Twelve Paths

The Twelve Paths is the religion and philosophy of the nation of Go-ám-gam in Munatan.


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All of the paths are a system for achieving self-control, enlightenment, knowledge, and balance with the spirits of the land and ancestors. Each path has a different emphasis on what is most important, with differing regimes prayer, meditation, study or physical practices. Different communities and even families are devoted to differing paths, but it is common for children as students to choose their own path, or change paths several times in their life, particularly in youth or old age.

Each path has a home temple either in one of the cities of Go-ám-gam, or in seclusion in more rural or isolated locations. The paths are each headed by a chief scholar. Though the paths are not overtly political, they do compete for prestige and influence. Each has a hand in selecting future ka-mem-gong, the spiritual king of the nation.

The Twelve Paths are:

  1. Levisha
  2. Xesoti
  3. Xomunti
  4. Iyeveti
  5. Aluvi
  6. Maluxi
  7. Rakochi
  8. Urozen
  9. Xegruni
  10. Kromisini
  11. Pukleshi
  12. Triini
helevos/twelve_paths.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 14:06 by Robert How · []