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List of notable towns and cities.

Agann Agann Agann [a-GAN] is the capital city of of Tofá province in southwestern Ororr, as well as capital of the Gildon autonomous region. Historically it was the city of Gannalesj or New Galkesh, the capital of the Ennseperan Empire. As such it has seen revolts and rebellions many times, and is the focus of heavy presence by Ororran priest-militants.Ororr
Anadoul Anadoul Anadoul, also known as Anadun, is a ceremonial city, the cultural capital of the confederation of Kahtoyn. It is not a capital city in the traditional sense, since Kahtoyn is a confederation of sovereign polities. The city is primarily the residence of the
Angdrogigin Angdrogigin Angdrogigin is a city on Lake Angdro, in the Perudd cordrome of northeastern Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1 ME (Traditional) * Religion
Ayetua Ayetua Ayetua [ay-YEH-too-ah] is a port city on the arid reaches of the Red Wiyel in Ororr, famed as the terminus for galleys travelling upriver on the Shouft or Great Pilgrimage of the Therist faith. Despite its proximity to the holy sites of Foratuna, it is a dry, drab and dusty settlement, used only as a waystation for the unceasing movement of pilgrims.
Behtoïee Behtoïee Behtoïee [BEH-toe-i-ee] is the fortified hilltop capital of Biinmos in eastern Munatan. It was an ancient hillfort with walls constructed of tall monoliths, while today the stones only remain as ceremonial gates. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map
Belisan Freeport Belisan Freeport The city of Belisan [beh-li-SAN], known internationally as Belisan Freeport, is a port city surrounding Belisan Bay, at the mouth of the River Minnd in southeast Anret. Belisan is actually two cities divided by the river. Belisan City lies on the west of the river, with its Royal Docks subject to normal customs tariffs. East of the river is the
Beyän Beyän Beyän [bay-AHN] (arch. Bé'an, Ben Akir) is a city in central plains of the Kingdom of Trésard. For millennia it has been an important centre for trade, arts, manufacturing and governance. Uniquely Beyän is vertical city, its markets and long galleries constructed from natural caves in the plug of an extinct volcano.
Boudro Boudro Boudro is a port city in eastern Biinmos. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. ports cities biinmos munatan
Catáos Catáos Catáos [cat-AY-oss] is a small but wealthy city in Deltirot, famous for the Cataos Falls, the most impressive waterfalls in Ororr, which form a natural barrier between the autonomous regions of Deltirot and Dunasanin. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Cavankeen Cavankeen Cavankeen [CAV-an-keen] is a port city in Ororr, in the province of Cavann. Due to its relative closeness to the border with Harthera, the city has a significant Iskean-ethnic population, and has been the subject of revolts and attacks by Hartheran nationalists. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Chelgrigen Chelgrigen Chelgrigen is an important port and capital city of the cordrome of Perudd in northeastern Harthera. It is the third most important port of the Hartheran Navy. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy
Chelkaman Chelkaman Chelkaman [chel-KAM-an], also called Jo-kaman is a port city in northeastern Harthera, in Keaman Bay. It is considered a fair-weather port, closed during the storm tide season. Historically Chelkaman was the eastermost of the Chelidd States, later conquered by the Junda. Harthera This is in a series of articles about
Chusut Chusut Chusut is the largest city in Taur-dji-oum, often erroneously considered the capital of this fractious region. Chusut is a port on Lake Mamoluim, a hub for trade, diplomacy and intrigue. It has been fought over many times by the clans and burned to the ground many times throughout history.
