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Great Prophet Therion

The Great Prophet Therionplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTherion

The Great Prophet Therion, founder of the Church of the Mother.
(c.30 BME - ?62 ME), often simply called the Great Prophet, was the founder of the Mother Church and nation state of Ororr.

Therismplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTherism (Category)

All articles related to Therism, the Mother Church of the nation of Ororr.




topics beliefs ororr

plugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMother Church of Ororr (Therism)

The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher

This is in the series of articles related to the Church of the Mother, commonly called Therismplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMother Church of Ororr (Therism)

The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher
, the state religion of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage

He was directly responsible for assembling the Mother Army from warring tribes in the northwest of Anásthiasplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnásthias

Anásthias [a-NAS-thee-ass / ænæsθiːæs], or [an-ass-THEE-as] is an equatorial island continent, heart of the Civilised World. The north straddles the equator and is hot and humid, while most of the equatorial centre is an upland plateau with fertile river valleys, and stretches of arid plains and desert in the shadow of the mountains. The south is temperate but more wild, separated from the civilisations of the north by the almost impassable Harthera
, leading them to conquer the western states of Old Ororr and eventually overwhelming the decaying Empire of Dor-en-Sann to found the modern Church-State of Ororr.


The Prophet's full name is only ever recorded as Toumega Therïon (“my enemies shall name me Toumega Therïon, so let that name remain”, J1:14) but this is implied to not be his true name, but a be an epithet from a lost languageplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigLanguages

List of human languages and dialects, contemporary and extinct.



This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication.

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, perhaps even the tongue of his birth. Therion, or Teryon, is an ancient Thalsic name, found in the folk tale "The Beast and the Lillies", so this may have been his given name. Ororrans consider it disrespectful to refer to The Prophet by his given name.


The traditional birth date of the prophet is 1 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigModern Epoch (ME)

The Modern Calendar is a dating system acknowledged throughout the Civilised World. It numbers years from the Modern Epoch, abbreviated ME and BME (Before Modern Epoch). It is also called the Modern Era.


This is in a series of articles about calendars and dating systems.OrorrHartheraHMOrorrHartheraOrorrOrorrHMHartheraHMHartheraOrorr
, but he was most likely born much earlier than this, possibly around 30 BMEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBME (Before Modern Epoch)

Used to date years Before the Modern Epoch.
. Little is known of the date or even location of his birth, the only accounts being from oral histories. The Prophet wrote that he deliberately wished these facts to remain obscure, since he was only a man and did not want his birthplace to become a place of worship, or his birthday to become a day of celebration, “For that way lies idolatrous distraction from the truth of the way” J5:2. Nevertheless there are many legends about the Prophet's origin, which were first gathered together in an apocryphal collection known as the Siltorn Codex. The codex is a series of instructional tales, most inventions or reworkings of earlier myths and oral histories. The codex has remained popular throughout Theristplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMother Church of Ororr (Therism)

The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher
history despite attempts to burn and ban it.

An apocryphal though widely-believed story is that he was born in the one of the smaller cities of the River Nurallons, which was assaulted by Vosharn tribes, and as a child he was carried off into captivity. He served as cupbearer to a chieftain prince, and so impressed the chieftain with his youthful learning and civility that he grew to be one of his chief advisers, serving to unite them under one enlightened rule.

Though there is no primary evidence for this version, church scholars assert that he likely born in the Nurallons Valley. He wrote that he was “Not of this land”, but during this part of the journey he was travelling to Seqal far from whatever home he came from.

Early Teaching


The Mother Army




Rules written by the Prophet himself forbid any physical or artistic representation of his image. The single exception to this is a statue of him, said to have been cast exactly from life, which originally stood in the entrance chamber of the Prophet's Tower at Foratuna, but now stands in the inner temple where it is viewed by pilgrims taking the Shouft or great pilgrimage.

Despite the ban, Therist art has a genre of paintings of the life of the Prophet and his companions, where the Prophet himself is just out of the frame with people listening to him, or action taking place in his sight. The presence of the Prophet is indicated by a sandal, a fold of robe, or in more daring cases a hand, just on the edge of the frame.

Revisionist history

Many modern Hartheranplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
scholars take a revisionist approach to Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguage
's great prophet, following 1st century rumours that Therion died or was killed during or after the Siege of Toborr. Contemporary accounts cite the strangeness of the Prophet stepping down from leadership of his army, and essentially disappearing from public life with his “retreat” to the sanctuary of Foratuna.

This account was popularised in Ollilontanplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigEmperor-General Ollilontan

Emperor-General Machellen Ollilontan (c.3 BME-58 ME) was an author, artist, and the last Emperor-General of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. He rallied the remaining forces of the empire to briefly rout the Mother Army, after the collapse of the last imperial dynasty. His leadership was the final flowering of EnSanni arts and culture, which ended with his death.TheristMEMEMEMEMEHartheran
's opera The Faithless Vultureplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Faithless Vulture

The Faithless Vulture, subtitled “A comedy of tragic ends”, is an opera written by the last Ensanni Emperor, Ollilontan. It is his longest and most controversial work, a thinly veiled parody of the rise of Therion, the Great Prophet of the Therist religion. To modern Therist
, where he is depicted as committing suicide in shame of the atrocities committed in his name.

Though popular in Hartheraplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
, Ororran historians have widespread written accounts of the Prophet visiting cities along the River Wiyel, as well as the original manuscripts of his writings at Foratuna.

helevos/great_prophet_therion.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/31 10:03 by Robert How · []