Eijult Empire

The Eijult Empire dominated much of the coastal territory of western Munatan during the 6th and 7th centuries ME. It was forged by the Manthi-ethnic Eijult people, who spread along the coast by land and by sea, seizing control and settling lands once held by the Ennseperan Empire.

The Eijult Empire was not a centralised state, but instead consisted of contiguous territories which were seized by ambitious war leaders, called gahans, keen to expand their wealth and power. These expeditions were generally sponsored by specific Manthi clans, particularly in regions where expansion was difficult without seizing neighbouring territory, sparking civil war.

The empire was not a centralised state, but first amongst the gahans was the Gahan of Sijheeplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigGahanate of Sijhee

The Gahanate of Sijhee was a former nation in the Manthi-Lien, which became the centre of Eijult Empire. Sijhee were a migratory people, but controlled a territory contiguous with modern central Kasepan. The modern city of Sindje later became the de facto capital of the empire.
. The empire's de facto heart was the city of Sindje, capital of modern Kasepan.

In the later 7th century the empire became increasing fractious. With competing power bases and no central control, by the 8th century it had broken up into the modern nations of Danagunda, Kasepan and Teijhu.