Clanisjpor Clanisjpor Clanisjpor is a port city on the Umber Sea in Hesjbagaaia. It is the second city of the north, 150 km south of Nepor, with a slightly cooler and drier climate. In ancient times it was one of the great cities of the Rubaporat, ruled by the Poet Kings. Clanisjpor is a compact city, built on a gently sloping hillside with walls to the north and south. The higher slopes are the tower-houses of the aristocracy, famed for their perfumed step gardens, packed with aromatic plants that catc…
Comeema Comeema Comeema [coh-ME-ma] (also Veldor) is the capital city of the nation of Veedormim in western Munatan. Comeema sits in a sheltered valley in the central highlands surrounded by rich arable land, at an elevation of 560 m above sea level. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail |
Cynosta Cynosta Cynosta or Cheenosta [sin/kin/cheen-OSS-ta] is a city in Cavann province in northeastern Ororr. Like much of the province, which borders Harthera to the east, it has a significant Iskean-ethnic population. Historically it was an ancient Iskean city-state and petty kingdom under the Ororr
Dalaut Dalaut Dalaut [dal-AH-oot] is a city in the autonomous region of Deltirot in southern Ororr. It is a prosperous trading port on the Green Wiyel, surrounded by agricultural plains and a vibrant hub of food exports. The city's hinterland is famous for its herds of livestock, producing meat, leather, and cheese. Historically the city had a rough frontier reputation, but in the last century wealthy merchants vied to build parks and monuments as a legacy to their families. Ororr
Delgeth Delgeth Delgeth is an ancient fortified port city on the south coast of Besoa, gateway to the fertile farmlands upriver. Historically it was the capital of the old Kingdom of Alsan, and thereafter the second city of the Alsaneth Republic. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the HartheranHartheran
Delán Delán Delán (de-LAN, from Daltirich Dalítlan, dal-IT-lan) is the capital of Deltirot, one of the six autonomous regions of Ororr. It is the largest and most prosperous city in the region, a centre for trade, industry and Daltirich culture. The city lies on the Green Wiyel, the central tributary of
Desol Desol Desol is a major port city in Kahtoyn, on the coast of the Foundering Sea in eastern Anásthias. It lies at the mouth of the River Sourayn, which flows through the richest green farmland in the region. Consequently Desol is a major trade hub for agricultural products such as food, textiles and green lumber.
Dsjeepor Dsjeepor Dsjeepor or Dushee is a port city in Veedormim, located on Cape Deshee, the westernmost point of Anásthias. Hesjbagaaia Hover to see detail * Name: Kingdom of Hesjbagaaia * Government: Timocracy / Constitutional Monarchy * Capital: Isjbela * Foundation: 701 ME * Language: Ororr
Déor Déor Déor [DAY-or] is a prosperous city on the River Nurallons in western Ororr, capital of the region of Moritarr. It was the first major city to be conquered by the Mother Army in 33 ME and formed the first capital of the new church and state, hence the region sometimes being known as OrorrOrorr
Eijskip Eijskip Eijskip is the capital city of the nation of Teijhu in Munatan. The city was formerly the capital of the Eijult Empire, which controlled much of central Munatan in the 6th and 7th centuries ME. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
Eminde Eminde Eminde is a small city in the nation of Narette. It lies on the River Minnd, just below the cataracts and waterfalls which rise up to the Ania Plateau. Consequently, it is the furthest point on the river which can be reach by boat. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify | Go to world atlas This is in a series of articles about the
Enpoul Enpoul Enpoul is a city on the River Sourayn in Kahtoyn. Otekahré Hover mouse to see more detail This is in a series of articles about the region of Otekahré in eastern Anásthias. cities kahtoyn otekahre
Episcin Episcin Episcin [EP-is-sin] is a mainly ruined settlement on the east coast of Anrel, on what is now the border between Tresard and Narette. In the 1st century ME it became a retreat for wealthy nobles as well as scholars from the city of Rasia, who wished a private retreat far from the austerity and observance of the
Es Terin Es Terin Es Terin is a city in Kahtoyn, about 100 km south of the Hartheran frontier. It is the the most northerly city in Kahtoyn, and nominally a trade outpost for Hartheran merchants. The Hartheran military have made numerous attempts to conquer and annex the city, usually finding the locals uncomprehending and non-compliant, or the town's population simply vanishes overnight.
Esjtepan Esjtepan Esjtepan is a wealthy industrial and port city on the Limerent Sea in Hesjbagaaia. Its hinterland is rich farmland producing food, peupra dye and raw textiles, so the city is an industrial powerhouse producing packaged dye for export, dyed fine cloth and clothing.
