Munatan (Category)

Articles about Munatanplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMunatan

Munatan [Moo-Nah-Tahn] is the southernmost region of Anásthias, south of the Dun Trisan mountains. The name possibly derives from a ancient Thalsic, meaning “Land of One Sun”, since the daystar is not visible in the southern hemisphere. Or it may be a reference to the Manthi people who were once the majority population of western Munatan. The term is an OrorrOrorrOrorrHartheraHartheraOrorrOrorrOrorrHartheraHartheraHartheran
, the far southern region of Anásthiasplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnásthias

Anásthias [a-NAS-thee-ass / ænæsθiːæs], or [an-ass-THEE-as] is an equatorial island continent, heart of the Civilised World. The north straddles the equator and is hot and humid, while most of the equatorial centre is an upland plateau with fertile river valleys, and stretches of arid plains and desert in the shadow of the mountains. The south is temperate but more wild, separated from the civilisations of the north by the almost impassable Harthera

Behtoïee Behtoïee Behtoïee [BEH-toe-i-ee] is the fortified hilltop capital of Biinmos in eastern Munatan. It was an ancient hillfort with walls constructed of tall monoliths, while today the stones only remain as ceremonial gates. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map
Biinmos Biinmos Biinmos is a large, militarised state in eastern Munatan. It is sometimes known as Dendrost, a Hartheran version of its name. This is an anachronism and in modern diplomacy only the official name is used. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about HartheranBMEMEME
Blood salt Blood salt Blood salt is a mineral found in the mountains of Li-Vam-Aur and other parts of the Dun Trisan mountains, widely used in cooking. In folklore veins of rock salt are said to be the dried blood of ancient monsters that fell from the heavens and were buried deep in the earth.
Blue Sun Blue Sun The Blue Sun are a mercenary and privateer fleet operating largely in the Great Urash Ocean and the south coast of Munatan. They are considered pirates by the Hesjbagaaian Navy and sometimes a menace to merchant shipping in the area, but are generally used as a mercenary force in the rivalries between the
Boudro Boudro Boudro is a port city in eastern Biinmos. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. ports cities biinmos munatan
Cham Cham Cham is a starchy virid root used to make cham-meal (cham-cham) and cham-cake (kout-cham), staple foods in Munatan. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Cham-tree Cham trees (kamsjiva or kamchiva) are bushy virid plants found in temperate climates throughout viridgreenviridviridviridMunatan
Chosilha Chosilha Chosilha [cho-SEAL-ya] is a territory in western Munatan, where the civil war war that tore apart the old Ennseperan Empire continues to grind on, long after the empire fell. The territory is controlled by warlords, inheritors of the old imperial Loyalist and Republican factions, Republican warlords holding the north, Imperials in the south.
Comeema Comeema Comeema [coh-ME-ma] (also Veldor) is the capital city of the nation of Veedormim in western Munatan. Comeema sits in a sheltered valley in the central highlands surrounded by rich arable land, at an elevation of 560 m above sea level. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail |
Commensalism Commensalism Commensalism (also called Commensarism, from Hespor Cormensjara) is a political philosophy which proposes appropriating existing social and power structures to create a pluralist political and economic system which is beneficial to all. It derives from
Dam-bui-dan Dam-bui-dan Dam-bui-dan is a region of Munatan consisting of hills, swamps and impenetrable virid forest. It is largely unsettled and unexplored, having no roads or navigable rivers. It has some human population in the lowlands, mainly bandit communities made up of criminals and political exiles from surrounding regions.
