The limeta is a virid tree which grows in the tropical regions, particularly in northern and coastal Anásthias. The fruits are round with dark green leathery skin and distinctive red flesh. They are one of the few virid fruits grown for human consumption, havin a sweet and distinctively acrid taste. virid
Peupra [peh-ERR-pra] is a deep purple-blue dye, obtained from the marsh peurpra, a virid plant native to marshy areas of western Munatan. Historically it grew in abundance in the swamps surrounding the city of Nepor, and was a famous export of that city.
Ream mosses are a family of green plants and lichens which thrive in the boundary between green and virid ecosystems. The boundary between biomes is called the “burn zone” due to the red and yellow colour of lichens which colonise the area.
This is in a series of articles about viridgreengreenviridviridgreenvirid
Silk is a fine, light, opalescent fabric which can be made from several different source materials.
This is in a series of articles on Clothing and textiles.
Greensilk is made from the milk of the malacea worm, a creature which feeds on lichens and virid fungus. Greensilk is the finest of the silks, being soft, shiny, takes vibrant dyes, yet also extremely strong and resistant to wear.virid
Spor are the single-celled reproductive units of virid plants, distinct from seeds or spores found in the green kingdom. Most spor are airborne, release from spor-pods, the fruiting bodies of virid plants. Many spor are motile with rudimentary flagella, either fertilising mature plants, or randomly bonding with the spor of other plants and settling to make a new plant seedling.viridviridvirid
Thornbrush is a virid shrub found in the drier parts of Anásthias. Its leaves grow vicious hand-length thorns preventing grazing by animals. The plant is commonly used to mark boundaries and to provide fencing for animals. Unusual for a virid plant, it is more toxic to viridviridvirid
Tutum is a green bush with glossy leaves, found throughout the Civilised World but particularly in Anrel. It is a successionary plant which grows in the burn zone between virid and green biomes, though it is only able to flourish in the presence of ream moss. One of its principle survival mechanisms is producing greenviridviridviridviridviridvirid