Famúl Famúl Famúl [fa-MOOL] is a city on the island of Besoa. Since the declaration of the United Kingdom of Besoa in 1114 ME, it has been the island's provisional capital. Besoa This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago. History The city was founded around 1700
Fiss Fiss Fiss is a city in Tulf Jhaena province in southeastern Ororr. It lies on marshy stretch of the Red Wiyel, and is known as the Reed City, a reference to Taslamac, the much wealthier Red City downriver. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Foratuna Foratuna The Sanctuary of Foratuna [Fo-Rah-Too-Nah] is the holiest site of the Mother Church of Ororr: the desert place where the Great Prophet built his sanctuary tower, in which he formulated the principles of the new religion, and laid the foundations for the Ororran state. The Sanctuary is a complex of religious buildings and housing for the priesthood, including a great hall and holy circle or greenmagicmagic
Frómchis Frómchis Frómchis [FRROM-k'hiss], also FRROM-cheess] is the capital city of the Penayso Federation. In the 7th century it became a colonial city of the Eijult Empire, later a protectorate of the Teijhu. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about
Fá Cadal Fá Cadal Fá Cadal [fah-ka-DAL], or Ivfá in the local language, is a port city in the province of Cadal, in the northwestern tip of Ororr. It is the only significant city in the province and therefore the principle centre of Ororran authority and religion. Though small and isolated, the city is an important trans-shipping port for trade between the western port cities and Ororr
Gahsk Gahsk Gahsk (also Gazask) is a city in the Gaskanin region of eastern Ororr. It lies on a hill close to where the Gahsk River flows out of Lake Trazámske, historically a highly defensible location with access to the area's abundant natural resources such as fish, timber and minerals. The city was an ancient centre of civilisation, but its remote and isolated location has kept the city prosperous but still relatively small.Ororr
Galkesh Galkesh The modern city of Galkesh [GAL-kesh, g'alkeʃ] is capital of the Gaskanin region of northeastern Ororr, and of Galkesh province. In ancient times it was Gaalkedch [nGAHL-kedge-sh, ɣɑːːɫkeʒʃ], centre of the first Gaal Empire, and later the holy metropolis of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrME
Garsun Garsun Garsun [gar-SUN], historically Carsoyin or Karsooin, is a major port city in northern Harthera, capital of Garsundt province. The city is heavily industrial, producing salt, salted greenfish, and the condiment galep. It is also a hub for shipping ores and other industrial resources.
Gloronfiin Gloronfiin Gloronfiin is a city on Lake Gleronfiin in northern Biinmos. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. cities munatan biinmos
Go-ím-ri Go-ím-ri Go-ím-ri [go-IM-ree] is the capital city of the nation of Gó-Am-Gam in southeastern Munatan. It is a relatively small city, capital of a sparsely populated nation. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern
Golobath Golobath Golobath [GOL-oh-bath] is a ruined city on the River Kethel in the Anrel Isles. During the Little Ice Age it was an independent market city that flourished on trade. During the Long War its position on the marches between north and south meant it was regularly occupied by hostile forces, and the site of many conflicts and skirmishes.ME
Gundapor Gundapor Gundapor [GUN-de-poorr] is the capital city of the Kingdom of Danagunda in Munatan. It is a port city on the River Gungo, 14 km from the sea. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. History The city is thought to have been founded around 1200 ME
Harlon Harlon Harlon is the largest and most prosperous city in the world. Sitting at the mouth of River Velun, it is the greatest city in Harthera, a vast metropolis of docks, shipyards, markets, with a multiplicity of languages and communities which make it the foremost trade and shipping port in the world. Hartheranstorm tidesHarthera
Helmeth Helmeth Helmeth [HEL-meth] is an industrial city on the south coast of the island of Besoa, whose wealth was traditionally based on logging of greenwood and production of iron, steel and other minerals extracted from mines in the nearby hills. Besoa This is in a series of articles about
Hemgoé Hemgoé Hemgoé [HEM-go-ay] is a port city in the nation of Biinmos in eastern Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The city has a fortified Hartheran trade enclave, intended to protect local trade in the region.
Heth Ania Heth Ania Heth Ania [HETH AH-nee-uh] is the royal capital of the Kingdom of Narette. It is a modern and cosmopolitan city, centre for sea trade between Narette and Trésard. History Settlements have existed in the area throughout recorded history, but the first city was built as a colony of the Annéans in the second millenium ME
Hevuold Hevuold Hevuold is a historic settlement on the island of Besoa. It was formerly Hebol, the royal capital of the ancient Kingdom of Heronbar, but is now primarily a market town for the surrounding farmlands. It is noted for its textile weaving, particularly for ovorn wool and linen.
