
List of international agreements and treaties.

Torthien Crisis The Torthien Crisis (1018-1026 ME) was an international conflict which brought the world closest to total war than at any time in history. It began as a proxy war between the great powers of Ororr and Harthera, who funded and encouraged rebel groups as well as smaller nations to fight on their behalf. The crisis focussed on the mountainous region of HartheraOrorrOrorrHarthera
Treaty of Begeen The Treaty of Begeen was an armistice which officially ended the Orphans' War in the Anrel Isles. By this point in the conflict both sides were so decimated and fought to exhaustion that no actual fighting had occurred for six months. The meeting was arranged in the ruins of the border city of
tag/treaties.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/26 17:37 by Robert How · []