Death Breathers Death Breathers Death Breathers are the Night-Priests of Veedormim, who use virid narcotics in their rituals. They were contrasted with the Sun-Priests, officials of the state cult. Belief This is in a series of articles about religions and beliefs. The name was originally pejorative but is now commonly accepted. The Death-Breather cult was at its height in the first century virid
Deshee Point Deshee Point Deshee Point, also called Cape Deshee, Dusjee or Veedormim Head, is a peninsula in Veedormim, the most westerly point of Anásthias. As such it marks the southern boundary of the Umber Sea, and marks the divide between the Vesmien Ocean and the Great Urash Ocean. Geography The headland has a mild subtropical climate, wetter on the west coast and more sheltered to the east. It is covered with
Douthai People Douthai People The Douthai are a Manthi ethnic group in what is now Chosilha and parts of central Hesjbagaaia. The Douthai have mainly been subsumed by the general mixing of ethnicities within the old Ennseperan Empire. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about
Dragon Isles Dragon Isles The Dragon Isles (Orthé Rirba in High Besoaad) are found in the mythology of the Natorn Archipelago, distant lands ruled by dragons and the home of various mythical creatures. “” In the third century BME, the adventurer Aego Gastrinimer claimed to have discovered and visited the islands. In his famous Map of the World, he located them off the southwestern coast of
Dromeism Dromeism Dromeism is a system of thought originating in Munatan during the Beryl Epoch, around 2000 BME. It encompasses all aspects of thought, from the fundamental nature of reality and the natural sciences, to principles of ethical behaviour and political responsibility. In its ideas about the fundamental nature of the universe, it shares some concepts with the Miyarrain philosophy of the
Dsjeepor Dsjeepor Dsjeepor or Dushee is a port city in Veedormim, located on Cape Deshee, the westernmost point of Anásthias. Hesjbagaaia Hover to see detail * Name: Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia * Government: Timocracy / Constitutional Monarchy * Capital: Isjbela * Foundation: 701 ME * Language: Ororr
Eijskip Eijskip Eijskip is the capital city of the nation of Teijhu in Munatan. The city was formerly the capital of the Eijult Empire, which controlled much of central Munatan in the 6th and 7th centuries ME. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
Eijult Empire Eijult Empire The Eijult Empire dominated much of the coastal territory of western Munatan during the 6th and 7th centuries ME. It was forged by the Manthi-ethnic Eijult people, who spread along the coast by land and by sea, seizing control and settling lands once held by the
Eijult people Eijult people The Eijult are a Manthi-ethnic people living in central southern Munatan, particularly in the modern nations of Danagunda, Kasepan and Teij. Coastal parts of these nations once comprised the Eijult Empire, which flourished in the 7th century ME. munatan eijult
Empire of Jhohor Empire of Jhohor The Empire of Jhohor is a claimed nation state in the Chosilha region of Munatan. It claims direct descent from the Ennseperan Empire. Its founder Jhohor Sjinlatan was a nephew of the last Ennseperan emperor, who claimed holy right to the Empire and became a figurehead for the Imperialist faction in the
Ennseperan Empire Ennseperan Empire The Holy Empire of EnSann and Essep, commonly called the Ennseperan Empire or simply Ennseperans, was a historic state in the southwest of Anásthias, existing from 101-683 ME. Ennseperans [ ] This is in a series of articles about the Ennseperan Empire. It encompassed the modern nation of OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
Esjtepan Esjtepan Esjtepan is a wealthy industrial and port city on the Limerent Sea in Hesjbagaaia. Its hinterland is rich farmland producing food, peupra dye and raw textiles, so the city is an industrial powerhouse producing packaged dye for export, dyed fine cloth and clothing.
Essep language Essep language The Essep language is the spoken language of the Essep people, a major ethnic group throughout southwestern Ororr and Hesjbagaaia. Essep has hundreds of dialects and sublanguages, but its greatest contribution is to the modern language of Hespor, the official language of Hesjbagaaia. Language language This is in a series of articles about
Fanmiyt Fanmiyt Fanmiyt (ffan-MEET) is a nation in eastern Munatan. It is mostly virid forest with only a small population. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. nations munatan
Frómchis Frómchis Frómchis [FRROM-k'hiss], also FRROM-cheess] is the capital city of the Penayso Federation. In the 7th century it became a colonial city of the Eijult Empire, later a protectorate of the Teijhu. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about
Gahan Gahan Gahan is a Manthi term for war-leader. Gahans were the temporary battle leaders of tribes in ancient times, but in the settled regions of the Manthi-Lien, they were warlords and leaders of their people, kings in all but name. Governance This is in a series of articles on
Gahanate of Sijhee Gahanate of Sijhee The Gahanate of Sijhee was a former nation in the Manthi-Lien, which became the centre of Eijult Empire. Sijhee were a migratory people, but controlled a territory contiguous with modern central Kasepan. The modern city of Sindje later became the de facto capital of the empire.