Hidden Cities Hidden Cities The Hidden Cities is a historic term for the part-subterranean cities of the Kalkot Gorge, particularly Seqal, Sopeq and Sequb. The cities were originally built in caves and hollows in the karst rock of the steep-sided river valley, so they were entirely hidden from sight to travellers journeying across the plains above. In modern times the gorge is much more cluttered and the cities far larger, mainly built on the plains above with only the docks areas being next to the river.
Himéath Himéath Himéath [HIM-ay-ath, hɪm aɪ ath] is a historic fortified city in the centre of the Ania Plateau. Until the 8th century ME it was the capital of the old Kingdom of Narette. Today it a prosperous but provincial city, its growth restricted by its walls so that it is now only the fourth biggest city in Narette.
Hiraouok Hiraouok Hiraouok [hee-RA-oo-uk], or Hirerk, was one of the four great cities of ancient Miyarris. As a port city it was one of the most famous, and the hub for trade with the outside world. It is remembered as the White City for its grand public buildings and colonnades of white marble. It was also a great centre for arts and sciences.
Hornum Hornum Hornum is a town on the north coast of Sensatard. Though small, it is the largest settlement in the north of the country. Historically it was the city of Harnam, which became an affluent city-state known for its industry and culture. In the period of civil war following the end of the
Initerer Initerer Initerer is the capital of the Siltorn region of northwest Ororr, historically the capital of the Siltorn Republic. It is located on the northern shore of Lake Initerer, surrounded by hills and rich temperate farmland. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Jikitorr Jikitorr Jikitorr is a prosperous trading city near the junction of the River Wiyel and the River Dor in central Ororr. It is commonly called the Flower City due to its streets of scented flowering trees, and the abundance of its market gardens. Jikitorr is famed for its annual flower festival in early summer. Jikitorr is a centre of Doroun culture, arts and literature.OrorrOrorr
Jongaven Jongaven Jogaven [jong-GAV-en] is a city on the island of Esigan, the most important port in the Hartheran Junda Isles and its de facto capital. Set in a large deepwater lagoon, the city is a strategic port for the Hartheran Navy. It is a hub for all trade within the Isles, a centre for shipbuilding, and a frequent stopping point for merchantmen trading between
Jorapor Jorapor Jorapor is a port city in Tofá province in the Gildon region off southwestern Ororr. It is situated at the mouth of the Jora River, and is the main trade port for the province. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Jé Gamel Jé Gamel Jé Gamel [JAY gah-MELL] is an important port city in Gorval province in the northeast of Ororr. It is a strategically important naval port, guarding the coast of the Iskean Sea. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Kamasep Kamasep Kamasep is a city in the nation of Inkusjezepa in Munatan. During the Ennseperan Empire it was the colonial capital, and still remains the hub for trade, being at the end of only two decent roads in the country. After independence the capital was moved to Koojit. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail |
Kokant Kokant Kokant is a city in the northern highlands of Taur-dji-oum, just 80 km from the border with Ororr. It has long been the main trade link with Ororr, but is also a key city for Ororran missionaries trying to spread the Therist faith to the region. Taur-Dji-Oum torthien This is in a series of articles about the mountainous upland region of OrorrOrorrOrorr
Koojit Koojit Koojit is the political capital of the nation of Inkusjezepa in Munatan. It lies on the River Himnat, though the river is not navigable downstream other than by portage routes. The city was constructed as a colonial outside of the Ennseperan Empire. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map
Laqhas Laqhas Laqhas or Larqhas [LAR-kas] is a small city in Narette in the Anrel Isles. It is in the north of the Ania Plateau, set in a picturesque steep-sided valley surrounded by hills of green forest. The city is most known for its royal palace, a secluded hunting lodge set in the hills, which has long been a quiet retreat for the kings of Narette.
