
All articles related to historical events, wars, battles, revolutions, victories and catastrophes, and the history of ideas.

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All articles related to historical events, wars, battles, revolutions, victories and catastrophes, and the history of ideas.


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All articles related to historical events, wars, battles, revolutions, victories and catastrophes, and the history of ideas.


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Battle of Four Kingdoms Battle of Four Kingdoms The Battle of Four Kingdoms (35 ME), also called The Field of Maiúnla Diëlmes [may-UHN-la dee-EL-mez], was a pivotal military campaign in the history of the island of Besoa, culminating in an all-out battle between its historic Four Kingdoms. Its brutal aftermath led to the fall of the kingdoms of
Battle of Meldaoun Battle of Meldaoun The Battle of Meldaoun [MEL-da-oon] (58 ME) (sometimes called Menvin Bridge) was the final decisive victory for Ororran forces fighting the remnant army of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. Menvin Bridge was a crossing point into the old Imperial heartlands in the town of Meldaoun, defended by the massed forces of the old Empire. The defeat was the end of any organised imperial resistance, and led to the death of the last Emperor-General,
Begeen Begeen Begeen [beg-EEN] is a city in the southeast of Trésard, close to the border with Narette. It was sacked and occupied in 219 ME in the first year of the Long War, and was the subject of five battles during which both sides took and retook the city, leaving it a ruined shell.
Events in World History Events in World History Date (ME) Event -15001 First cities of the Godmen -12001 Primary Glacial ending -11111 N1, Second/Jade Epoch -10401 Orodien established as store of lost knowledge -8901 Traithe civilisation established -8401 Decline of Orodien, island eventually abandoned OrorrHartheraHartheraHarthera
Hartheran Commonwealth Hartheran Commonwealth The Hartheran Commonwealth was a constitutional monarchy which ruled Harthera for 164 years, from 407-571 ME. The Commonwealth period marked a shift in the balance of power in the region back to the old Saloyan elites who were still wealthy landowners, particularly in the old
Helevosien Helevosien The Helevosien is a work of mythic history of Anrel, from the Fall of the Godmen to the Long War. It is said to have been compiled by the 6th century ME authoress and poet Henner Goult from a historic texts, though how much is source material and how much Goult's original writing is unclear. The text has evolved throughout its history, successive generations adding historic events including the
History of Anrel History of Anrel Since the island group was formed at the end of the last Great Ice Age, the main landmass came to be known as Anrasard. It had no single government, but there was a loose league of interrelated, self-governing cities reliant on their agricultural hinterlands. These towns and cities had feuds and disagreements, and occasional skirmishes, but never had the need or resources for full-scale war.HMHM
History of Harthera History of Harthera FIXME * 3101 - Junda seize Vahltor * 3101-3118 - Saloyan civil war * 3126 - Chelidt conquer Pishahn * 3197-3200 - Final conquest of Saloya * 3219-25 - War of the Junda Coast * 3339 - First Ravorran War, The Short War
History of Ororr History of Ororr These articles relate to the history of the modern nation of Ororr. history topics
The Tirennion The Tirennion The Tirennion is an epic saga which outlines the legendary history and origins of humanity, from the creation of the universe, the mutual destruction of the ancient first gods who created mankind, and the descent of the Godmen to the world, from whom all mankind is descended. The work is most known in the
Treaty of Begeen Treaty of Begeen The Treaty of Begeen was an armistice which officially ended the Orphans' War in the Anrel Isles. By this point in the conflict both sides were so decimated and fought to exhaustion that no actual fighting had occurred for six months. The meeting was arranged in the ruins of the border city of
World History World History Helevos has eight thousand years of recorded history, with archeology, artefacts and myth stretching back much further. There are two dominant views of human history: the theological view that the whole world and humanity were created some thousands of years ago in one instant of creation; the second, that all humanity descends from a race of fallen demigods called the viridEmerald EpochBMEgreenBMEAnásthiasAnásthiasBMEAnásthiasfolkloreMiyarrisGodmenBMEMEOrorrHartheraMEviridAnásthi…
tag/history.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/11 19:08 by Robert How · []