Gloronfiin Gloronfiin Gloronfiin is a city on Lake Gleronfiin in northern Biinmos. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. cities munatan biinmos
Go-Ám-Gam Go-Ám-Gam Go-ám-gam [go-AM-gam] is a sparsely-inhabited nation in southeastern Munatan, consisting mostly of temperate upland hills and rugged coast with temperate virid forests and no navigable rivers. Its only principle city is Go-ím-ri, situated some miles inland from the sea.
Go-ím-ri Go-ím-ri Go-ím-ri [go-IM-ree] is the capital city of the nation of Gó-Am-Gam in southeastern Munatan. It is a relatively small city, capital of a sparsely populated nation. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
Gundapor Gundapor Gundapor [GUN-de-poorr] is the capital city of the Kingdom of Danagunda in Munatan. It is a port city on the River Gungo, 14 km from the sea. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. History The city is thought to have been founded around 1200 ME
Hemgoé Hemgoé Hemgoé [HEM-go-ay] is a port city in the nation of Biinmos in eastern Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The city has a fortified Hartheran trade enclave, intended to protect local trade in the region.
Hesjbagaaian Navy Hesjbagaaian Navy The Hesjbagaaian Navy is greatest maritime military force in the region of Munatan. Its main task is to defend the nation of Hesjbagaaia from naval incursions by its powerful neighbour Ororr, and to defend merchant shipping against pirates and privateers. Its growing naval prowess has within a century made it second only in power to its ally,
Hespor Hespor Hespor is the common language of Hesjbagaaia, an Essep language with considerable influences from Doroun as well as native languages of Munatan. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. Due to the power of Hesjbagaaia and the historical influence of the Ennseperan Empire, Hespor is the dominant trade and diplomatic languageMunatan
Hesporia Hesporia Hesporia is the region of southwestern Munatan where Hespor is the majority first language. Today it is often synonymous with the modern Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia, though most of Chosilha and parts of neighbouring nations of Danagunda, border regions of Veedormim, and communities in western Inkusjezepa and north Kasepan are all Hespor-speaking.
Inkusjezepa Inkusjezepa Inkusjezepa [INK-ushj-ez-EP-ah] is a nation in Munatan, whose name in the Essep language means “The Collective of the Essep People”. munatan * Name: Inkusjezepa * Demonym: Inkuszi * Government: Commensalism * Capital: Koojit * Foundation: 875 ME (Traditional) * Religion: Heterodox Church, Essep traditions
Irredental Republic Irredental Republic The Irredental Republic of Ennseperans is a nation which claims territory in the region of Chosilha in Munatan. The Republic is a vestige of various republican and commensalist military factions in the War of Schisms, which fought to turn the Ennseperan Empire into a republic with Commonwealth principles.
Isjbela Isjbela Isjbela (or Esjbela) is the capital city of Hesjbagaaia in Munatan, a wealthy port for trade, seat of the kings of Hesjbagaaia and heart of the Heterodox Church. The city lies on the eastern shore of Isjbela Bay, an inlet of the Limerent Sea with a large natural harbour. The old city was founded on a defensible headland, which still forms the city's heart though it has grown far beyond the original walls.virid
Jo-van-ko Jo-van-ko Jo-van-ko is the central inhabited region of Li-Vam-Aur in the mountainous uplands of the Dun Trisan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. munatan
Kamasep Kamasep Kamasep is a city in the nation of Inkusjezepa in Munatan. During the Ennseperan Empire it was the colonial capital, and still remains the hub for trade, being at the end of only two decent roads in the country. After independence the capital was moved to Koojit. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail |
Kat-i-Vau Kat-i-Vau Kat-i-Vau is the highest mountain in the Civilised World, a peak in the Dun Trisan mountains 8100 metres above sea level. [ ] Kat-i-Vau, viewed from the west, northern ridge to the left The mountain is greatly revered by the people of Li-Vam-Aur and Taur-Dji-Oum as the connection between earth and the heavens, the means by which spirits of the dead ascend to the sky.