Lasfasep Lasfasep Lasfasep is a port city in Tofá province in southwestern Ororr, a strategically important city 50 km from the border with Hesjbagaaia, and important for local trade. It is famed for being the most distant Ororran city from the capital Torroramai, 3800 km. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Leimoo Leimoo Leimoo [LEH-ee-moo] is a major city on the River Sourayn in Kahtoyn. It is a market hub for local agriculture and manufacturing, noted for its fine pottery and textiles. Otekahré Hover mouse to see more detail This is in a series of articles about the region of Otekahré in eastern
Lerít Lerít Lerit [leh-RITT] is a city in the Gildon autonomous region of southwestern Ororr, capital of Meral province. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Marat Marat Marat is a city in Gyeiladde province, in the Gildon region of Ororr. It is a port on the River Sargil, centre for the trade in agricultural products and timber from plantations in the surrounding temperate foothills of the Dun Trisan. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorrOrorr
Marr Sirque Marr Sirque Marr Sirque [mar SEE-urkh] (Miyarrain: Miyarsouok; Hartheran: Narsik) is a port city in Kahtoyn, the principle trading port in Otekahré. Otekahré Hover mouse to see more detail This is in a series of articles about the region of Otekahré in eastern Anásthias. Historically it was an outlying river city of Hartheran
Melej Melej Melej [MEL-ej, mel-ESJ] is a major city on the River Sargil in the jungles of Gyeiladde province in southwestern Ororr. It was constructed in the 6th century ME as a colonial outpost of the Kingdom of Deltirot, and later became a stronghold of the United Duchies of Vildon during its period of independence from Deltirot.Ororr
Merelq Merelq Merelq is a city in the Trenya region of southwestern Trésard, in the Anrel Isles. It is an important market hub for the abundant agriculture of Trenya, and is also its political capital, being home to the Margrave of Trenya. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify | Go to world atlas This is in a series of articles about the
Mezain Mezain Mezain is the capital city of the Vetthi Republic, one of the key merchant ports in international trade. It is the home port of the wealthy Vetthi Merchant Fleet, as well as centre of the Vetthi government. Name Mezain means “mouth of the river Zuin”. Geography The city is situated on a slightly elevated plateau on the banks of the River Zuin, high enough to be protected from flooding. It lies approximately 6 km from the open sea. The Zuin estuary is unusually deep and navigable eve…
Meúth Meúth Meuth [may-OOTH] is a city in the agricultural belt of Trésard, in the Anrel Isles. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify | Go to world atlas This is in a series of articles about the Anrel Isles, a significant archipelago in the Natorn Sea. cities tresard anrel
Narillin Narillin Narillin [NAR-ill-EE-in] (Eloyoun Marille, historically Mariyë, also known as the Plaster City) is one of the great port cities of the world and the third largest city of Harthera. It was an ancient Eloyoun city state, said to have been founded by refugees from Miyarris. For much of the EloyounHarthera
Nepor Nepor Nepor is a historic port city on the western coast of the nation of Hesjbagaaia in Munatan. It is a vital centre for trade, with goods from throughout the region flowing through its docks. Its wharves are well defended, being home to the prestigious Umber Sea Fleet of the Hesjbagaaian Navy.
Nesh Gobá Nesh Gobá Nesh Gobá [nesh go-BA] is a city in Gorval province in Ororr. Today it is a fairly small market city, but it is the historic cultural capital of the Gobalay people. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Niqarit Niqarit Niqarit [NIQ-a-rit] is a city in the Sekalkot province of central Ororr. It is an agrarian market city sitting in a loop of the Blue Wiyel. It was founded as a farming colony supplying vital food and natural materials to the ancient Kingdom of Seqal. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Niseq Niseq Niseq is a town perched on the vertiginous cliffs of the River Wiyel in the Sekalkot Province of central Ororr. The town is rough and unremarkable, notable only for its proximity to the so-called Old Man of Niseq, a natural rock formation at the confluence of the Red and Green branches of the Wiyel. Ororr
Obanam Obanam Obanam is a city in the Kingdom of Narette in the Anrel Isles. Though small, it has long been strategically and economically important for its position in a sloping valley which allows easy passage from the plains of central Narette, to the highlands of the Ania Plateau. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify |
Oyeez Oyeez Oyeez [oy-YEEZ] is a port city in the south of Kahtoyn. It is the most southerly major city in Kahtoyn, noted as a city of eccentrics and a place where people with unusual and non-conformist views would flee. Otekahré Hover mouse to see more detail This is in a series of articles about the region of
Oylok Oylok Oylok is a wealthy and historic city on the River Verais in central Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1 ME (Traditional) * Religion
Paguel Paguel Paguel [pa-GOO-el] is a city at the southern end of Lake Anlutu in the Triminot region of central Ororr, about 200km south of Remel. Due to its position on marshy ground where the River Wiyel flows into the lake, the city has been flooded and even destroyed many times in its history.
