Unfacing War

The Unfacing War, also called the Blueface War or The Great Unfacing, was a civil conflict in the region of Otekahré in the 8th century ME. It was ostensibly about a trade imbalance in Otekahré's complex gift economy, exacerbated by a complex variety of personal, political and philosophical differences which saw families, towns, cities and entire districts “unface” or ignore and refuse having anything to do with each other for decades.


This is in a series of articles on Wars, Battles and Conflictsplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigConflicts

List of military conflicts, including wars, battles and military campaigns.

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The “war” was largely non-violent, but there were physical conflicts between bluefaced insurgents, and acts of physical sabotage like destruction to roads, boats and bridges which caused loss of life.

The Unfacing severely disrupted the economy of the region for decades after.

helevos/unfacing_war.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 14:04 by Robert How · []