Kingdom of Danagunda Kingdom of Danagunda The Kingdom of Danagunda is a nation in Munatan. From c.240 ME the region was nominally controlled by the Ennseperan Empire from the outpost city of Gundapor, though during the War of Schisms the whole south of the country was annexed by the Eijult Empire. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail |
Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia The Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia [hesdge-ba-GUY-ah] (also Hesporia or Hespagoria) is a nation in western Munatan. It is the successor to the Ennseperan Empire which dominated the region for much of the first millennium ME but collapsed during the War of Schisms. Hesjbagaaia Hover to see detailMunatan
Kingdom of Kasepan Kingdom of Kasepan The Kingdom of Kasepan is a Manthi-ethnic nation in Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The region of modern Kasepan became a viceroyalty of the Ennseperan Empire in the 6th century
Koojit Koojit Koojit is the political capital of the nation of Inkusjezepa in Munatan. It lies on the River Himnat, though the river is not navigable downstream other than by portage routes. The city was constructed as a colonial outside of the Ennseperan Empire. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map
La-Err-Rûm La-Err-Rûm La-Err-Rûm [/la-AIR-room/] is an ethnolinguistic region high in the Dun Jaen mountains, sparsely inhabited by isolated villages and a few market towns. The region is not a nation-state in that there is no central government, though the people share a common culture, religion and
Lake Gleronfiin Lake Gleronfiin Lake Gleronfiin is the largest body of freshwater in the nation of Biinmos. The city of Gloronfiin lies at its southern end. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. lakes munatan biinmos
Lake Plós Lake Plós Lake Plós is a large, kidney-shaped body of fresh water in Munatan, which gives its name to the nation of Plós. It is 150 km at its longest axis, northwest to southeast. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about
Li-bam Li-bam The Li-bam [Lee-Bam] are a major ethnic group of southern Anásthias, the indigenous peoples of the upland regions of Munatan and Taur-dji-oum. They are one of the three distinct branches of the human family, along with the Gyeil and the Thalsic. Ethnicity ethnicity This is in a series of articles about anthropology, ethnicity and race. Li-bam are referred to pejoratively as
Li-Vam-Aur Li-Vam-Aur Li-Vam-Aur [lee-vbam-our], often known by its Ororran name Levandor, is an upland nation in the Dun Trisan mountains of Anásthias. It is remote and sparsely populated. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern virid
Mansa Mansa Mansa [MAN-ssah] is the official language of the nation of Veedormim. Externally the language is sometimes referred to as Veedor or Veldorin. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. Modern Mansa is a Manthi language with heavy borrowing from Essep and languages of southwestern Ororr, due to the centuries of domination by the
Manthi People Manthi People The Manthi are a diverse group of Jorothi-ethnic peoples found in southwestern Anásthias, particularly southwestern Ororr, Veedormim and the Manthi-Lien. Ethnicity ethnicity This is in a series of articles about anthropology, ethnicity and race. History The early Manthi migrated south along the coast of Anásthias from the Jorothi homelands in what is now northwestern viridvirid
Manthi-lien Manthi-lien The Manthi-lien is an area of southern Munatan once inhabited exclusively by Manthi-ethnic peoples. Traditionally the Manthi-lien was the area of plains stretching from the hills of Chosilha in the west, through what is now southern Hesjbagaaia, Danagunda, Kasepan and Teijhu. During the
Munatan Munatan Munatan [Moo-Nah-Tahn] is the southernmost region of Anásthias, south of the Dun Trisan mountains. The name possibly derives from a ancient Thalsic, meaning “Land of One Sun”, since the daystar is not visible in the southern hemisphere. Or it may be a reference to the Manthi people who were once the majority population of western Munatan. The term is an OrorrOrorrOrorrHartheraHartheraOrorrOrorrOrorrHartheraHartheraHartheran
My-Li-Veng My-Li-Veng My-Li-Veng, also called the Silver Mountain Temple, is the most revered religious site in Li-Vam-Aur. It is also an oracle, the only true oracle on mainland Anasthias, famous for having been consulted by leaders and philosophers throughout history. Buildings
Nepor Nepor Nepor is a historic port city on the western coast of the nation of Hesjbagaaia in Munatan. It is a vital centre for trade, with goods from throughout the region flowing through its docks. Its wharves are well defended, being home to the prestigious Umber Sea Fleet of the Hesjbagaaian Navy.