Penithelarn Penithelarn Penithelarn [PEN-ee-THEL-ahn] is a major port city in western Ororr, chief trading port of the autonomous region of Moritarr. It is located on the estuary of the River Nurallons, where it flows into the Sea of Grief. It trades particularly in bulk produce like grain and other foodstuffs produced in the fertile Nurallons valley.Ororr
Perilth Perilth Perilth (Besoaad), or Beridt (Hartraan), is a port city in Besoa, once renowned as the wealthiest city in the Natorn Archipelago. In former times it was the royal capital of the Kingdom of Sann'al, known as The Silver City both for its wealth, for the blue and silver banners of the Sann'alese kings, and for the sparkling waters of its many fountains.HartheranHartheranHartheran
Piesjim Piesjim Piesjim [pee-ehz-SHIM] is a city in central Hesjbagaaia. The city is particularly noted for the manufacture of glassware, and in particular stained glass which adorns Heterodox churches through western Munatan. Its famous cathedral is richly decorated with windows depicting the Heterodox saints.
Pinyel Pinyel Pinyel is a market city on Lake Prioythan in the western jungles of Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1 ME (Traditional) * Religion
Pishan Pishan Pishan (also Mashan, historically Pishahn), is an important provincial city, capital of the Nashandt cordrome of Harthera. Historically it was the capital of the Grand Palatinate of Saloya. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government:
Por Muel Por Muel Por Muel [poor-MOO-el] is the capital city of the Kingdom of Trésard. It is a relatively new city, built in former marshland drained by a series of canals. Its construction beginning c.250 ME after the total destruction of Teran Muel during the Long War. The city is relatively low-lying but defended from the sea and
Rand Rand Rand is a fortified hill city in the central plains of Narette. It was the only major settlement in the plains not destroyed during the Long War, despite multiple assaults and seiges. It owes its survival to its position on a hill with unusually strong walls. During the war the outer city was sacked many times, the surviving inhabitants rebuilding their lives within the safety of the citadel.
Rasia City Rasia City Rasia [RAH-zee-uh]], sometimes called Rasia City to distinguish it from the eponymous Grand Academy of Rasia, is a city on the south coast of Lake Ondrere in the Anrel Isles. Once a vibrant metropolis and a centre of culture, in 236 ME it was burned to the ground by Anretian forces during the MEmagicmagic
Remel Remel Remel [rem-ELL] is a major city on the River Wiyel in Ororr, situated between the Triminot Lakes. The region is wealthy and one of the most densely populated regions of the civilised world, being a major centre for agriculture, trade and manufacturing. Historically it was the capital of the powerful city-state of her
Ridee Ridee Ridee is an important city in the Sereou region of Otekahre. Historically it is important as the home of the Blueface philosophy which distinguishes modern Otekahre from its Eloyoun neighbours. Otekahré Hover mouse to see more detail This is in a series of articles about the region of
Rāna Rāna Rāna [RAH-nuh] is a rugged port city on the northeast coast of Trésard. It is the principal trade link between Sensatard and Trésard, and a major fishing port for boats visiting the eastern sea. Rana is particularly busy in the winter months and the storm tide season, when ships outbound from
Sakunut Sakunut Sakunut ([SAK-oo-noot], also called Moromo in Doroun) is a city on the River Wiyel in central Ororr. The surrounding region is noted for its agricultural produce, particularly fruits and grains which are vital for feeding the nation's capital, Torroramai. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororrgreen
Salt Rock City Salt Rock City Salt Rock City is a part of the conurbation of Harlon, the great port city of Harthera. It was originally built in the mid 9th century as a retreat for the wealthy, away from the damp narrow streets of the city centre. It is named after Salt Rock Mountain, a distinctive peak said to resemble rock salt.
