Pirrin of Narette

Pirrin of Narette (1090-1115 ME) was King of Narette from 1110-1113 ME. He was the son of King Ehamet IX of Narette of the House of Ehuth, born to the king's third wife relatively late in his reign. Pirrin succeeded to his father's throne in 1110 ME at the age of 20. His short reign was tumultuous and unstable.

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On the death of his father, the Royal Council was assembled to officially nominate the successor. Narette has a weak Hexact council which almost always nominates the eldest son of a king, but Pirrin's young, inexperience and unimpressive reputation made the confirmation longer than usual.

On his accession he was encouraged to use the regnal name of Ehamet X, following his father and grandfather. Instead he used his household name, viewed as an insult to his ancestors.

He was said to have a violent temper, overfond of drinking and prone to fits of violent rage against any servant or minister who angered him. His rule was arbitrary and nepotistic, appointing unsuitable friends and lovers to important positions of wealth and power. In a rare move by the Hexact council, in 1113 Pirrin was deposed as king in favour of his elder sister Illieten of Narette.

After being deposed he was confined to the royal palace of Laqhas in the Ania Hills, but given the freedom to hunt and hold court with his friends. In 1115 while his sister the Queen was visiting her husband's reclaimed homeland of Besoa, he escaped with the aid of allies. Within a few weeks he was dead, killed in a bar fight in the port city of Nos Ania. Pirrinist loyalists still believe he was murdered by order of the Queen, by ministers acting in her name, or by agents of her husband, King Ralam of Besoa.

helevos/pirrin_of_narette.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 14:06 by Robert How · []