Penayso Penayso Penayso, also known as Penaysepa, is a confederation of tribal states in Munatan. Its capital is the city of Frómchis. Most of the region is the highlands of the Dun Trisan mountains, stretching from rocky soil in the north to virid jungle in the lower valleys.virid
Penayso (Category) Penayso (Category) Articles related to the nation of Penayso in Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. topics nati1 munatan
Piesjim Piesjim Piesjim [pee-ehz-SHIM] is a city in central Hesjbagaaia. The city is particularly noted for the manufacture of glassware, and in particular stained glass which adorns Heterodox churches through western Munatan. Its famous cathedral is richly decorated with windows depicting the Heterodox saints.
Plós Plós Plós [pl-OH-s, pl'əʊ̯s] is a nation in central Munatan, centred around Lake Plós. It is bordered by Inkusjezepa and Schai-dam. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. In the Beryl Epoch Plós was an ancient philosopher-oligarchy which once exercised great influence on the region, both culturally and politically, despite never having great military strength. Instead its lea…
River Druimi River Druimi The Druimi is the major river of eastern Munatan, flowing from the foothills of the Dun Trisan mountains, through the nations of Fanmiyt and Biinmos Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. rivers biinmos munatan
River Gungo River Gungo The Gungo is the most important river in the Kingdom of Danagunda. At its mouth it about 11 km wide, making it one of the broadest rivers in the world. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
River Himnat River Himnat The River Himnat is the longest river in Munatan. It is the longest river in central Munatan, flowing from the Dun Trisan mountains, through the vird forests of Inkusjezepa and the plains of Teijhu, emptying into Great Urash Ocean. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about
River Jeilabo River Jeilabo The River Jeilabo flows from the highlands of the Dun Trisan mountains, through the nation of Penayso and Teijhu. It joins with the River Himnat before flowing to the sea. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
River Roul River Roul The River Roul or Ruldin, is a great river in southeastern Anásthias, flowing southeast from the mountains through Taur-Dji-Oum to its mouth in Tiernas Bay. The river is the formal boundary between Munatan and Otekahré. At its mouth the river is the widest in the Civilised World and regularly floods, creating an inhospitable landscape of swamps and mudflats.
River Sitreng River Sitreng The Sitreng [SIT-reng] is the longest river in Munatan, flowing from the southern foothills of the Dun Trisan mountains, through the nations of Penayso, Plós and Schai-Dam to the sea. At its mouth is the famed port city of Sjil, greatest port in Munatan, market for the vast diversity of exotic goods shipped downriver and sold to international traders.
Rock butter Rock butter Rock butter is made from animal fats and rock salt, a traditional food among cultures of the Dun Trisan mountains in Munatan. It is very high in calories, a necessity for people living at high altitude, with the rock salt acting as a preservative as well as providing many essential minerals.
Rubáporat Rubáporat The Rubáporat [roo-BAP-poor-rat] was a historic Manthi civilisation in the southwest of Anásthias, on the coast of the Umber Sea. It flourished in the latter part of the Beryl Epoch, from roughly 700 BME until the second century ME when it was dominated by Ennseperan Empire. Nepor and Clanisjpor were its two greatest cities, which engaged in a long standing cultural and economic rivalry. Other key cities were BMEME
Schai-dam Schai-dam Schai-dam is a confederation of city states in southern Munatan. Its greatest city is the port of Sjil, often called Seldan, a corruption of Schai-dam. Northern visitors assumed Sjil was the capital city, rather than being first amongst equals in an alliance of cities.