Sanein Sanein Sanein is the capital city of Cavann province of northeastern Ororr. In ancient times it was the most easterly city of the Gaal Empire, and an important trade hub with the eastern provinces. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. OrorrOrorr
Saria Saria Saria [SAH-ree-uh] (historically Esaria, or Aria) is a prosperous port and market city on the west coast of Sensatard in the Anrel Isles. It is the second city of the kingdom, the hub for trade, industry and agricultural produce in the western provinces. Historically it was a powerful city state, which became part of the unified Kingdom of Sensatard following the
Saréta Saréta Saréta [sa-RAY-tuh] is a small city in the central uplands of Sensatard in the Anrel Isles. [Sarekéa region of central Sensatard in the Anrel Isles] The city is surrounded by mountains, and is the cultural and religious capital of the ethnic Sarekéa people who inhabit the mountain region. The Kings of Sensatard have long given the city and the region a great deal of autonomy, although the city abides by Northland laws and pays taxes to the
Seqal Seqal Seqal is a historic city in Ororr, at the confluence of two tributaries of the River Wiyel. The ancient city was cut into the rock between the two rivers, making it one of the “Hidden Cities” that were mainly underground. Today the majority of the population live in New Seqal, built on the river bank a little downriver from the Old City.Ororr
Seqot Seqot Seqot is a city in Sekalkot province the Dunasanin autonomous region of central Ororr. The city lies in a curve of the River Wiyel called the Seqotri Bend, 100 km southeast of the city of Seqal. It sits on alluvial plains and is surrounded by farmland, irrigated by canals and traditionally an important source of agricultural produce for the region. The city is connected to the Ororr
Sequb Sequb Sequb is a town in the Kalkot Gorge region of central Ororr. It is one of the traditional Hidden Cities of Kalkot, since many dwellings are cut into the steep walls of the gorge. It was a prosperous city in antiquity but inability to expand has made it little more than a sleepy backwater today, an overnight stopping point for pilgrim boats on the
Sindje Sindje Sindje is the capital city of the nation of Kasepan in central Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. munatan cities capitals
Sineratot Sineratot Sineratot is a major city in the region of Deltirot in Ororr. It is at the heart of Deltirot's grain belt, surrounded by rich farmland. cities ororr
Sjberensc Sjberensc Sjberensc [zBER-ench] is an important city in central Hesjbagaaia. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. cities hesjbagaaia munatan
Sjil (Seldan) Sjil (Seldan) Sjil, known as Seldan in much of the Civilised World, is a famous trading city in Schai-dam, historically the greatest and most famous trading port in Munatan. Its remoteness from the northern “Civilised World”, the rarity of its goods and the novelty of its tales and ideas led to it being a fashionable topic for writers of romantic and adventurous fiction in 9th century
Sopeq Sopeq Sopeq is a prosperous city on the River Wiyel in Ororr, about 100 km north of Seqal. Sopeq was founded as one of the northernmost colonies of the Kingdom of Seqal, but has long eclipsed its ancient progenitor. Though Sopeq is much larger, for historic reasons Seqal remains the official capital of the province. In the Ororr
Ta-ker-rim Ta-ker-rim Ta-ker-rim or Takérrim [tack-AIR-rim] is a small market city, the principle trade hub for La-Err-Rum in the Dun Jaen mountains. It is considered to be the capital as it is the central meeting point for the nation's leaders, though since La-Err-Rum is not a nation state, it has no centralised government or institutions.
Taigálu Taigálu Taigálu [tay-GAL-oo] was the capital city of the ancient empire of Traithe. The city's precise location is uncertain, since the region was lost beneath rising seas millennia ago. However it is thought to have been somewhere north of what is now the
Taslamac Taslamac Taslamac [tass-LAM-ack], colloquially called the Red City, is a city in in southern Ororr, on the north bank of the Red Wiyel. It is in the Mangasor Special Autonomous Region, benefiting from relatively low regional taxes and regulation. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorr
Terab Terab Terab, also called by its Iskean name Teraq, is the capital city and main port of the island of Antyok. It is officially a Protectorate of the Hartheran Navy, who claim to administer the island on behalf of the native Ko-kway people. In practice the city and the island are essentially under MEHartheran
Teran Muel Teran Muel Teran Muel, more often called Teranen [teh-RAH-nen], was a historic metropolis on the south bank of the mouth of the River Lar in modern Trésard. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify | Go to world atlas This is in a series of articles about the Anrel Isles, a significant archipelago in the
