3100 HMplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHirèrk Moonscale

The Hirèrk Moonscale [Hee-Rerrk] (HM) is a luni-solar calendar used at least since the time of Miyarris, which measures cycles based on the moons, solar years as well as the millennia-long cycles of global climate change. Today years HM are only seen in historic works and not considered accurate in historical accounts.epochHMHMBMEepochsepochsepochepochepochepochepochHMepochsMEME
. For a hundred years previous to that, ships had used the natural harbour at Terab as an excellent place to take on food and water during long voyages for fishing, trade and exploration. It quickly developed into a port and thriving town. Conflict with native tribes led the Heronbaht king to send his heir, the Prince, to maintain order, and in time all Crown Princes of Heronbar ruled Antyok before becoming King.

Antyok's port, and agriculture products from the well-tilled plains in its hinterland, gradually became central to the old kingdom's economy, and in the terrible years after the Battle of Four Kingdoms, in which Heronbar's king was killed, the army destroyed and the homelands occupied, the surviving Royal Court relocated to Terab. They never returned.

The old Heronbaht currency was the Tane, or Hook, a short hooked silver rod. This curious currency was devised in Heronbar long ago, the hook being a means of hanging the metal in a balance, ensuring purity in transactions. Foreign gold and silver coins are generally accepted in Terab, but for practicality they are often melted down by local silversmiths.

During the Bizoan War the heavily fortified port city, Terab, was laid seige to by the Hartherans. The Hartherans managed to form an alliance with the Ko-kway by playing on their mutual Iskean heritage, and the Ko-kway's longstanding indignation at the usurpation of their land. With a combination assault from land and sea, the Hartherans managed to conquer the city albeit with a heavy loss of life on all sides, the Ko-kway suffering particularly badly. The island is now a Hartheranplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
Dominion, part of the Cordrome of Bizoa.

helevos/principality_of_antyok.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/20 20:52 by Robert How · []