Sea of Grace Sea of Grace The Sea of Grace (Pelasj Grasja in Hespor) lies off the southern coast of Munatan. The sea is relatively shallow continental, shelf surrounded by the Great Urash Ocean. It is rich in greenfish and seagreens, making it an important food resource for the coastal populations of Hesjbagaaia, Chosilha and Veedormim. It is unusually warm for its latitude, benefiting from equatorial currents which sweep around the southwest coast of
Sea of Veeïn Sea of Veeïn The Sea of Veeïn [VEE-in] is a gulf on the southwest coast of Munatan, between Veedormim and Chosilha. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The coast is a notorious area for piracy, with ships from the war-torn land of
Sindje Sindje Sindje is the capital city of the nation of Kasepan in central Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. munatan cities capitals
Sjberensc Sjberensc Sjberensc [zBER-ench] is an important city in central Hesjbagaaia. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. cities hesjbagaaia munatan
Sjil (Seldan) Sjil (Seldan) Sjil, known as Seldan in much of the Civilised World, is a famous trading city in Schai-dam, historically the greatest and most famous trading port in Munatan. Its remoteness from the northern “Civilised World”, the rarity of its goods and the novelty of its tales and ideas led to it being a fashionable topic for writers of romantic and adventurous fiction in 9th century
Ta-ker-rim Ta-ker-rim Ta-ker-rim or Takérrim [tack-AIR-rim] is a small market city, the principle trade hub for La-Err-Rum in the Dun Jaen mountains. It is considered to be the capital as it is the central meeting point for the nation's leaders, though since La-Err-Rum is not a nation state, it has no centralised government or institutions.
Teijhu Teijhu Teijhu (also Teij or Teij) is a Manthi-ethnic nation in central southern Munatan. In the 5th-7th centuries ME it was the heartland of the former Eijult Empire. Its capital is still the Eijult imperial city of Eijskip. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about
Teijhu (Category) Teijhu (Category) Articles related to the nation of Teijhu in the Munatan. topics nati1 munatan
Terére Terére Terére [teh-RAY-RAY] (also téte) is a stimulating drink brewed from the terere bush, popularly consumed in Taur-dji-oum and throughout eastern Munatan. Food and Drink This is in a series of articles about Food and Drink. Terere bushes were originally climbing plants found in lowland forests, but have been bred to flourish in upland hills. The picked leaves are chopped and fermented then dried, used to make a strong herbal infusion rich with stimulant chemicals including caffeine.…
The Greymen The Greymen The Greymen were a religious movement in eastern Munatan, an offshoot of, or reaction to the Dromeist philosophy of change. They became infamous in Biinmos in the 10th century, where a fundamentalist cult caused the Greymen Holocaust. Belief This is in a series of articles about
Ton-loben Ton-loben Ton-loben, meaning “blood of the stones”, is the animistic spiritualism practiced by the people of La-Err-Rûm in the Dun Jaen mountains. The people believe the mountains are god-spirits, and that rocks are fragments of that spirit which can form a link between the spiritual and human world. Certain rocks and natural formation are revered by the native people and are integral to their ritual practices.
Torkan Sea Torkan Sea The Torkan Sea is a wide gulf in the southeast of Munatan, adjoining the coasts of Sjil, Go-am-Gam and Biinmos. The city of Veltánro in Biinmos is the most significant port. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
Umber Sea Fleet Umber Sea Fleet The Umber Sea Fleet is the division of the navy of Hesjbagaaia, which protects the coastline of the Umber Sea and its vital trade links. Military This is in a series of articles on Armies, Navies and Military subjects. stubs munatan military organisations
Veedormim Veedormim The Mutual Protectoracy of Veedormim is a nation in Munatan, occupying the far southwest corner of Anásthias. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. * Name: Mutual Protectoracy of VeedormimME
Veltánro Veltánro Veltánro [vel-TAN-ro] (also Biil-tam-ro [bee-il-TAM-ro) is a port city in the nation of Biinmos in eastern Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The port has been expanded in the modern 11th century with significant investment from
tag/munatan.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/08 08:53 by Robert How · []