Til Til Til, also called Tilpéorr or Delbior, is a city on the River Vildon in Gyeiladde province in southwestern Ororr. For centuries it has been the administrative capital of surrounding region, first as a colonial city of the Kingdom of Deltirot, then the United Duchies of Vildon, and now as modern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Tiómelet Tiómelet Tiómelet [tee-OH-meh-lett] is a city on Lake Tio, in Tekon province of Deltirot, in southern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic *
Toborr Toborr Toborr [toe-BORR] is a historic port city at the mouth of the River Wiyel, the most important port in modern Ororr, and arguably the greatest shipping port in the world. Toborr City lies on an island in the river mouth, but now encompasses a conurbation which surrounds the whole estuary bay, including the city of Therion
Torroramâi Torroramâi Torroramâi (also Tororr, T'amai, [tɔ-ROR-ah-MAH-ee, or simply “The Capital”) is the administrative and religious capital of the modern nation-state of Ororr. Torroramai This is in a series of articles about Torroramai, capital city of the nation of Ororr.viridviridOrorrOrorrviridviridgreenvirid
Traste Traste Traste is the capital city of the Kingdom of Sensatard, also called Northland, being the most northerly of the Anrel Isles. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify | Go to world atlas This is in a series of articles about the Anrel Isles, a significant archipelago in the Natorn Sea. stubs cities sensatard anrel ports capitals
Trobrailat Trobrailat Trobrailat is a prosperous city in the Deltirot region of southern Ororr, famous for its fine ceramics, particularly decorated tiles and tea-ware, which are exported throughout the Civilised World. It is also renowned for cosmetics, also using the fine local clay, as well as perfumes.Ororr
Trokaid Trokaid Trokaid is a city in the Deltirot region of southeastern Ororr. It is the most southerly city on the Green Wiyel accessible by boat, though given its elevation of 2100 m, boats have to pass through numerous locks. The city is located in a valley in the foothills of the Ororr
Tulfi Tulfi Tulfi is capital of the province of Tulf Jhaena, in the autonomous region of Deltirot in Ororr. The city is on the Red Wiyel a city on the Red Wiyel, in the foothills of the Dun Jaen mountains. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Ororr
Tush Tush Tush [Toosh] is a port city and regional capital of the province of Tushal in western Ororr. The city is small and built of sandstone, next to a brackish creek. [Ororr] The city has a small trade in locally grown, low-quality spices such as tida, but its main purpose is as an anchorage for merchants travelling further down the coast.
Ulapor Ulapor Ulapor [ULL-a-poor] is a port city in Merál province of southwestern Ororr, the busiest port on the Ororran coast of the Umber Sea. It is 46 km from the sea on the River Vildon, which links the city with river ports far into the interior. Consequently it is the region's principal trading port, the hub for trade in Gildon's valuable commodities such as fine lumber, minerals, Ororr
Vadem Vadem Vadem [vah-DAYM], also Wadem Vardem, is a settlement on the island of Besoa, which gives its name to the southwestern region of the island. It was once Uoardéim, the wealthy capital city of the Kingdom of Derailad. The ancient city declined after the Battle of Four Kingdoms in 35 ME, when Derailad was annexed by the
Vahltor Vahltor Vahltor is the capital city of Harthera (also: Vultor, Vuhltore; archaic names: Biyahl, Bahl Dorr, Buldoya). It is one of the grandest, wealthiest and most powerful cities in the world, but its surrounding walls limit the city's expansion, creating cramped streets, oppressive towers, poor housing, poverty, disease and squalor in its poorest quarters. It is colloquially known as BMEBMEHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheranHarther…
Vailinn Vailinn Vailinn is a port city at the mouth of the River Wiyel in Ororr. It lies on the east bank of the river, forming a conurbation with the great international port of Toborr, on an island in the main channel. Vailinn was founded in the 8th century BME as an Ensanni imperial city attempting to rival Toborr, but it's shallower harbour, greater regulation and generally more law-abiding and stuffy imperial bureaucracy meant that it has always been eclipsed by its more famous island neighbour…
Veltánro Veltánro Veltánro [vel-TAN-ro] (also Biil-tam-ro [bee-il-TAM-ro) is a port city in the nation of Biinmos in eastern Munatan. Munatan Hover mouse to see more detail | Go to full atlas map This is in a series of articles about Munatan, the temperate region of southern Anásthias. The port has been expanded in the modern 11th century with significant investment from
Waysmeet Waysmeet Waysmeet is a small village in the north of the Kingdom of Trésard in the Anrel Isles. Historically it was an important town, the nexus of five roads travelling south to Rasia and beyond, west to Teranen, northwest to Saria, east to Rana and north to Traste. Anrel Hover/tap image to magnify |
tag/cities.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/14 19:08 (external edit) · []