Ehamet IX of Narette

Ehamet IX (1047-1110 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigModern Epoch (ME)

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) was monarch of the Kingdom of Narette for four decades, from the age of 23 until his death in 1110. He was considered a strong and irascible king, little loved but made the kingdom powerful and strong. He was succeeded by his son Pirrin of Narette, and thereafter his daughter Illieten of Narette.

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Ehamet had three wives, the first, Alsia, said to be his greatest love, who died in the eighteenth year of his reign. Alsia bore him his first child, Illieten. His second marriage was loveless and childless, his third wife being much younger and bearing his second child and only male heir, Pirrin.

Ehamet nominated Pirrin as his successor at the age of twelve years old, which marked the royal determination to rule the nation by male primogeniture, merely by honour of birth, rather than by primenture, by honour of prestige and ability.